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James Pooler Award 2014 Recipient
Pamela Larson, a graduate of the Regional and Urban Planning (RUP) program and a planner with the City of Saskatoon is the 2014 winner of the James Pooler award. The award was given at the annual RUP social held March 20th at Amigos Cantina in Saskatoon.
Larson works as a planner in the Planning and Development branch, City of Saskatoon. She graduated with a BA Honours (Regional and Urban Planning) in 2011. While a student, she distinguished herself as an excellent student in the classroom, and was also a highly valued RA for Professors Gunn and Walker on the commissioned research project for the City of Saskatoon's new Plan for the City Centre, Phase One, entitled: Public Spaces, Activity and Urban Form Strategic Framework.
Immediately following her graduation, she was hired as a planning officer by Roadmap Saskatoon, an organization housed at the Meewasin Valley Authority, which undertook sustainability planning in Saskatoon at arm's length from City Hall. During her employment there she built to a new standard of quality and exceptional public profile the Bicycle Valet program, which provides assisted and safe bicycle parking at public events. Since then, the program has been a highly visible and well-used part of the transportation infrastructure in Saskatoon.
Larson was one of the co-creators of Living Cities for Kids, an urban design summer camp for children that engages them in activities around healthy food, neighbourhood planning, active transportation and community safety in Saskatoon. She has also been a regular contributor to the Jane’s Walk tours offered each year in cities across the world to honour the late-Jane Jacobs, an urban visionary who is held in the highest esteem by planners internationally. Larson has designed and delivered Jane’s Walks on Saskatoon’s city centre and on youth issues in the city. She has also been a volunteer for Great Places, a discussion forum on built environment issues in Saskatoon, and was central to the organization and delivery of several public events on urban planning.
Congratulations Pam!
The JAMES POOLER AWARD recognizes a distinguished contribution to the Regional and Urban Planning program, teaching and training of planners, planning research, or the planning profession. Previous winners, starting with most recent: Lenore Swystun (2013); Ryan Walker (2012); Glen Grismer (2011); Joseph Garcea (2009); Jo-Anne Dillon (2008). James Pooler was a member of the Department of Geography who made many contributions to the RUP program.