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Leah Rosenberg Mono/Chromatic

Leah Rosenberg Mono/Chromatic

Leah Rosenberg Mono/Chromatic


 Curator, Leah Taylor

ForEveryday, A Colour, Rosenberg re-visited places from her childhood growing up in Saskatoon, reflecting on landmarks and changes 
of season. She also considered larger frameworks, such as the rapidly changing cityscape, and local Modernist painting histories. She has recorded her immediate surroundings by adding a new layer 
of coloured paint to the walls each day for thirty consecutive days, creating an immersive, temporal installation. The geometric forms that were created by masking off an area, expose a visual map alluding to a topographic geography of Saskatchewan.

Rosenberg has chronologically listed and named each colour in a key as a way to offer hints or subtext. From the cement colour of Lion’s Skatepark to the colour of Wild Blue Flax (at night), her colour selections highlight moments that might otherwise be overlooked in the everyday beyond 
the walls of the gallery.  

Traces of her activity remain evident in the materiality of the paint’s thickness and coloured drips. The repetitive act of (re)painting the space each day also became performative. With a 
playful, yet orderly and regimented activity, the gallery-turned-studio became a kind of landscape painting or a calendar…a map for the city, about the city.