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Professor Andrei Smolyakov

Andrei Smolyakov named associate editor of AIP Physics of Plasmas

Physics professor joins editorial team of prominent research journal


Andrei Smolyakov, a professor in the Department of Physics and Engineering Physics, has joined the editorial team of the American Institute of Physics journal Physics of Plasmas.  He has been named topical associate editor in the areas of theoretical and computational plasma physics for the magnetic fusion and nonlinear phenomena sections.

Professor Smolyakov's research interests include basic plasma physics with applications to magnetic fusion, space and ionosphere, laboratory plasmas and electric propulsion. He received his MSc and PhD from the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, Russia. He has co-authored over 65 papers with Physics of Plasmas and is a Fellow of the American Physical Society, a senior member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, and a professional engineer registered in the Province of Saskatchewan. He is currently serving as a co-chair of the International Congress on Plasma Physics 2018.

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