MMIWG: Human Trafficking in the Prairie Provinces
A presentation of new research by Dr. Manuela Valle Castro (PhD), Gwen Dueck and Dr. Priscilla Settee (PhD)
Date: Tuesday, Jan. 17
Time: 10 am–12 noon
Location: Gordon Oakes Red Bear Student Centre, 5 Campus Dr., Saskatoon
Free and open to the public
Tickets: Register on Eventbrite
About this event
Dr. Manuela Valle Castro (PhD), Gwen Dueck and Dr. Priscilla Settee (PhD) will present a new research article on the impacts and realities of the present and ongoing crisis of human trafficking in the prairie provinces. This important research was done to examine current system responses to domestic human trafficking of young girls and women within and across Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba.
Hosted by the Office of the Vice-Dean Indigenous, College of Arts and Science
Info: hcp594@usask.ca