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“The unexamined life is not worth living.”

Philosophy in the Community: Are Emotions Irrational?

A free talk by Dwayne Moore


Philosophy in the Community
A free lecture and discussion series

Are Emotions Irrational?
by Dwayne Moore, Assistant Professor, Department of Philosophy

Friday, March 9, 2018
7:00 pm
The Refinery, basement of Emmanuel Anglican Church, 609 Dufferin Ave.)

Ken is afraid of flying, even though he knows it is safe. Jen is falling for John, even though she knows he isn’t right for him. Are emotions irrational? Is there a great chasm between the heart and the head? Or, perhaps emotions are rational? Perhaps the heart has its own reasons? In this talk, I will briefly define ‘rational’, and then assess whether emotions are rational or not according to this definition. I conclude that emotions bear marks of both rationality and irrationality.

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