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Sir John A is written by Drew Hayden Taylor and directed by Deneh'Cho Thompson

Greystone Theatre: Sir John A

An uproariously funny and sharply inquisitive play from one of Canada’s leading Indigenous playwrights


A live theatre production by the University of Saskatchewan’s Greystone Theatre

Dates: Nov. 23–26 and Nov. 30–Dec. 3 (Preview night: Wednesday, Nov. 23)
Time: 7:30 pm (Nov. 30 matinee: 12 noon)
Location: Emrys Jones Theatre, John Mitchell Building, 118 Science Pl, Saskatoon

Tickets: $22 general; $19 senior; $17 student. Preview tickets available at a lower price.

Purchase tickets online or call 306-966-5188

Notice: All patrons visiting Greystone Theatre in person are required to wear a three-ply disposable mask while in the theatre and in the John Mitchell Building.

Sir John A

By Drew Hayden Taylor

Directed by Deneh'Cho Thompson

Bobby Rabbit, Sir John A’s irked, Anishinaabe main character, in a fit of anger and revenge, convinces his friend Hugh to accompany him on a “sojourn of justice”: to dig up Sir John A. Macdonald’s bones and hold them for ransom. Decades before, a medicine pouch belonging to Bobby’s grandfather was taken away by the staff of the residential school where he was detained. The precious object was sent to a British Museum exhibition room for conservation – and now Bobby wants it repatriated. Along the way the pair pick up Anya, a young, bright, and opinionated woman fleeing a bad breakup, with conflicting ideas about Sir John A’s place in Canadian history. Not to be left out of the argument, Canada’s first Prime Minister, broadcasting live from nineteenth-century Ottawa, shows up with opinions of his own.

See the full Greystone Theatre season:

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Greystone Theatre: Seeds

Oct 10-13, 2024
A portrait of farming and scientific communities in conflict

Staff and Sessionals: THE GREAT CONJUNCTION

Sep 23 - Oct 18, 2024
An exhibition of work by staff and sessional lecturers of the School for the Arts

Discovering the Amatis

Oct 20, 2024
String concert featuring Carissa Klopoushak and Emily Kruspe


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