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Mohsen AhiAndy

"Uncertain Familiarity" - Mohsen AhiAndy, MFA Artist Talk

Mohsen AhiAndy (he/him) is an Iranian artist/ designer, currently lives in Saskatoon. His background in industrial design (BDes/MDes) has had an evident impact on his artistic practices.


March 24, 6pm

Mohsen AhiAndy (he/him) is an Iranian artist/ designer, currently lives in Saskatoon. His background in industrial design (BDes/MDes) has had an evident impact on his artistic practices. Mohsen’s artistic production generally maneuvers between two main approaches: studio installations that are mostly made through a trial and experimental process, and outdoor projects and site-specific sculptures that are fabricated through a definite and design process. The visual language Mohsen utilizes in his practice is drawn from the geography of his Iranian upbringing which is filled with memories of a chaotic revolution and the political and social crisis which followed. In Mohsen’s works, alteration of form, structure, physical matter, and material are parts of his instinctive exploration. A process that helps him to understands the notion of his psyche as an independent meaningful object cluttered with layers of complicated realities.

AhiAndy Artist Talk