Dr. Umut Oguzoglu, University of Manitoba - Janaury 19, 2018
Dr. Umut Oguzoglu, University of Manitoba, will present a seminar at 4:00 PM in Arts 807
January 19, 2018
Dr. Umut Oguzoglu, University of Manitoba, will present a seminar at 4:00 PM in Arts 807
Seminar Title: "How Far is Too Far? The Effect of Physician Relocation on Healthcare Utilisation and Health Outcomes"
Abstract: Many rural regions are medically underserved, and are frequently characterized by high turnover of medical staff, with many physicians fulfilling return-of-service agreements and no intention to stay. This paper investigates the effects of changes in the distance to primary care physicians on health visits using a unique administrative dataset that covers the entire population of Manitoba, Canada from 1970 to 2013. The longitudinal nature of the data allows tracking patients, non-users and doctors, and thereby to be more specific about the source of the distance change. We also explore the role of continuity of primary care controlling for distance. Finally, we measure the health impact of distance to healthcare by examining hospitalisations for conditions deemed to be avoidable with appropriate primary care and contrast that with hospitalisation due to injuries.
*This lecture is based on a joint article between Dr. Umut Oguzoglu and Dr. Julia Witt (University of Manitoba)