A Musical Experience with the Amati Quartet
An intimate concert featuring the university’s collection of Amati instruments
Date: Sunday, May 1, 2022
Time: Coffee/tea 10:30 am | Concert 11 am
Location: Diefenbaker Canada Centre, 101 Diefenbaker Place, University of Saskatchewan
Tickets: $25 | Includes admission to the performance, exhibit galleries, and reception (coffee, tea, fruit and cookies)
Purchase tickets online | Limited tickets available
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About this event
The University of Saskatchewan (USask) Department of Music is hosting an intimate concert featuring the university’s collection of Amati instruments, one of the only complete Amati quartets in the world.
After several years without being presented as a quartet, the hand-crafted priceless pieces of history spanning more than 400 years will be featured in an additional concert on Sunday, May 1, 2022, following a sold out April 29 performance.