Kevin Schneider appointed Interim Associate Vice-President Research
Former Arts & Science vice-dean takes on new role in OVPR
Kevin Schneider, faculty member and former head of the Department of Computer Science, has been appointed as interim Associate Vice-President Research (AVPR), effective July 1, 2016. This appointment is expected to continue until a new AVPR has been hired.
Schneider has been working as a special advisor, Information Communications and Technology Research for the Office of the Vice-President Research (OVPR) and as the director of the Software Engineering Research Lab since July 2012, making him well versed in the U of S discovery mission. Before joining the OVPR, he was the Vice-Dean (Science) for the College of Arts & Science and served as Acting Chief Information Officer and Associate Vice- President Information Technology in 2011–2012.
Schneider's research investigates models, notations and techniques that are designed to assist software project teams develop and evolve large, interactive and usable systems. He is particularly interested in approaches that encourage team creativity and collaboration.