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Literature Matters Winter 2022

Literature Matters Winter 2022

Our Winter 2022 season details coming soon!


Literature Matters

Talks by members of the Department of English

Winter 2022

Jan 14
Peter Robinson, "Australian Outlaw Tales."

Feb 18
Jenna Hunnef, "A Tribute to Lee Maracle"

Mar 18
Kai Orca McKenzie, "Representations of Hunger in Canadian Trans and Two-Spirit Coming of Age Novels."

April (tbd)
Yvette Nolan and Skye Brandon, Shakespeare on the Saskatchewan panel, organized by Peter Robinson.

Via Zoom, from 3 -4 pm

Details and Eventbrite registration links forthcoming for individual events.

About Literature Matters:

Reading, studying, and talking about literary works helps us to make sense of the world around us. Since 2012, the Department of English has sponsored its literature in the community series, Literature Matters, featuring talks about our research for the Saskatoon community. Presenters are members of the department, including professors, sessional lecturers, and graduate students. All events are held on Wednesdays between September and May at 7:30 p.m. in the social hall of Grace-Westminster United Church, 505-10th Street East, Saskatoon. Everyone is welcome.

For our upcoming Winter 2022 lectures, please watch for our Facebook and front page event postings for more detailed day/time information or contact