Ken Dryden
INCC 398.3: Making the Future
INCC 398.3: Featured Guests
Antonia Maioni (McGill)
Professor - Department of Political Science; Institute for Health and Social Policy
Research interests include: Health Care Reform in Canada and the United States, Social Policy and the Welfare State, and Comparative Politics
- Her topic in our course will be on health and health care.
Daniel Weinstock (McGill)
Professor - James McGill Professor; Director, McGill Institute for Health and Social Policy
Weinstock's research explores the governance of certain types of liberal democracies, and the effects of religious and cultural diversity from an ethical perspective on the political and ethical philosophy of public policy.
- His topic in our course will be on electoral reform.
Ian Gold (McGill)
Associate Professor - Canada Research Chair in Philosophy & Psychiatry
Research interests include: Philosophy of neuroscience, Philosophy of psychiatry, and Philosophy of mind
- His topic in our course will be on philosophy and the future.
Harrie Vredenburg (University of Calgary)
Professor - Suncor Energy Chair, Faculty - Business & the Environment; Executive Education
Research interests include: energy and sustainability
- His topic in our course will be on energy.
Parvinder Sachdeva
Special Assistant to the Hon. Navdeep Bains, M.P., P.C. (Minister of Innovation, Science and E.D.)
- His topic in our course will be on how to think and strategize in ways that create change.
Previous guests from other iterations of the course have included:
James Orbinski
David Taras
Preston Manning
Sean Wise
Karl Moore
John Zucchi
Blaine Favel
Registration now open:
INCC 398.3: “Making the Future”
CRN: 31454
Thursday afternoons, Jan. 5 - Apr. 7
Jan. 5 - Mar. 10: 1:00 p.m. - 3:50 p.m.
Mar. 17 - Apr. 7: 12:00 p.m. - 2:50 p.m.
“Making the Future” instructor Ken Dryden is a politician, author, businessman, and member of the Hockey Hall of Fame.