AskUS: Student Forum for TransformUS Questions


Attention Arts & Science students! 

The What: The ASSU and the College of Arts and Science are hosting a short Q&A forum, AskUS. The nature of the questions should regard concerns pertaining to TransformUS

The Why: As fellow members of the student society here in the College of Arts and Science, the ASSU understands your concerns of TransformUS. The Office of the Dean of A&S and the ASSU would like to help you make sense of this transformation the University is undertaking

The When: January 22nd at 4pm going until about 5pm

The Where: Neatby-Timlin lecture hall (Arts 241)

The Who: The ASSU will be hosting the general Q&A’s. The Dean of the Arts and Science College, Peter Stoicheff, will be there to answer questions you may have directly for him or for any questions that you have for us that he may have a more in-depth understanding of

Please come out January 22 at 4 pm in Neatby-Timlin Lecture hall (Arts 241) and AskUS