
The Cognition and Neuroscience Graduate stream is intended for students who wish to focus primarily on basic research and theoretical issues as opposed to applied training. The program currently offers graduate training in cognitive science and neuroscience.

About Cognition and Neuroscience

Cognition and Neuroscience is flourishing at the University of Saskatchewan.  With ongoing programs of research in areas such as reasoning, attention, memory, perception, multisensory integration, reading, laterality, cognitive evolution, spatial ability and interpersonal coordination, the cognition and neuroscience faculty have a lot to offer both undergraduate and graduate students. Listed below are faculty members and some of the research labs in the Cognition and Neuroscience stream.


We have nine faculty members working in the area of Cognition and Neuroscience, each with a different area of interest and research.  Our faculty actively collaborate with other faculty in the Department of Psychology and Health Studies as well as the Psychology faculty at St. Thomas Moore College. 

Research Labs

Cognitive Science Lab

The Cognitive Science Laboratory has seen many Undergraduate, Honours, Master's and Doctoral students pass through its doors. Laboratory Alumni have gone on to pursue employment or further training as (among other things) speech therapists, clinical psychologists, social workers, and research assistants. Under the supervision of Dr. Campbell or Dr. Thompson, other students have completed their graduate training and have gone on to prestigious Post-Doctoral placements and faculty positions at other Canadian universities.

Brain in Action & Interaction Lab (BrAIn Lab)

Undergraduate, graduate, and postdoctoral researchers in the BrAIn Lab work together with Dr. Janeen Loehr to examine the cognitive and neural mechanisms underlying people’s ability to perform actions alone and in coordination with other people. Recent projects have examined the mechanisms that allow people to a) precisely time their actions (e.g., to achieve the precise synchrony of ensemble music performance), b) monitor their own and others’ actions to ensure that shared goals are achieved, and c) maintain a sense of agency or control over their actions when coordinating with others. Research in the BrAIn lab employs a multi-method approach that includes experimental manipulations and quantitative measurement (including the use of EEG to measure brain activity from multiple individuals simultaneously) as well as qualitative research techniques.


Cognitive Neuroscience Lab: Perception & Language, Neuroimaging

Students in the Cognitive Neuroscience Lab work with Dr. Ron Borowsky on topics that focus on Perception and Language, and Cognitive Neuroimaging. The lab offers exciting training opportunities for undergraduate, graduate, and post-doctoral students in both basic behavioural cognitive science (through experiments on topics such as speech perception and production, unconscious perception, reading, and semantic memory) and neuroimaging of these processes. Students can combine their interests in these topics to various degrees, and former graduates and post-docs have successfully landed faculty positions in Canada and the US, as well as other careers that fit their specific interests (e.g., MD, Speech and Language Pathology, Clinical Cognitive Neuroimaging, Neuropsychometry, Law).


Memory Lab

Research in our laboratory is aimed at advancing the experimental literature on memory as well as extending this research to more applied settings. In general, we focus on factors that produce memory accuracy and inaccuracy across the lifespan. Recently, we have examined the effects of practice on recalling remembered events, the effects of omitting information from practice, false serial position effects, and false memories. In terms of extending laboratory-based memory research to more applied settings, we examine forensic or eyewitness memory (e.g., accuracy of children's testimony), the role memory plays in health-related issues (e.g., effects of dysphoria and depression on the forgetting of negative autobiographical memories), and individual differences in memory. Currently, we are conducting a study that examines how children remember and forget painful experiences. Understanding children's memory for distressful and painful events will aid in the development of a memory-based intervention that will help children cope more effectively with future painful experiences.

Neurocognition & Psychophysics Lab

The Neurocognition & Psychophysics lab employs a cognitive neuroscientific approach to study the cognitive and cortical mechanisms underlying perception, attention, sensorimotor integration, and multisensory processing. We combine traditional research methods from cognitive psychology and psychophysics with sophisticated research methods using eye tracking, motion capture, and a type of noninvasive brain stimulation called transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS).

Brain Health Lab

Dr. Marla Mickleborough’s Brain Health lab explores how health related factors (such as sleep, exercise, stress, mindfulness meditation, migraine, concussion) influence cognitive outcomes (such as visual spatial attention).  We are currently interested in understanding the role that cortical excitability plays in cognition, specifically focusing on cortical excitability in migraine and concussion.  The Brain Health lab has utilized a variety of techniques as appropriate including fMRI, EEG, reaction time measures, surveys, and qualitative interviews.  Lab alumni have gone on to pursue employment or further training in medical school, graduate school, and as research assistants.

Programs of Study

In the Cognition and Neuroscience stream, the Master's degree requires at least 12 credit units and a thesis. The Master's thesis research will be designed in consultation with each student's advisory committee early in Year 1. One goal of the Master's thesis research is the production of a "publishable unit" of substantial research in the first year of study.

After the first year in the Master’s program, some students transfer into the Ph.D. program. This requires successful completion of 9 cu's and a qualifying examination. The document presenting the Year 1 research constitutes the qualifying exam for transfer to Ph.D. The qualifying examination will be written in the format of a paper to be submitted for publication following the American Psychological Association style (with any necessary appendices requested by the committee). Advisory committee members will evaluate the examination paper. The paper will not be filed with the College of Graduate Studies and Research, nor with the University Library, but a Departmental copy will be retained. Students who qualify, based on course and research performance, will be recommended for transfer to the Ph.D. program.

For students who do not transfer to Ph.D. studies, the Year 1 research normally will become part of the Master's thesis to be completed in the second year.

For students who do transfer to the Ph.D., the research conducted in connection with the qualifying exam normally will become part of the Ph.D. dissertation.

In addition to the dissertation, the Ph.D. requires completion of at least six additional credit units of coursework beyond that required for the Master's degree and a doctoral candidacy assessment. For students who transfer to the Ph.D. program after the first year of studies, the minimum period to complete the program is two years. Recommendation for transfer to Ph.D. will be accompanied by a new program of study corresponding to the requirements for the Ph.D.


Example curriculum for students entering at the Master's level and transferring to the PhD program

Year 1

PSY 805.3 Statistics I Univariate General Linear Models.

Two 3 cu. courses selected in consultation with the student's advisory committee.

Complete Master's research project and transfer to Ph.D. program.

Year 2

Two or three 3 cu. courses selected in consultation with student's advisory committee.

It is recommended that students take PSY 807.3 Multivariate Analysis of Variance as one of these 3 cu. these courses. Note that PSY 807 is only offered every other year.

Dissertation research.

Year 3 

One or two 3 cu. courses selected in consultation with student's advisory committee.

The Doctoral Candidacy Assessment must be completed by the end of Year 3, after required coursework is complete.

Dissertation research.

Year 4

Completion of Dissertation.


Example curriculum for students entering the PhD program with a completed Master’s degree

Year 1

PSY 805.3 Statistics I Univariate General Linear Models or PSY 807.3 Multivariate Analysis of Variance. Note that PSY 807 is only offered every other year.

One 3 cu. course selected in consultation with the students' advisory committee.

Dissertation research.

Year 2

The Doctoral Candidacy Assessment must be completed by the end of Year 2, after required coursework is complete.

Dissertation research.

Year 3 

Dissertation research.

Year 4

Completion of Dissertation.

Program Requirements

Master of Arts (M.A.) Psychology - Cognition and Neuroscience

  • GPS 960.0
  • GPS 961.0 if research involves human subjects
  • GPS 962.0 if research involves animal subjects
  • a minimum of 12 credit units, including PSY 805.3
  • PSY 900.0 (×2 years)
  • PSY 994.0 (students must maintain continuous registration in this course)

Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) Psychology - Cognition and Neuroscience- Non-Direct

The non-direct program is for students who enter the PhD program with a comleted Master's degree or equivalent.

  • GPS 960.0
  • GPS 961.0 if research involves human subjects
  • GPS 962.0 if research involves animal subjects
  • a minimum of 6 credit units, including PSY 805.3 or PSY 807.3, and 3 credit units chosen in consultation with the Advisory Committee
  • PSY 900.0 (×3 years)
  • PSY 996.0 (students must maintain continuous registration in this course)
  • Doctoral candidacy assessment
  • Dissertation defense

Transfer from Master's to Ph.D. - Cognition and Neuroscience

The transfer program is for students who are admitted to the Master’s program with an undergraduate honours degree or equivalent and then transfer from the Master’s to the PhD program after the first year of study.

  • Transfer from Master’s to PhD requires successful completion of 9 cu's and a qualifying examination  determined in consultation with, and evaluated by the Advisory Committee.
  • GPS 960.0
  • GPS 961.0 if research involves human subjects
  • GPS 962.0 if research involves animal subjects
  • A minimum of 18 credit units at the 800 level, including PSY 805.3 or PSY 807.3 and 15 credit units chosen in consultation with the Advisory Committee
  • PSY 900.0 (x3 years)
  • PSY 996.0 (students must maintain continuous registration in this course)
  • Doctoral candidacy assessment
  • Dissertation defense

Admissions and Applications

Application deadline:

All application materials must be submitted and completed by the regular admission deadline of January 15 each year.

Admission requirements:

  • B.A.(Hon.) or B.Sc.(Hon.) in Psychology or equivalent combination of courses and experience in research
  • References
  • Statement of research interests and plans (1 to 3 pages)
  • Application fee
  • Telephone or in-person interview for shortlisted candidate

Additional Information:

  • Applicants are accepted from across Canada and worldwide.  
  • For more information or to apply please see the College of Graduate Studies website and information on financial support.

Our Students

Current Students

M.A. Program

  • Zuleika Gasimova
  • Katelyn Tourigny
  • Hoang Anh Tran
  • Lieli Rouhi
  • Amanpreet Sidhu
  • Kayla Huyghebaert Belsher

Ph.D. Program

  • Liyoumei Zhang
  • Ian Newman
  • Shaylyn Kress
  • Zijun Zhou
  • Issac Pasloski

Past Students


  • Faly Golshan (PhD) Attention in Migraines: The Efficacy of Neurofeedback Mindfulness in Migraine Management (Supervisor: Dr. Marla Mickleborough) Spring 2024
  • Makenna Jensen (MA) Lifestyle, Cognition, and Psychological Health Factors in Middle-Aged and Odler Adult Migraineurs: A Population-Based Cross-Sectional Study Examining Frindings from teh Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging (CLSA) (Supervosr: Dr. Marla Mickleborough) Spring 2024


  • Brianna Groot (MA) Dual Process Theory and Victim Blaming Behaviour: An Exploration of Cognitive Mechanism Underlying Blame Evaluations Toward Innocent Victims (Supervisor: Dr. Valerie Thompson) Spring 2023
  • Emilie Moellenbeck (MA) Violations of Bayesian Thinking: An Exploration of Potential Causes (Supervisor: Dr. Valerie Thompson) Spring 2023
  • Issac Pasloski (MA) Sight Over Sound: Working Memory Differences Between Modalities in Decision-Making and Reasoning (Supervisor: Dr. Steve Prime) Spring 2023
  • Nicole Bolt (PhD) Neural Markers of Self-Other Differentiation During Dynamic Joint Action (Supervisor: Dr. Janeen Loehr) Spring 2023


  • Lisa Poon (MA) Serving the Right Plate: Spatial Biases in Food Plating Aesthetics (Supervisor: Dr. Lorin Elias) Fall 2022
  • Joshua Neudorf (PhD) Relating Structural Connectivity to Brain Function Using Deep Learning, Graph Theory, Complexity, and Disease (Supervisor: Dr. Ron Borowsky) Fall 2022
  • Liyoumei Zhang (MA) Math Anxiety and Predictors that Influence Arithmetic Fact Storage (Supervisor: Dr. Jamie Campbell) Fall 2022


  • Shaylyn Kress (MA) What's in a Game: Examining the Effect of Video Game Experience Across Reading and Attentional Domains (Supervisor: Dr. Ron Borowsky) Fall 2021


  • Kyle Brymer (PhD) Examining the Antidepressant Potential of TNF-alpha and Reelin on Associated Behavioural and Neurobiological Markers in a Preclinical Model of Depression (Supervisor: Dr. Lisa Kalynchuk) Fall 2019
  • Chelsea Ekstrand (PhD) Functional and Structural Neural Contributions to Skilled Word Reading (Supervisor:  Dr. Ron Borowsky) Fall 2019
  • Joshua Neudorf (MA) Preferential Access to Object Semantics via Lecixal Processing in the Ventral Stream of the Brain (Supervisor: Dr. Ron Borowsky) Fall 2019
  • Amanda Sinclair (MA) The Cognitive Mechanisms of Transsaccadic Perception (Supervisor: Dr. Steven Prime) Fall 2019
  • Austen Smith (PhD) The Influence of Spatial Lateral Biases and Native Reading Direction on Driving and Aesthetic Preferences (Supervisor: Dr. Lorin Elias) Fall 2019
  • Yi Yang (Selina) Wang (MA) Examining the Role of Feeling of Rightness with Anchoring and Number of Models (Supervisor: Dr. Valerie Thompson) Fall 2019


  • Milann Mitchell (MA) Antidepressant-like Effects of Peripheral Reelin Administration in a Preclinical Model of Depression (Supervisor: Dr. Lisa Kalynchuk) Fall 2018
  • Ian Newman (MA) Explicity Aware of Conflict:  Challenging the Implicit Conflict Detection Interpretation of the Base-Rate Negliect Task (Supervisor:  Dr. Valerie Thompson) Spring 2018
  • Jennifer Sedgewick (MA) Sealed With a Kiss:  Head-Turning Asymmetrics During Kissing are Modulated by Context and Influence Perceptual Judgements (Supervisor:  Dr. Lorin Elias) Spring 2018


  • Nicole Bolt (nee: Czemeres) (MA) The Sense of Joint Agency in Joint Action (Supervisor: Dr. Janeen Loehr) Spring 2017
  • Brian Kulyk (MA) Antidepressant-Like Effects of Ketamine on Fear Conditioning and Extinction (Supervisor:  Dr. Lisa Kalynchuk)  Spring 2017
  • Ekaterina Lebedeva (PhD) Examining an Animal Model of Depression with Recurrent Depression-like Episodes (Supervisor:  Dr. Lisa Kalynchuk) Spring 2017


  • Chelsea Ekstrand (MA) Somatosendory Involvement in the Conceptual Representation of Objects (Supervisor:  Dr. Ron Borowsky) Fall 2016
  • Layla Gould (PhD) A Cognitive Neuroscience Examination of Rhythm and Reading and Their Translation to Neurological Conditions (Supervisor:  Dr. Ron Borowsky) Fall 2016
  • Justin Botterill (PhD) Cognitive Impairment and Aberrant Plasticity in the Kindling Model of Epilepsy
  • Eric Lorenz (MA) Literally and Figuratively Speaking:  How Concepts and Perception Influence Each Other Using Stroop Method (Supervisor:  Dr. Ron Borowsky) Fall 2016


  • Briere, Jennifer (CGNS PhD) Retrieval-Induced Forgetting in Kindergartners: Evaluating the Inhibitory Account (Supervisor: Dr. Tammy Marche) Summer 2015
  • Harms, Victoria (CGNS PhD) The Mechanisms and Consequences of Cerebral Lateralization (Supervisor: Dr. Lorin Elias) Summer 2015


  • Fenton, Erin (CGNS PhD) Examining Hippocampal Reelin Expression and Neural Plasticity in an Animal Model of Depression (Supervisor: Dr. Lisa Kalynchuk)
  • MacGowan, Blake (CGNS MA)  When a Relationship Ends:  The Role of Attachment in Romantic Relationship Loss (Supervisor: Dr. Brian Chartier)  Spring 2014
  • Marks, Wendie (CGNS PhD) Fear Learning as a Critical Component of a Depressive Phenotye in Rodents (Supervisor: Dr. Lisa Kalynchuk) Fall 2014
  • Szelest, Izabela (CGNS PhD) Lateral Biases in Attention and Working Memory Systems (Supervisor: Dr. Lorin Elias)  Fall 2014


  • Gould, Layla (CGNS MA) The Cognitive Chronometric Architecture of Word and Picture Naming: Evidence from Onset Response and Duration (Supervisor: Dr. Ron Borowsky) Fall 2013
  • Maslany, Anna (CGNS MA) Failures to Replicate Hyper-Retrieval-Induced Forgetting in Arithmetic Memory (Supervisor:  Dr. Jamie Campbell) Fall 2013
  • Smith, Austen (CGNS MA) Lateral biases in shape from shading: the role of native reading direction(Supervisor: Dr. Lorin Elias) Fall 2013


  • Buchanan, Carie (BBS PhD) Predicting and Understanding Sexual and Nonsexual Adolescent Peer Victimization in Schools: A Mixed Method Approach (Supervisor: Dr. Patricial McDougall) Spring 2012
  • Lussier, April (BBS PhD) Examining Reelin Expression and Neural Plasticity in Animal Models of Depression (Supervisor:  Dr. Lisa Kalynchuk)  Spring 2012


  • Esopenko, Carrie (BBS PhD) A Cognitive Neuroscience Examination of Embodied Cognition (Supervisor:  Dr. Ron Borowsky)  Fall 2011
  • Lane, David (BBS PhD)  False Recall Serial Position Effect  (Supervisor:  Dr. Tammy Marche)  Spring 2011
  • Metcalfe, Arron (BBS PhD)  Strategy Use and Basic Arithmetic Cognition in Adults  (Supervisor:  Dr. Jamie Campbell)  Spring 2011
  • Reichert, James  (BBS PhD)  Differential Learning and Use of Geometric Angles by Pigeons and Humans  (Supervisor:  Dr. Debbie Kelly)  Fall 2011
  • Thomas, Nicole (BBS PhD)  Upper and Lower Visual Field Differences in Perceptual Asymmetries (Supervisor:  Dr. Lorin Elias)  Spring 2011
  • Zhang, Ying  (BBS MA)  Prenatal Polyl:  C Exposure Alters Behavioural Flexibility in Male Rats  (Supervisor:  Dr. John Howland)  Fall 2011


  • Bravo, Valeriya (BBS MA)  Shaping Adolescent Heterosexual Romantic Experiences: Contributions of Same- And Other-Sex Friendships  (Supervisor:  Dr. Gerald Farthing) Fall 2010
  • Burkitt-Hiebert, Jennifer Ann (BBS, PhD) Upper and lower visual fiedl differences: An investigation of the gaze cascade effect (Supervisor: Dr. Lorin Elias) Spring 2010.
  • Fournier, Neil Michael  (BBS, PhD) Aberrant structural and functional plasticity in the adult hippocampus of amygdala kindled rats (Supervisor:  Dr. Lisa Kalynchuk)  Spring 2010


  • Beatty, Erin Leigh (BBS, MA) The Roles of Belief, Evidence, Perspective and Individual Differences in Scientific Evaluations (Supervisor:  Dr. Valerie Thompson) Fall 2009.
  • Cummine, Jacqueline Rae (BBS, PhD) A Behavioural and Neurobiological Investigation of Basic Readin Processes (Supervisor:  Dr. Ron Borowsky) Fall 2009.


  • Smith, Melanie (BBS, MA).  The Transition to University:  Adaptation and Adjustment (Supervisor:  Dr. Patricia McDougall) Spring 2008.
  • Plett Martens, Vonda, (BBS, PhD) The Moral Experience of Being a White-Anit-Racism Educatory in Saskatchewan (Supervisor:  Dr. Michel Desjardins) Spring 2008.


  • Anderson, Devon Rose (BBS, MA) Assessing the Role of the Hippocampus in Amygdala Kindled Fear:  An Analysis of Environmental Habituation (Supervisor:  Dr. Lisa Kalynchuk) Fall 2007.
  • Sykes Tottenham, Laurie (BBS PhD) Factors Mediating the Sex Differences Observed in Targeting Tasks (Supervisor:  Dr. Deb Saucier) Spring 2007.
  • Wagner, Jason (BBS, MA) Conditioning of Interictal Behaviours but not Ictal Behaviours, Seizures, or Afterdischarge Threshold by Kindling of the Amygdala in Rats (Supervisor:  Dr. Michael Corcoran) Spring 2007.


  • Ohm, Eyvind (BBS, PhD) The Relationship Between Formal and Informal Reasoning (Supervisor:  Dr. Valerie Thompson) Spring 2006.


  • Phenix, Tom (BBS, PhD) Cognitive inhibition: Insights from Arithmetic Fact Retrieval (Supervisor: Jamie Campbell) Spring 2005.
  • Sheerin, Aaron (BBS, PhD) Involvement of the Anterior Claustrun and Ventromedial Thalamus in Epiliptogenesis (Supervisor: Michael Corcoran) Spring 2005.


  • Krupp, Daniel Brian (BBS, MA) Investigating the Relationship Between Risk-Taking and Testosterone(Supervisor: Dr. Deb Saucier) Spring 2004.


  • LaPorte, R. Daniel ( BBS, M.A.)  The Impact of Repeated Febrile Convulsions on Behaviour Throughout Development in the Long-Evans Rat  (Supervisor: Dr. Deborah Saucier and Dr. Michael Corcoran) Spring 2003.
  • Malloy, Sean T. (BBS, M.A.)  Error and Bias in Correlational Judgment (Supervisor: Dr. Valerie Thompson) Fall 2003.
  • Wile, Tammy L. (BBS, M.A.) What does rapid automatized naming (RAN) measure: Comparisons to naming and lexical decision (Supervisor: Dr. Ron Borowsky) Spring 2003.


  • MacFadden, Alastair (BBS, M.A.) Men and women scan maps similarly, but give different directions(Supervisor: Dr. Lorin Elias) Fall 2002.
  • Owen, William (BBS, Ph.D.) Examining Skilled Reading Processes. (Supervisor:  Dr. Ron Borowsky) Fall 2002.
  • Phenix, Thomas L. (BBS, M.A.)  Facets of number fact memory: Lessons from artificial ‘Diamond" arithmetic.  (Supervisor: Dr. Jamie Campbell) Spring 2002.


  • Fugelsang, Jonathan (BBS, Ph.D.)  Foundations of human causal reasoning. (Supervisor: Dr. Valerie Thompson) Fall 2001.
  • Hannesson, Darren K. (BBS, Ph.D) Characterization of kindling's effects on spatial cognition(Supervisor: Dr. Michael Corcoran) Fall 2001.


  • McIntosh, Cameron (G.E., M.A.) The role of implicit theories of intelligence and need for cognition in second language acquisition (Supervisor: Dr. Kim Noels) Fall 2000.


  • Litke, Karen L. (G.E., M.A..) When retrieval fails: conscious influences on unconscious processing.(Supervisor: Dr. Jim Cheesman) Fall 1999.
  • Owen, William, J. (G.E., M.A.)  Evaluating the relationship between phonetic decoding and sight vocabulary: An analysis of reading errors. ( Supervisor: Dr. Ron Borowsky) Fall 1999.
  • Page, Duane (G.E., Ph.D.)  Single word context effects: facilitation or inhibition? (Supervisor:  Dr. Jim Cheesman) Spring, 1999.


  • Lamont-Waddington, Elaine (G.E., M.A.)  Infusion of the dopamine D1 receptor antagonist SCH 23390 into the amygdala blocks fear expression is a potentiated startle program. (Supervisor: Dr. L. Kokkinidis) Spring, 1998.
  • Munro, Laurie J. (G.E., M.A.)  Infusion of quinpirole, muscimol and scopolamine into the ventral tegmental area inhibits fear-potentiated startle: Implications for the role of dopamine in fear expression.  (Supervisor: Dr. L. Kokkinidis).  Spring, 1998.
  • Witte, Treena (G.E., M.A.)  The effects of D1 and D2 and dopamine receptor antagonists on cocaine maintained fear expression following exposure to extinction learning as measured with the ffear-potentiated startle paradigm.  (Supervisor: Dr. L. Kokkinidis) Fall, 1998.


  • Borowski, Thomas Brian   (G.E. Ph.D.)   The role of ventral tegmental dopamine neurons and the effects of central and peripheral dopamine agonists on fear motivation as measured by the potentiated acoustic startle reflex in rats.  (Supervisor: Dr. L. Kokkinidis)  Spring 1997
  • Fugelsang, Jonathan (G.E. M.A.)  Strategy selection in causal reasoning: When beliefs and covariation collide.  (Supervisor: Dr. V. Thompson) Fall 1997


  • Willick, Myrna L.  (G.E. M.A.)  The influence of chronic cocaine on the expression and extinction of a conditioned fear response:  An evaluation of state-dependent extinction and the shock-sensitization of acoustic startle.  (Supervisor: Dr. L. Kokkinidis)  Fall 1996


  • Arbuthnott, Katherine (G.E. Ph.D.)  Error Minimization in Sequential Retrieval, Repetition, Intention, and Inhibition.  (Supervisor: Dr. J. Campbell) Fall 1995
  • Bassingthwaighte, Carol (G.E. M.A.)  The Role of Personal Relevance in Conditional Reasoning. (Supervisor: Dr. V. Thompson)  Spring 1995


  • Gelowitz, Douglas (G.E. M.A.)  Evidence For A Relationship Between Electrical Kindling and Mesolimbic Behavioural Sensitization.  (Supervisor: Dr. L. Kokkinidis) Fall 1993  
  • Goranson, Tamara (G.E. M.A.)  On Making Causal Attributions:  The Role of Covariation, Configuration, and Causal Logic.  (Supervisor: Dr. V. Thompson)  Fall 1993


  • Bruce-Lockhart, Logie (G.E. M.A.)  Unconscious Perception:  Replicating The Effect But Not The Phenomenon  (Supervisor: Dr. J. Cheesman)   Fall 1992
  • Meagher, Paul (G.E. M.A.)  Automatic and Controlled Processes In Multiplication Priming(Supervisor: Dr. J. Campbell) Fall 1992


  • Graham, Shelly R.  (G.E. M.A.)  An Investigation of The Effects of Clozapine Administration on Limbic System Kindling, (Supervisor: Dr. L. Kokkinidis) Spring 1991


  • Hillis, Sarah K.  (G.E.  M.A.)  Differential hemispheric involvement in processing whole and partial faces:  A dual-task study.  (Supervisor: Dr. M. Hiscock)  Spring 1990
  • Kirkby, R. Duncan (G.E., M.A.) A pharmacological investigation into the neuroanatomical substrates of amphetamine-induced facilitation of electrical kindling.(Supervisor: Dr. L. Kokkinidis) Fall 1990


  • Bergstrom, Kathleen J.  (G.E., M.A.) Factors influencing ocular motility during the performance of cognitive tasks. (Supervisor: Dr.  M. Hiscock)  Fall 1984


  • Predy, Patrick A.  (G.E., M.A.)  Progressive enhancement of intracranial self-stimulation responding after repeated amphetamine treatment in the rat.  (Supervisor: Dr.  L. Kokkinidis)


  • Stewart, Catherine I.  (G.E. M.A.)  Visual laterality patterns for pure- and mixed-list presentations.(Supervisor: Dr. M. Hiscock)
  • Zacharko, Robert M.  (G.E. Ph.D.)  A consideration of the ventral noradrenergic bundle as a discrete system modulation feeding:  Implications for ventromedial hypothalamic obesity and lateral hypothalamic hunger.  (Supervisor: Dr. T. B. Wishart)


  • Gryschuk, Terrance (G.E., M.A.)  An investigation of the anatomical bases of reduced body weight after lateral hypothalamic lesions. (Supervisors: Dr. T. B. Wishart and Dr. N. E. Spence)


  • Pezer, Vera   (G.E., Ph.D.)  Some determinants of curling performance. (Supervisor: Dr. M. Brown)
  • Walls, Elwood K.  (G.E., M.Sc.)  Alteration of spontaneous hypothalamic activity and deprivation-induced feeding by intracranial insulin administration.(Supervisor: Dr. T. B. Wishart)


  • Darbellay, Donna D.D.  (G.E., M.A.)  A comparison of effects of PCPA, 5HTP and ECS on a single trial passive avoidance  learning task.  (Supervisor: Dr. G. Winocur)
  • Fedorkiw, Mari-Ann K.  (M.A.)  Double intermittent reward scheduling and secondary reinforcer strength. (Supervisor: Dr.  N. E. Spence)
  • Gusdal, Bryan C.  (G.E., M.A.)  Concurrent schedules:  Alternating change-over delay values using variable interval schedules.  (Supervisor: Dr.  N. E. Spence) 1975


  • Gerber, Gary J.  (G.E., Ph.D.)  Discriminative control of drug self-administration behavior in squirrel monkeys (saimiri sciureus). (Supervisor: Dr. R. Stretch)
  • Robinson, Terry E.  (M.Sc.)  The effects of posterior hypothalamic lesions on the initiation of swimming movements by rats in water of different temperatures. (Supervisor: Dr.  T. B. Wishart)
  • Thorsteinson,    C. Vaughn   (M.A.)  Primary and conditioned reinforcement in concurrent- alternative fixed-interval, variable-interval schedules.  (Supervisor: Dr. N. E. Spence)


  • Ho, Timothy P-K.  (M.A.)  Perceptual memory for two-pulse discriminations. (Supervisor: Dr. A. H. Neufeldt)
  • Lane, Elizabeth (G.E. M.A.)  The effects of the superimposition and removal of aversive signals on schedule-induced polydipsia.  (Supervisor: Dr.  R. Stretch)


  • Connolly, John F.  (M.A.)  The effects of morphine, d-amphetamine iproniazid and chlorpromazine on shock-elicited aggression in rats.  (Supervisor: Dr.  R. Stretch)
  • Fincham, Shirley M.  (M.A.)  Implicit knowledge of morphophonemic rules in children. (Supervisor: Dr. J. A. Mills)
  • Perzan, Ronald S. D.  (M.A.)  Repeated acquisition and extinction of conditioned suppression:  Behavioral changes as a function of successive cycles and variations in off-the-baseline flooding.(Supervisor: Dr. N. E. Spence)
  • Scott, Jocelyne (M.A.)  Demographic factors associated with perceptual-spatial skills among Metis schoolchildren.  (Supervisor: Dr. K. McDowell)
  • Stone, Geoffrey B.  (M.A.)  Some statistical properties of response sequence:  Coding processes in the presence of patterned stimulation.  (Supervisor: Dr.  D. G. Fischer)


  • Babcock, Leslie J.  (M.A.)  Children's perceptions of the evaluations  and expectations of others as a function of age.  (Supervisor: Dr. D. G. Fischer)
  • Boulanger, Fabien (M.A.)  The role of leadership and "risk as a value" in the shift to conservatism. (Supervisor: Dr. K. McDowell)
  • Clarkson, Jane M.  (M.A.)  Strength and direction of affiliation as a function of communication fear content and ambiguity.  (Supervisor: Dr. R. D. Martin)
  • Douglas, John O.  (M.A.)  Effects of higher order conditioned reinforcers during experimental extinction.  (Supervisor: Dr. N. E. Spence)
  • Gilman, John (M.A.)  Post-shock hippocampal and amygdaloid potentials during one trial passive avoidance learning.  (Supervisor: Dr. G. Winocur)
  • Linge, Fredrick R.  (M.A.)  Retrograde amnesia:  A state-dependent memory retrieval phenomenon.  (Supervisor: Dr. G. Winocur)
  • Pace, Frank R.  (M.A.)  The effect of interpersonal distance and lighting on verbal interaction in a leaderless discussion group. (Supervisor:  Dr. D. A. Scott)
  • Schoenhoff, Heinz W.  (M.A.)  Two models of figural aftereffects. (Supervisor: Dr. H. Kelm) 1971
  • Winter, Manfred E.  (M.A.)  The overtraining extinction effect and molar responding. (Supervisor: Dr. E. A. Clark) 1971


  • Burdeny, Terry C.  (M.A.)  Group composition and the group shift. (Supervisor: Dr. D. G. Fischer)
  • McKechney, Margaret (M.A.)  Anxiety, arousal and corticalactivity in withdrawn chronic schizophrenics and normal control subjects.  (Supervisor: Dr. H. Kelm)
  • Perticaro, Joseph V.  (M.Sc.)  Verbal attitudes and overt behavior:  An investigation of behavior predictability.  (Supervisor: Dr. D. G. Fischer)
  • Spencer, Charles D.  (M.A.)  Concurrent schedules:  Conditioned reinforcement in initial and terminal links.  (Supervisor: Dr. N. E. Spence)
  • Varkonyi, Gabriel A.  (M.A.)  Secondary reinforcement as a function of  primary reinforcement schedule and method of training.  (Supervisor: Dr. G. A. McMurray)


  • Adams, Patrick A.  (M.A.)  Firo compatibilities and sociometric choices in human relations training groups.  (Supervisor: Dr. D. Sydiaha)
  • Buckridan, Rakib (M.A.)  Modification of the cold pressor response by hypnosis and the relationship to certain personality traits.  (Supervisor: Dr. G. A. McMurray)
  • Gururaja, Sreelakshmi (Ph.D.)  The development of number concepts in children. (Supervisor:  Dr. D. Sydiaha)
  • Haffenden, Eric V.  (M.A.)  The relationship between intelligence and hostility as a factor of parental attitude. (Supervisor: Dr. D. Fischer)
  • Grainger, James (M.A.)  Personal motives that influence decision making over a variety of matrices.  (Supervisor: Dr.  D. Sydiaha)
  • Knapper, Christopher   (Ph.D.)  The relationship between personality and style of dress. (Supervisor: Dr. A. Gladstone)
  • Thauberger, Patrick   (M.A.)  The relationship between an avoidance of existential confrontation and neuroticism and changes resulting from the basic encounter group learning experience.(Supervisor: Dr. D. Sydiaha)


  • Becker, Horst G.  (M.A.)  Experimenter expectancy, experience and status as factors in observational data.  (Supervisor: Dr. D. Sydiaha)
  • Fisher, Ronald J.  (M.A.)  Ingroup loyalty, ingroup glorification, and outgroup rejection:  A partial re-evaluation of ethnocentrism. (Supervisor: Dr.  D. Sydiaha)
  • Kuzmicz, Benedict J.  (M.A.)  An experimental study in the assessment of affect and mental state. (Supervisor: Dr. D. Sydiaha)
  • Manocha, Satinder N.  (M.A.)  A new approach to the formation of learning set in rats. (Supervisor: Dr. G. Winocur)
  • Reid, David W.  (M.A.)  The conditionability of the abdominal reflex:  An exploratory study.(Supervisor: Dr. J. A. Mills)
  • Young, Joseph D.  (M.A.)  A Psychopharmacological study of bufotenin in the rat.(Supervisor:  Dr. G. Winocur)


  • Adams, Sharon L.  (M.A.)  Perceptual-motor task performance as a function of modeling and nurturance.  (Supervisor: Dr. M. Keenan)
  • Rejskind, F. Gillian (M.A.)  Some factors in creativity of grade seven teachers and pupils.(Supervisor: Dr.  D. Sydiaha)
  • Sandy, Monica A.  (M.A.)  A study of counselling and academic achievement at Yorkton Regional High School.  (Supervisor: Dr.  D. Sydiaha)


  • Andrew, Wayne K.  (M.A.)  The pairing of cortical stimulation with reinforcing brain stimulation:  Its influence on extinction.  (Supervisor: Dr. H. Weinberg)
  • Brooks, Jane E. C.  (M.A.)  Instrumental aggression:  A behavioral approach. (Supervisor: Dr. D. A. Chambers)
  • Gold, Dolores (Ph.D.)  Psychological changes associated with acculturation.(Supervisor: Dr. D. Sydiaha)
  • Kelm, Harold (Ph.D.)  Koehler's satiation theory and Deutsch's neurophysiological model of figural after-effects.  (Supervisor: Dr. G.H. Mogenson)
  • Tolhurst, George  (M.A.)  A test of Russon's clinical classification system for delinquency. (Supervisor: Dr. D. Sydiaha)
  • Yu, Li-Na  (M.A.)  The effect of primary drive on intracranial self-stimulation. (Supervisor: Dr.  H. Weinberg)


  • Hooge, Gay C.  (M.A.)  The re-standardization of a socio-economic measure based on public school children in Saskatchewan.  (Supervisor: Dr.  D. Sydiaha)
  • Hui, Sincheung C.  (M.A.)  Response acquisition of Indian and Non-Indian jail inmates. (Supervisor: Dr. D. A. Chambers)
  • Lin, Jean J-Y (M.A.)  Avoidance learning in three species of rodents. (Supervisor: Dr. G. J. Mogenson)


  • Clark, E. Arthur (M.A.)  Effects of delayed secondary reinforcement on the extinction of a conditioned avoidance response.(Supervisor: Dr. G. J. Mogenson)
  • Davitt, Patricia J.  (M.A.)  Response acquisition by mental retardates.(Supervisor: Dr. D. A. Chambers)
  • Elkin, Lorne (M.A.)  The behavioral use of space.  (Supervisor: Dr. D. Sydiaha)
  • Gustafson, Marian A.  (M.A.)  The effects of previous experience on the organization of responses to simultaneous dichotic stimulation.  (Supervisor: Dr. G.J. Mogenson)
  • Harding, David J.  (M.A.)  An empirical clarification of motivational variables among Saskatchewan people of Indian ancestry.  (Supervisor: Dr.  D. Sydiaha)
  • Pezer, Vera R.  (M.A.)  Frequency, arousal, and set as determinants of the visual recognition thresholds of verbal stimuli.  (Supervisor: Dr. N. McK. Agnew)


  • Baldwinson, Morine B.  (M.A.)  Semantic response to incongruous percepts.(Supervisor: Dr. D. Sydiaha)
  • Farley, Franklyn H.  (M.A.)      Learning and perception in psychotics, neurotics and normals.(Supervisor: Dr. D. Sydiaha)
  • MacKinnon, Allan A.    (M.A.)  An analysis of tachistoscopic recognition  thresholds of single letters. (Supervisor: Dr. D. A. Chambers)
  • Mullin, Allan D.  (M.A.)  Delayed termination of the conditioned stimulus at different stages of avoidance learning.  (Supervisor: Dr. G. J. Mogenson)
  • Neufeldt, Aldred H.  (M.A.)  The effects of different levels of strategy on the learning of a binary series by "fast" and "slow" learners.  (Supervisor: Dr. N. McK. Agnew)
  • Perkins, Marjorie J.  (M.A.)  The effect of rewarding brain stimulation  upon heart rate in the albino rat.  (Supervisor: Dr.  G. J. Mogenson)
  • Pylyshyn, Zenon W.  (Ph.D)  Temporal factors in immediate memory. (Supervisor: Dr.  N. McK. Agnew)


  • Weckowicz, Tadeusz E.  (Ph.D.)  The effect of adrenochrome on learning in albino rats. (Supervisor: Dr. G. A. McMurray)


  • Bedford, Charles M.  (M.A)  .Similarity, skill and transfer in gross motor learning. (Supervisor: Dr.  D. Sydiaha)


  • Boyer, Margaret A.  (M.A.)   Time estimation:  An investigation of method and interval variables.  (Supervisor: Dr.  J.N. Agnew)


  • Mogenson, Gordon J.   (M.A.)  The effect of psychological stress procedures on the coagulation system in the albino rat.  (Supervisor: Dr. G.A. McMurray)


  • Johnston, Richard W.  (M.A.)    Selection of candidates for adult probation in Saskatchewan by the use of a biographical questionnaire and the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory. (Supervisor: Dr. G. A. McMurray)


  • Bexton, William  (M.A.)   The use of motor skills tests with the blind:  An appraisal of methods of adaptation and administration.   (Supervisor: Dr. G.A. McMurray)


  • Mackintosh, Irene  (M.A.)    The relationship between susceptibility to hypnosis and two tests of suggestibility.  (Supervisor: Dr. G.A. McMurray)

Candidacy Assessment

Ph.D. Candidacy Assessment: Guidelines for the Cognition and Neuroscience Stream, Department of Psychology, University of Saskatchewan


August, 2024


The purpose of the Candidacy Assessment is for doctoral students to demonstrate that they have:

  • an adequate grasp of the current state of knowledge in their intended field of research, i.e., adequate breadth and depth of knowledge in their primary area of specialization and in related areas of cognitive science or neuroscience.
  • the potential ability to conduct advanced original research independently using relevant methodologies; and
  • the ability to communicate in ways appropriate to their field of research and practice.


"Adequate breadth and depth" means

  1. With respect to the primary area of research, the student will have extensive and detailed knowledge of the major current and historically important theoretical, empirical, and methodological issues pertinent to the dissertation research. The student will also be able to generate original, integrative analyses of knowledge in the primary area. The scope and subject matter of the primary readings will be determined by the student and the advisory committee.
  2. With respect to related, but secondary, research areas, the student will have substantial familiarity with the important theoretical and empirical issues in the general area of research.  The list of secondary readings will be constructed by the advisory committee in consultation with the student. Students working in the same area may have the same secondary list or the list may be tailored to a student’s particular needs. The list of secondary readings typically covers approximately 1000 pages of reading. It can include research articles, review articles, book chapters, books, etc. It is organized by content area (e.g., Memory, Attention, Embodied Cognition, Methodology, etc.). The number of content areas and which content areas are covered are flexible and determined by the advisory committee in consultation with the student. Selection of content areas may take into account student interests and career goals. Content areas already covered by approved graduate courses completed by the student may be excluded from the reading list. 

Methods of Assessment

Knowledge of the primary area and secondary readings will be demonstrated across two component assessments designed in a manner agreed upon by the student and advisory committee. These assessments may take the form of written exam questions, integrative essays, research proposals, etc.  The demonstrated knowledge of the primary and secondary areas may be distributed across the two component assessments but there should be minimal overlap in the content of the two assessments.

For example, to demonstrate knowledge of the primary area, the student may prepare a broad, integrative position paper concerning the area of primary research. This could take the form of an essay or a grant proposal based on a standard format (CIHR, NSERC). The expected length of the main body of the text is 3,000 to 6,000 words. The submitted document must include a bibliography of all works cited.  

Knowledge of the secondary readings is similarly flexible. For example, take home questions could be provided for each substantive area covered by the secondary readings, or a grant proposal produced that is framed to substantively encompass the secondary readings.

An oral defense is required in connection with both components of the candidacy assessment; the student's advisory committee or designates will serve as examiners. Example models for the two components of the candidacy assessment are provided at the end of this document.

Once reading lists and methods of evaluation are determined for primary and secondary readings, an assessment document that 1) includes the reading lists, 2) provides clear instructions regarding the methods of assessment, and 3) states all assessment deadlines will be provided to the student and to the CGNS coordinator. To monitor the integrity of the assessment process and to ensure reasonable equity in assessment workload, the CGNS coordinator will arrange for the assessment to be reviewed by CGNS faculty before the assessment document is issued to the student.

Scheduling and Deadlines

Scheduling of the candidacy assessment is flexible in order to minimize disruption to students’ research programs. Exact dates will be arranged by area faculty in consultation with students. The assessment is usually completed over a period of 8-12 weeks, determined in consultation with the advisory committee and taking into account the student’s other commitments during the assessment period. The oral defense is normally scheduled 1-2 weeks after the assessment documents have been submitted to the examiners.


Candidacy assessment documents submitted for evaluation must be prepared independently and without collaboration. Students are allowed to seek feedback on their writing mechanics (e.g., grammar and sentence construction) from the university writing centre. However, students are not allowed to seek feedback from other sources (e.g., other students or faculty with expertise in the subject area). Successful completion of both components of the candidacy assessment is a requirement of the College of Graduate Studies for the Ph.D. degree. Assessments will be evaluated on a pass/fail basis by the student’s advisory committee. A student who fails either component of the candidacy assessment may be granted a second opportunity to complete that component. In the case of a rewrite, all procedures of the re-examination must be completed within four months of the first exam. However, students may not attempt to pass either component of the candidacy assessment more than twice.


Example 1: Candidacy assessment composed of two grant proposals.

Your assessment will consist of the preparation and defense of the equivalent of 2 NSERC grant proposals (i.e., 2 public summaries, 2 X 10pp double spaced proposals, a full reference section for all cited material):

1. One that represents your primary research program and readings (i.e., the “depth” component).  This should include some description of most of your PhD research (planned, in progress, and completed), and future research that adds to this research program.

2. One that represents a program of research that demonstrates your knowledge of the secondary readings (i.e., the “breadth” component).

You should use section headings wherever possible, and it is okay to combine these “depth” and “breadth” components as you wish. 

You may include a total of 4 “research contributions” (i.e., papers you have published, submitted, or that are in preparation) along with your grant proposals (these can be helpful when you need to refer the reader to a more detailed description of methodology, etc.).

Your advisory committee will evaluate your proposals at a mutually-agreed-to-time, and schedule an oral defense during which you will receive feedback.


How to Prepare a Winning Proposal

No amount of care and effort in preparing a grant proposal will compensate for a weak research program. However, a poorly prepared proposal can prevent a strong research program from being supported. The following items are important in preparing a Discovery Grant application for NSERC.

The research proposal

Remember that the intent of the NSERC Discovery Grants program is to fund a research program (with long-term goals) rather than a single short-term project or a collection of projects. Thus, a good research proposal will:

  • place the research within the context of what is currently happening in the field;
  • summarize relevant prior work in the field;
  • articulate the goals;
  • describe a research plan and methodology;
  • indicate why the research is useful or important; and
  • provide a progress report on work accomplished with previous funding.

You need to convince the selection committee that:

  • your research program promises a notable advancement or innovation in the discipline or results of importance to a broad range of applications;
  • you have identified well-formulated short- and long-term goals;
  • attaining these goals would be a significant contribution to the discipline;
  • you have a good chance of attaining the goals with the resources available.

A major portion of the proposal should be devoted to a careful description of the research objectives and of the methodology that will be used. For the research plan, you should at least know how you are going to start out and have some ideas for future options.

Applications are judged according to the following criteria. The onus is on the applicants to address these explicitly in their proposal:

  • scientific or engineering excellence of the researcher(s);
  • merit of the proposal;
  • contribution to the training of highly qualified personnel;
  • need for funds.

Describing your ideas

Your proposal will be evaluated by experienced researchers. It is up to you to provide the information necessary for a positive decision.

Acknowledge difficulties honestly. If there are potential problems, say so. It is reasonable to assume that you have thought through your proposal more thoroughly than the reviewers have; consequently, if they see problems that you do not seem to have noticed then they may view your proposal negatively.

In writing a research proposal, you have to address two audiences: 1) the internal and external reviewers, who are likely to be knowledgeable in your field of interest, and 2) the remainder of the committee, who are in your discipline but may have limited knowledge of the area in which you are working. Your proposal must have something for both audiences; there should be enough depth and detail to satisfy the expert, but you must also convince the non-expert of the importance and impact of your proposed research.


Example Reading List (Carrie Esopenko’s PhD Comprehensive Exam)

Visual Perception & Motor Control

Milner, A.D., & Goodale, M.A. (2006).  The Visual Brain in Action.  2nd Ed. Oxford: Oxford University Press.


Treisman, A. (2004).  Psychological Issues in Selective Attention, in M.S. Gazzaniga (ed.) The Cognitive Neurosciences III, 527-544.

Klein, R. (2004).  Orienting and Inhibition of Return, in M.S. Gazzaniga (ed.) The Cognitive Neurosciences III, 545-560.

Freiwald, W.A. & Kanwisher, N.G. (2004). Visual Selective Attention: Insights From Brain Imaging and Neurophysiology, in M.S. Gazzaniga (ed.) The Cognitive Neurosciences III, 575-588.

Tipper, S.P. (2004).  Attention and Action, in M.S. Gazzaniga (ed.) The Cognitive Neurosciences III, 619-630.


Davachi, L., Romanski, L.M., Chafe, M.V. & Goldman-Rakic, P.S. (2004). Domain Specificity in Cognitive Systems, in M.S. Gazzaniga (ed.) The Cognitive Neurosciences III, 665-678.

Squire, L.R., Clark, R.E., & Bayley, P.J. (2004).  Medial Temporal Lobe Function and Memory, in M.S. Gazzaniga (ed.) The Cognitive Neurosciences III, 691-708.

Buckner, R.L. & Schacter, D.L. (2004).  Neural Correlates of Memory’s Successes and Sins, in M.S. Gazzaniga (ed.) The Cognitive Neurosciences III, 739-752.


Chalmers, D.J. (2004).  How Can We Construct a Science of Consciousness? in M.S. Gazzaniga (ed.) The Cognitive Neurosciences III, 1111-1120.

Crick, F.C. & Koch, C.  (2004).  A Framework for Consciousness, in M.S. Gazzaniga (ed.) The Cognitive Neurosciences III, 1133-1144.

Goodale, M.A. (2004). Perceiving the World and Grasping It: Dissociations Between Conscious and Unconscious Visual Processing, in M.S. Gazzaniga (ed.) The Cognitive Neurosciences III, 1159-1172.

Lexical/Semantic Processes

Rastle, K. (2007).  Visual Word Recognition, in M.G. Gaskell (ed.) The Oxford Handbook of Psycholinguistics, 71-88.

Seidenberg, M.S. (2007).  Connectionist Models of Reading, in M.G. Gaskell (ed.) The Oxford Handbook of Psycholinguistics, 235-250.

Ullman, M.T. (2007).  The Biocognition of the Mental Lexicon, in M.G. Gaskell (ed.) The Oxford Handbook of Psycholinguistics, 267-288.

McNamara, T.P. (2005).  Semantic Priming. New York: Psychology Press. (200pp.)

Embodied Cognition

Klatzky, R.L. & Wu, B. (2008).  The Embodied Actor in Multiple Frames of Reference, in R.L. Klatzky, B. MacWhinney & M. Behrmann (eds.) Embodiment, Ego-Space, and Action, 145-178.

Cisek, P. (2008).  The Affordance Competition Hypothesis: A Framework for Embodied Behavior, in R.L. Klatzky, B. MacWhinney & M. Behrmann (eds.) Embodiment, Ego-Space, and Action, 203-246.

Culham, J.C., Gallican, J., Cavina-Pratesi, C. & Quinlan, D.J. (2008).  fMRI Investigation of Reaching and Ego Space in Human Superior Parieto-Occipital Cortex, in R.L. Klatzky, B. MacWhinney & M. Behrmann (eds.) Embodiment, Ego-Space, and Action, 247-274.

fMRI Methodology

Sarty, G.E. (2007).  Computing Brain Activity Maps. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Evolution and modularity of mind

Marcus, G (2008). Kluge: The Haphazard Construction of the Human Mind. Boston: Houghton Mifflin.

Example 2: Cognitive science candidacy assessment composed of 1) an examination by content area and 2) a comprehensive essay in the primary research area.

There are two components to the candidacy assessment. These are 1) a take home examination (due date) and 2) a comprehensive essay (due date).

Part 1: Breadth Examination by Content Area

The breadth component is comprised of five essay questions. However, students who have taken a graduate course in a given content area (i.e., memory; reasoning & problem-solving; perception & attention; or language) are exempt from completing that part of the exam. Each essay should be 5-7 double-space typed pages (1000-1500 words). The questions are intended to provide an opportunity to demonstrate your knowledge and ability to integrate material within each of the major content areas of cognitive science. Each answer will be graded on a pass/fail basis by two faculty readers. To complete the breadth examination, all essays must receive a passing grade from both readers. A failed essay that is judged to be close to a pass may be attempted a second time.

In preparing your essays, please consider the following guidelines:

1) Each essay should take a position on the question and, in doing so, create, defend, or critique some fairly general theoretical point.

2) An informative title for each of your essays is appropriate.  Use subheadings where appropriate to help create a clear organizational structure within each of your essays.

3) The essays should highlight your knowledge of specific theories, experimental paradigms, and phenomena within cognitive science.

4) The content of the essay should be supported by a substantial reference list that provides up-to-date authority for your claims and arguments. There is no fixed length for each reference list, but about 10 substantially non-overlapping papers, chapters, or books could be sufficient.

5) The answers submitted must be written independently and without collaboration.

Essay Questions:

1) General Cognitive Science

Please answer one or the other of the following two general cognitive science questions:

Outline and defend what you think should be the primary scientific/theoretical goals of cognitive psychology within the larger domain of cognitive science. Be specific about a) what you think the most important or central theoretical issues are and b) about whether we can in principle resolve these issues using the methods of cognitive psychology. In your answer, be sure to discuss the role of theoretical models in cognitive psychology and how you conceptualize their relation to the "actual mechanisms" of cognition. 


Overheard at the Psychonomics conference: “The only future now for cognitive science is brain science, and there is no more useful cognitive psychology without neuroscience.” Do you agree or disagree? In what ways, and to what extent, do you think these statements are true or false?

2) Memory

Textbooks on human memory are remarkably uniform in organization and content. From your knowledge of memory research, outline in some detail the contents for a radically “new”  undergraduate course on human memory. It should include theories of concepts and representation.  Provide specific justification for its organization and topic coverage (e.g, what theoretical principles about memory motivate its organization and content?).

3) Reasoning and Problem Solving

Defend the proposition that humans are rational.  There is a great deal of evidence to indicate that humans frequently fail to reason in accord with an accepted, normative standard.  Does this evidence indicate that humans are irrational?  Are the normative standards appropriate benchmarks of human rationality?  Why or why not?

4) Perception and Attention

Investigations of the mechanisms and processes underlying attention are many and varied in cognitive psychology.  In your view, what are the main components and/or phenomena that any comprehensive model of attention should address?  How do you view the relationship between attention and the distinction between conscious and unconscious processes?

5) Language

Broadly speaking, research on the perception, cognition, and production of language involves a variety of levels of process description (e.g., modularity/interactivity, computational goal, representational algorithm, physical implementation) and has resulted in several controversial issues. Select the area of language research that you consider to be the most controversial and (i) explain the issue with reference to the level(s) of process description involved, (ii) briefly describe the research for and against each side of the issue, and (iii) describe your criticisms of the research and suggestions for improvement.

Part 2: Comprehensive Essay

The goal is a broad, integrative position paper concerning your area of primary research.  The supervisor and advisory committee in consultation with the student will identify the scope and subject matter of the essay. The scope of the essay should substantially exceed the scope of your dissertation topic. The essay constitutes an examination, and should be prepared independently and without collaboration. There will be an oral defense of the paper.