Literature Matters: Reading the Great Lynx, Mishipeshu: Place-based Identity in Anishinaabe Literature

Adar Charlton explores Indigenous Anishinaabe literature in the form of pictographs, birch bark scrolls, oral stories, and contemporary events.


Reading the Great Lynx, Mishipeshu:

Place-based Identity in Anishinaabe Literature by Adar Charlton

Wednesday, Nov. 22, 2017   |   7:30 pm

Grace-Westminster United Church

Social Hall, 505 10th Street East

How does literature matter in our connections to place? What role does literature play in settler and Indigenous relationships to land? Come see this month's talk, which will explore Indigenous Anishinaabeg literature in the form of pictographs, birch bark scrolls, oral stories, film, and contemporary events, to find out.