International and Indigenous Research Forum
University of Waikato and U of S faculty members will present on their research and its Indigenous context
Wahkotownina é osihtáhk / Creating Relationships
Indigenous knowledge sharing between the University of Waikato, New Zealand, and the University of Saskatchewan
Date: Aug. 31, 2018
Time: 8:30 am - 11:30 am
Location: Quance Theatre (Room 1003), College of Education Building
Cost: None
Click here to register.
This forum will engage researchers from the University of Waikato and University of Saskatchewan in the exploration of international and Indigenous research collaborations. Following a morning breakfast and welcome, faculty members from each university will give brief and engaging presentations on their research and its Indigenous context and narrative.
Topics may include: decolonizing research methodologies with Indigenous peoples, traditional knowledge and Māori child-rearing practices, Takatāpui and Māori LGBTQI health and wellness, conceptual frameworks that reclaim ancestral knowledges and decolonizing emotions and addressing trauma.
University of Waikato presentations (2):
- Dr. Linda Tuhiwai Smith (Professor, Faculty of Māori and Indigenous Studies)
- Dr. Leonie Pihama (Associate Professor, Director, Te Kotahi Research Institute)
University of Saskatchewan presentations (4):
- Dr. Margaret Kovach (Professor, Educational Foundations, College of Education)
- Dr. Michelle Johnson-Jennings (Associate Professor, Department of Indigenous Studies, College of Arts and Science) & Dr. Derek Jennings (Assistant Professor, Community Health and Epidemiology, College of Medicine)
- Dr. Jaime Lavallee (Assistant Professor, College of Law)
- Dr. Carrie Bourassa (Scientific Director, Institute of Indigenous Peoples' Health, CIHR)
This event will be livestreamed: https://artsandscience.usask.ca/waikato