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Tue September 10, 2019

Today's Events

No events scheduled today

Sep 2019

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Upcoming Events

Concert and David L. Kaplan Bust Dedication

Sep 13, 2019

A free evening of music in celebration of Dr. David L. Kaplan (PhD)

USask Against Racism

Sep 18, 2019

Join members of the USask community to rock against racism during an all-ages concert at Louis' Pub

Music and the Visionary

Sep 27-28, 2019

Department of Music to host interdisciplinary conference Sept. 27-28, 2019

Music and the Visionary: Barbara Croall’s Thoughts and Music

Sep 27, 2019

Part of the Music and the Visionary conference and the Fine Arts Research Lecture Series in Music

Play it Forward

Oct 4, 2019

A collaborative musical showcase by the USask Jazz Ensemble, Greystone Singers and Wind Orchestra.