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SCYAP Urban Canvas Project XI

Special Reception: SCYAP Urban Canvas Project XI

Artists and special guests will be present for SCYAP closing reception


Special Reception: SCYAP Urban Canvas Project XI

Artists and special guests will be present at the closing ceremonies for :
Cats, Ninjas, Mermaids, Serial killers and Poutine
Saskatoon Community Youth Arts Programming (SCYAP) Artists: Sam Bird, Lenny Bolton, Tristan Favel, Keesha Johnstone, Lisa Lam, Chlarissa Martell, Winona Poochay, Hope Rosie, Chris Scott, Alexander Zimmerman

Please join us:
Friday, May 20, 10 a.m. to 12 p.m.
Gordon Snelgrove Gallery, 191 Murray Bldg.
phone: 306-966-4208 email:

Saskatoon Community Youth Arts Programming Inc (SCYAP) Urban Canvas Project XI is a job training program which employs “at risk” youth for 34 weeks, utilizing art training to build confidence, dedication and other skills necessary to be successful in the workplace. This show marks the completion of the program, and offers the participants an opportunity to display the work they completed throughout the year; artwork that speaks to their own artistic vision.

Please join us for the Closing Ceremonies and Special Reception: Friday May 20, 10am. This will be a very special time for these youth; they will feel pride like never before. Havingyour support on their special day will only add to what could be and for most will be, the proudest day of their young lives.

Special Guests:
• His Worship Mayor Don Atchison
• Honourable Gord Wyant, Attorney General and Minister of Justice
• Honourable Jennifer Campeau, Minister of Central Services
• John Lagimodiere , Founder Eagle Feather News
• MLAs Paul Merriman, Bronwyn Eyre and David Forbes
• MPs Sheri Benson, Kevin Waugh and Kelly Block
• City Councillors Randy Donauer and Charlie Clark
• Saskatoon Police Chief Clive Weighill

Upcoming Events

Allison Hrabluik: The Splits

May 17 - Aug 30, 2024
A video work intersecting documentary and fiction

Jeff Thomas: I Refuse to be Invisible

May 10 - Sep 27, 2024
Photos exploring historical and contemporary representations of Indigenous identity


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