Melanie Authier and Robert Enright in conversation
Talk in the Gordon Snelgrove Gallery
I believe my work references and, at times, wrestles with the after-burn of painting’s past, art history with a capital “A.” It also works to carve out a space for itself in current dialogues and continues to look ahead at painting’s potential. So my preoccupying question is, “Where do we go from here?”
- Melanie Authier, 2015
I am convinced that you can’t be a good painter and not be intelligent. [... Authier’s] methodology covers painting’s conceptual side and her process produces its optical dimension. There is no other way to put it: she makes beautiful paintings. Robert Enright, “Painting’s Enticing Entanglements,” in the catalogue on Melanie Authier entitled Contrarieties & Counterpoints, 2016, pg. 43.
This conversation is being hosted by the College Galleries in conjunction with the exhibition: Melanie Authier: Contrarieties & Counterpoints / Contrariétés et Contrepoints, May 12 – August 19, 2017, opening reception: Friday, May 12, 7:30pm.
Talk starts at 12 noon – in the Snelgrove Gallery