Free Will and Mad Scientists
A Philosophy in the Community talk by Dr. Dwayne Moore (PhD), faculty member in the Department of Philosophy
Date: Friday, Feb. 9
Time: 7 pm
Location: The Refinery, Emmanuel Anglican Church, 607 Dufferin Ave., Saskatoon
About this event
Do humans have free will, or are humans determined to act as they do? Compatibilists say both; humans are determined to act as they do, but they are still free because they want to act as they do, and are guided by reasons they endorse. The manipulation argument against compatibilism introduces a mad scientist who tweaks our brains such that we not only act as the scientist wishes, but they also makes us want to act this way, and be guided by reasons we endorse. 'Surely we cannot still be free in this case?', or so says the manipulation argument. In this talk I consider, and ultimately reject, various compatibilist responses to the manipulation argument.
Philosophy in the Community is a free lecture and discussion series sponsored by the USask Department of Philosophy. Learn more.
Info: emer.ohagan@usask.ca