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Ernst Logar, "Northfield, Aberdeen", 2008, Inv. Nr. 16.191/2/FW

Artist Talk: Ernst Logar

Nov 1 - 12:00 Noon, Gordon Snelgrove Gallery


Talk begins at 12:00 noon in the Gordon Snelgrove Gallery

Ernst Logar has been conducting research for several years on the social and environmental effects of the global oil-economy. His work was first seen in Saskatoon at the Mendel Art Gallery in the 2012 exhibition: Beneath a Petroliferous Moon. Logar's research has taken him to the Scottish oil town of Aberdeen, the Alberta Tar Sands and he recently participated in the Banff Centre thematic residency: "On Energy." Logar has exhibited his work throughout Austria, Aberdeen, London, Sarajevo, Yokohama, Hong Kong, Paris and Berlin. He has published a number of books, two of which address the victims of the Nazi Party during WWII (2005, 2011), Invisible Oil (2011) and the forthcoming Non Public Spaces in which his documentary practice intervenes and interrogates the regulatory power of corporations and states.