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Learn. Play. Make your own game

Game Jam

Learn. Make. Play your own game


Game Jam

Nov. 17 - 19
Thorv 271

Game Jam is held twice a year with the goal of providing game enthusiasts a space to be creative together and make games. This is an opportunity to get together with like-minded enthusiasts to explore interesting or novel game ideas by creating a game from scratch over the weekend. The event is attended by programmers, artists, musicians, designers, and beginners with no prior experience.

  • Learn game development tools such as Unity
  • Develop a game from scratch in only 48 hours
  • Play games created by other participants

Everyone is welcome to attend; all skill levels can participate.

More information, visit

Upcoming Events

MFA Exhibition: Aurora Wolfe

Sep 9-20, 2024
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Medieval Times with the Museum of Antiquities

Sep 21, 2024
Games, crafts, combat and sensational stories fit for the whole family

Insights and Experiences for Success in Tech for Visible Minority Women

Sep 25, 2024
This public lecture will feature speaker Samaneh Movassaghi in this Department of Computer Science Seminar Series


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