Destination Downtown: A Public Conversation
Join His Worship Mayor Charlie Clark, Larry Beasley CM, FCIP and visiting expert panelists for a far-reaching discussion about building a vibrant downtown Saskatoon
Councillor Cynthia Block and Zoe Hagen, USask regional and urban planning student, will be kicking off this event to discuss how we can build a vibrant downtown Saskatoon!
Tuesday, March 12
7 pm
Remai Modern (Theatre), 102 Spadina Cres. E.
Free and open to the public
This event is presented by the City of Saskatoon, Downtown Saskatoon, the University of Saskatchewan Regional and Urban Planning Program, and Great Places.
Info: ryan.walker@usask.ca
Michael Flanigan
Real estate and development leader focusing on social and affordable housing, as well as entrepreneurial deployment of public property
Larry Beasley, CM, FCIP
International leader in downtown planning and urban design
His Worship Mayor Charlie Clark
Mayor of Saskatoon
Cathy Grant
Vancouver-based urban development leader and housing sales and marketing specialist with a long interest in culture (Coromandel Properties, Vancouver Symphony)
Mark Kristmanson
Public property development and assets management leader with a focus on partnerships, Indigenous participation and public engagement
Michael White, MCIP
Urban planner with a specialty in entrepreneurial planning and development management of publicly owned precincts