Don Kerr wins Saskatoon Arts Award
2018 Kenny Shields Special Recognition Award
Former English department faculty member Don Kerr will receive the Saskatoon Musician’s Association Kenny Shields Award for contributions to the professional arts. The award will be presented at the Bassment Jazz Club in Saskatoon on Oct. 4 as part of the Saskatoon Musicians’ Association annual Gala Showcase event.
When informed of being the recipient of the award Kerr said, "I couldn't be more delighted to receive an award associated with music." adding, "jazz is the music I've loved all my life."
In Kerr's literary career, 44-years as an English professor at the University of Saskatchewan, former provincial poet laureate, historian, editor, and playwright, Don has authored five books of poetry, including his most musically notable compilation "Talkin Basie," based on the autobiography of the legendary jazzman Count Basie published in 1990.
I used to write a lot of those jazz poems in the dark... I had to look at them the next day of course," Kerr said.
Several plays of Kerr's have been heard on C.B.C. radio over the years, and the one musical he has penned so far with music written by Angie Tysseland, "Tune Town," was mounted by the Saskatoon's Persephone Theatre in 2006, one year before he was awarded the Saskatchewan Order of Merit.