Scholarships & Awards

Award winners at the 2024 annual English Undergraduate Awards Reception.

Listed below are the scholarships and awards designated for English majors and/or which are adjudicated by the Department of English. Questions regarding these awards may be directed to Awards for which applications are required appear in order of due date.

For information on more general scholarships, awards, and bursaries, see the pages of the University of Saskatchewan and of the College of Arts & Science.

Linda and Ron Fritz Graduate Scholarship in English

Value $2,000 minimum
Number offered 1
Eligibility Open to students who have completed an undergraduate degree with a major or specialization in English at the University of Saskatchewan. To be eligible, students must:
  • Have obtained a cumulative average of at least 80% in their degree studies in English.
  • Provide evidence that they have been admitted into a graduate degree program in English in England or Scotland.
Selection Criteria Academic achievement
Donor Librarian Emerita Linda Fritz & Professor Ron Fritz
Apply To apply, submit a brief statement of your suitability to, along with evidence of your graduate program admission.
Deadline June 30
Website Listing

S Bychinsky Award for Excellence in Creative or Critical Writing

Value Varies, minimum $1,000
Number offered Varies
Eligibility Open to second and third-year undergraduate students in the College of Arts and Science, and first-year students after the completion of term-one in the regular session.
Selection Criteria Selection is based on academic excellence in Creative or Critical Writing courses, as determined by the Award Committee.
Donor Dr. Wilfred Bychinsky
Apply No application required. For more information, contact, Administrative Support Group Student Awards in the College of Arts and Science.
Website Listing

The Ronald and Mary Dyck Memorial Award

Value $1,000
Number offered 2

Open to students entering their third or fourth year of study toward a Bachelor of Arts degree majoring in English. To be eligible, students must::

  • have graduated from a high school in a Saskatchewan city or town with less than 100,000 residents.:
    • submit an essayof no more than 750 words on the value of a liberal arts education in modern society.
Selection Criteria Selection will be based upon the merits of the submitted essays.
Apply Apply through PAWS and submit your essay to the Administrative Support Group in the College of Arts and Science.

For more information on eligibility requirements, application procedures, and deadlines, contact the Administrative Support Group in the College of Arts and Science.
Deadline October 1
Website Listing

Hannon Scholarships

Value $5,000
Number offered Several

Open to third and fourth year English majors in a Bachelor of Arts Four-Year or Honours degree program.

Selection Criteria Selection is based on academic achievement, university, college, and community involvement, and character.
Donor The late Judge J.W. Hannon in honour of the memory of his father, the Rev. James Hannon, D.D. who was a minister of the Methodist Church for 48 years.
To apply, complete the online application in the Scholarships and Bursaries channel in PAWS, and submit a character reference and CV to Your referee may choose to email the letter of reference directly.
Deadline October 1
Website Listing

Mary Lou Ogle Award for the Study of Communications

Value Varies, approximately $5,000
Number offered 1

Students must be entering the third or fourth year of a Bachelor of Arts degree program with a major in English. To be eligible, students must:

  • be residents of Saskatchewan
  • be graduates of a Saskatchewan high school
  • submit an essay of approximately 500 words outlining career intentions within the field of communications
  • demonstrate financial need
Selection Criteria Financial need
Donor This award, established in memory of Mary Lou Ogle, is an endowment held and administered by the Saskatoon Community Foundation.
Apply Apply through PAWS and submit your essay to the Administrative Support Group in the College of Arts and Science.

For more information on eligibility requirements, application procedures, and deadlines, contact the Administrative Support Group in the College of Arts and Science.
Deadline October 1
Website Listing

Hannon Travel Scholarships

Value $7,000
Number offered 5 (Number may vary)
Eligibility Hannon Travel Scholarships will be awarded annually to students in English, Home Economics and Nutrition, and Theology*. To be eligible, students must be in the graduating year of their program and must have completed a minimum of 18 credit units in the previous year's Regular Session. Selection will be based on the merit of the travel proposal, involvement in university, college and community activities, and character. Academic achievement may be taken into consideration. In order to claim the Scholarship, once awarded, the recipient must undertake the travel identified in the proposal within one year.
Selection Criteria Merit of the travel proposal, involvement in university, college, and community activities, and character.
Donor The late Judge J.W. Hannon in honour of the memory of his father, the Rev. James Hannon, D.D. who was a minister of the Methodist Church for 48 years.
Apply Submit the Hannon Travel Scholarship application through PAWS.
Deadline December 1

 J. B. McGeachy Prize in English

Value Approximate $800
Number offered 1
Eligibility Awarded annually in April to the author of a work or works of journalism published by a student of the University in any media, such as the press, radio, or television, during the twelve months immediately preceding the closing date of the competition. A committee, which will include a practicing journalist, will be appointed by the Department of English to judge the entries. The award must be accepted in some form, approved by the Department of English in consultation with the winner, which will encourage the furtherance of a career in journalism. For example, the award might be used to purchase equipment, such as a camera, or to cover expenses of a research project or tuition in a School of Journalism.
Donor Dr. Barbara McGeachy in memory of her brother J.B. McGeachy.
Apply Submit a summary of experience and two published works. Contact the Administrative Support Group in the College of Arts and Science at for additional information.
Deadline May 15
Website Listing

Avie Bennett Prize in Canadian Literature

Value Approximately $700 & a set of new Canadian library books
Number offered 1
Eligibility Awarded to the student who writes the best undergraduate essay in Canadian literature.
Selection criteria Submitted essay
Donor Bennett Family Foundation (McClelland and Stewart Inc.).

Apply through the Scholarships and Bursaries channel. For more information, contact Student Awards,, with the Administrative Support Group in the College of Arts and Science.

Deadline May 15
Website Listing

The Yuans Award in Canadian Literature

Value $500
Number offered 1
Eligibility Open to continuing undergraduate students majoring in English, who have completed at least 6 credits in Canadian literature. To be eligible, students must submit an essay on Canadian Literature written for a class at the University of Saskatchewan.
Selection criteria Selection will be based upon academic achievement and the merits of the submitted essay, as determined by the Award Committee.
Apply Apply through the Scholarships and Bursaries channel. For more information, contact Student Awards,, with the Administrative Support Group in the College of Arts and Science.
Donor Changming Yuan
Deadline May 15
Website Listing

Peter T. Millard Scholarship

Value $1,000-$3,000 (value varies)
Eligibility Offered annually to an undergraduate student registered in any college who has undertaken scholarly work related to gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender and/or human rights issues. Selection will be based on:
  1. the grade assigned to the submitted work.
  2. the quality of the submission as compared to all other eligible applications.
Preference will be given to students who have undertaken scholarly work related to gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender issues.
Selection criteria The merits of the submitted work.
Donor Faculty, staff and students of the U of S and other individuals and/or organizations from the community at large.
Apply Application for Continuing Scholarships along with the submission of one of the following: an essay, report, short story, play, art portfolio or individual class project completed for a U of S course in which the mark assigned to the submission makes up at least 10% of the final grade for a full class or 20% of the final grade for a half class. Submission must be based on gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender and/or human rights issues. At the time of application candidates must also submit a letter from the instructor identifying the mark assigned to the submission and what percentage of the final grade the assigned mark represents.
Deadline June 1
Website Listing

M.J. Coldwell Prize in Canadian Affairs

Value $1,000
Number offered 12
Eligibility Offered annually to full-time and part-time students with the highest academic achievement on any 18 credit units dealing with any of the following areas of study:
  • Canadian economic affairs,
  • Canadian government,
  • Canadian history,
  • Canadian literature.
  • The courses do not have to be taken in the same academic session;
  • a student is eligible for the prize in the year in which the final credit units in the above areas of study is successfully completed.
  • Students must be of scholarship calibre.
  • Students may receive the Prize a second time provided they complete an additional 18 credit units in the designated areas.
Selection Criteria Academic Achievement
Donor Dr. Hugh MacLean, formerly of Regina
Apply Application for Continuing Scholarships along with a brief written statement listing at least 18 credit units of relevant courses taken as well as a description of these courses.
Deadline June 1

Reginald J.G. Bateman Scholarship in English

Value Varies, minimum $1,000
Apply No application required. For more information, contact, Administrative Support Group Student Awards in the College of Arts and Science.
Website Listing

R.A. Wilson Memorial Scholarship

Value $600
Number offered 1
Eligibility Offered annually to a student who is proceeding to the fourth year of an Honours Program in English or Philosophy. Selection will be based on academic achievement. The Departments of English and Philosophy will submit recommendations.
Selection criteria Academic achievement

No application required. For more information, contact, Administrative Support Group Student Awards in the College of Arts and Science.

Roscoe R. Miller Scholarship 

Value $500
Number offered 1
Eligibility Awarded to a student in the third or fourth year in an Honours Geography or Honours English program who, in the previous year, achieved the highest standing in the program. The award may also be made to a student who, in the third or fourth year, is concentrating in subjects in Honours Geography or Honours English and who, in the previous year, achieved high standing in the program or in these subjects
Selection criteria Academic achievement

No application required. For more information, contact, Administrative Support Group Student Awards in the College of Arts and Science.

Award for Excellence in English Studies

Value $1,000 (minimum)
Number offered One
Eligibility Open to undergraduate English majors and Double majors graduating with a Bachelor of Arts 3-year, 4-year, and Honours degree.
Selection criteria Selection will be based on the top overall academic average at both fall and spring convocations, as determined by the Award Committee.
Donor Dr. Lisa Vargo and Dr. Wendy Roy

No application required. For more information, contact, Administrative Support Group Student Awards in the College of Arts and Science.

Edward McCourt Fellowship

Value Approximately $2,500

Open to graduate students in the Department of English.

Selection is based on the best qualified graduate student in the department and may be held in addition to a teaching assistantship or graduate scholarship.

Donor Established by students, colleagues, and friends of Professor Edward McCourt, member of the Department of English from 1944-1972. He died on January 6, 1972.

No application. Graduate students who meet the requirements are automatically up for consideration. For more information, contact the Administration Support Group in the College of Arts and Science at