David Kaplan Collection
400 musical instruments gathered world wide.
The David Kaplan Collection contains over 400 musical instruments gathered world wide, and is currently displayed in the Department of Music at the University of Saskatchewan. The collection includes instruments from the four primary instrument groups: 1) idiophones, self-sounding instruments such as rattles, lamellaphones, wood blocks, and bells; 2) chordophones [strings], instruments that produce sound through the activation [plucking, bowing, etc.] of a stretched string; 3) membranophones [drums], instruments that produce sound through the vibration of a stretched head; and 4) aerophones [winds], instruments that produce sound by the disturbance [flutes] or interruption [reeds, brass] of a stream of air. These instruments represent global music traditions from East, Central, Southeast, South, and West Asia, Sub-Saharan Africa, North America, South America, the Caribbean, and Oceania.