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Sat September 23, 2023

Today's Events

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Sep 2023

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Upcoming Events

A 3,427.5 hour long string quartet: why, how, and why again?

Sep 24, 2023

A talk and performance in the Fine Arts Research Lecture Series (FARLS) in Music

Elixir Ensemble: Trees by Northern Waters

Sep 27, 2023

Premièring a new composition for piano quartet by Saskatoon composer Daniel Regnier

2023 Gail Appel Lecture: Dee Daniels

Oct 13, 2023

Answering the Call of Spirit is the topic of Dee Daniel's upcoming free public talk

Play it Forward

Oct 13, 2023

A collaborative musical showcase between three USask Department of Music ensembles

Discovering the Amatis

Oct 15, 2023

A concert series that gives you an opportunity to hear the beauty of 17th-century rare instruments live