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Alison Thompson

Chemistry Weekly Seminar - Dr. Alison Thompson, Dalhousie University

Dr. Alison Thompson, Professor in the Department of Chemistry, Dalhousie University will present a seminar at 1:30 p.m. via Zoom.



Synthetic manipulations of pyrroles, BODIPYs and aza-BODIPYs


Pyrroles are ubiquitous – heme, chlorophyll and block-buster drugs. Complexes of dipyrroles are extensive, with the most common involving boron. Dipyrrinato complexes of the –BF2 unit are termed BODIPYs. Aza-dipyrrins bear a nitrogen atom at the meso position, and their –BF2 complexes are known as aza-BODIPYs. These compounds exhibit desirable photochemical properties, and have broad use across chemical biology and materials science.

This talk will focus on efficient synthesis of pyrroles, BODIPYs and aza-BODIPYs, describing research progress towards provide practical and efficient routes to complexes with tunable and robust physical and electronic properties. The synthesis of –BCl2 complexes will be discussed, as will nucleophilic substitution and deprotection at boron.

Date:       Friday, January 22, 2021

Time:      1:30 p.m.

Via Zoom video conference (link available by request to