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Literature Matters: Finding the Magic: The Transformative Potential of Collaboration
Working across cultural difference can open up previously unimagined possibilities
Date: Wednesday, Oct. 25
Time: 7:30 pm
Location: Grace-Westminster United Church Social Hall, 505 - 10th St. E., Saskatoon
Free and open to the public
About this event
A talk by Dr. Kristina Fagan Bidwell (PhD), faculty member in the Department of English and Canada Research Chair in Indigenous Storytelling
While most literary scholars work alone, working collaboratively has the potential to transform our research and even ourselves. Working across cultural difference, while challenging, can open up previously unimagined possibilities. Drawing on her interviews with scholars who have extensive collaborative experience, Bidwell will share stories of how working together can create moments of magic, joy, and personal change.
Literature Matters: Literature in the Community is a lecture series sponsored by the University of Saskatchewan Department of English.
Info: 306-966-1268 | english.department@usask.ca