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Artwork by Jean-Sebastian Gauthier

Exhibition: Dans la Mesure /Within Measure by Jean-Sébastien Gauthier

An artist uses the synchrotron beam line to create an exhibition that merges art and science


Dans la Mesure /Within Measure:
An immersive video installation and experimental ArtScience exhibition by Jean-Sébastien Gauthier

When: April 17 to 28, 2017
Monday to Friday 9:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Reception: April 27, 7-10 p.m.
Where: Gordon Snelgrove Gallery, Room 191, Murray Building, U of S

Adopting diverse forms of inquiry, Saskatoon-based new media artist and sculptor Jean-Sébastien Gauthier presents Dans la Mesure /Within Measure, an immersive video installation and ArtScience exhibition created in collaboration with Dr. Brian Eames, a professor in the College of Medicine. This exhibition presents new works inspired by a year-long artist research residency in Dr. Eames's laboratory in the Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology and the Canadian Light Source Synchrotron (Saskatoon).

The exhibition explores concepts of evolution, developmental biology and the complexity of our shared genetic heritage with other life forms.  Cutting edge 3-D synchrotron radiation imaging techniques were used to create interactive representations of zebrafish, tiny and robust model organisms used in genetic medical research due to homologous evolutionary traits to humans. 

The first of its kind, this research project sets new precedents as the first historical instance in Canada of an artist being granted synchrotron beam time at the Canadian Light Source with artistic inquiry and aesthetic experimentation as the primary objective.

Dans la Mesure /Within Measure was made possible through the generous support of the Canada Council for the Arts.

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