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Learn. Play. Make your own game

Game Jam

Learn. Make. Play your own game


Game Jam

Nov. 17 - 19
Thorv 271

Game Jam is held twice a year with the goal of providing game enthusiasts a space to be creative together and make games. This is an opportunity to get together with like-minded enthusiasts to explore interesting or novel game ideas by creating a game from scratch over the weekend. The event is attended by programmers, artists, musicians, designers, and beginners with no prior experience.

  • Learn game development tools such as Unity
  • Develop a game from scratch in only 48 hours
  • Play games created by other participants

Everyone is welcome to attend; all skill levels can participate.

More information, visit

Upcoming Events

Allison Hrabluik: The Splits

May 17 - Aug 30, 2024
A video work intersecting documentary and fiction

Jeff Thomas: I Refuse to be Invisible

May 10 - Sep 27, 2024
Photos exploring historical and contemporary representations of Indigenous identity


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