2020 - Present


Qixin Zhang MA
Defence Date: January 24, 2025
Supervisor:  Dr. Mirela David
Thesis Title: Female Doctors and Educators in Sichuan 1900-1930s



Taryn Goff  MA
Defence Date: December 13, 2024
Supervisor:  Dr. Cheryl Troupe
Thesis Title: Genocide in the Garden: Landscape Change, Botanical Colonization and Ecological Alienation at Western Canadian Residential Schools, 1880-1920

Candice Klein PhD
Defence Date: August 21, 2024
Supervisor:  Dr. Valerie Korinek
Thesis Title: "If my wife had been home this never would have happened: Incest in Saskatchewan, 1901-1931.

Alan Wobeser  MA
Defence Date: August 20, 2024
Supervisor:  Dr. Ben Hoy
Thesis Title: Households on the Run: Family, Draft-dodging, and Canada During the Vietnam War
Mckelvey Kelly PhD
Defence Date: August 20, 2024
Supervisor:  Dr. Katie Labelle
Thesis Title: Landscapes of Love:  Wandat Women and the Politics of Removal, 1795-1909 

Jason Locke PhD
Defence Date: August 15, 2024
Supervisor: Dr. Robert Englebert
Thesis Title: Contested Loyalties:  The British Occupations of Boston, Philadelphia, and Charleston 

Bethany Knowles MA
Defence Date:
Supervisor: Dr. Erika Dyck
Thesis Title: Let’s Go Girls: An Examination of Modern Christian Womanhood in Canada, 1880–1950

Anne Baycroft PhD
Defence Date: April 22, 2024
Supervisor: Dr. George Keyworth
Thesis Title: The Largest Mission Press in the World: The American Presbyterian Mission Press and the Development of Modern Vernacular Langauge Printing in East Asia


Sarah Benson MA
Defence Date: November 20, 2023
Supervisor: Dr. Cheryl Troupe
Thesis Title: “…taken in hand by Indians”: Jewish-Indigenous Relations in the Early Twentieth-Century Qu’Appelle Valley Region

Michelle Desveaux PhD
Defence Date: September 20, 2023
Supervisor: Dr. Keith Carlson
Thesis Title: Intersections of Historical Consciousness: The Meeting of Indigenous and Settler Histories in Canada’s Storied Places.

Fallon Burner MA
Defence Date: Sept 19, 2023
Supervisor: Dr. Katie Labelle
Thesis Title: A History of Language and Revival in the Wendat and Wyandot(Te) Nations, 1534-2023.

Cat Woloschuk MA
Defence Date: September 5, 2023
Supervisor: Dr. Jim Clifford
Thesis Title: “Lumberjacks, Muscular Christianity, and Nation Building: Creating an Aspirational Canadian Masculinity.”

Erin Matthews MA
Defence Date: August 22, 2023
Supervisor: Dr. Erika Dyck
Thesis Title: Nursing the Province Back to Health: Spanish Influenza and Its Impact on Saskatchewan Women 1918-1926.
John Bird PhD
Defence Date: August 18, 2023
Co-Supervisors: Dr. Ben Hoy and Dr. Keith Carlson
Thesis Title: “And by Publishing, to Preserve:” Envisioning Indigenous Futures in Anishinaabe Historical Writing, 1814–1893.
Tarisa Little PhD
Defence Date: July 20, 2023
Supervisor: Dr. Katie Labelle
Thesis Title: “To Those Who Say We Are Assimilated, I Say Hogwash!”: A History of the Wyandot of Anderdon Day School Experience, 1790 To 1915.
Letitia  Johnson PhD
Defence Date: May 10, 2023
Supervisor: Dr. Erika Dyck
Thesis Title: A History of Resistance and Compliance: Japanese-Canadian Health, Healthcare, and Healthcare Providers During Internment (1942-1949).


Jessy Lee Saas MA
Defence Date: August 18, 2022
Supervisor: Dr. Ashleigh Androsoff
Thesis Title: The Myth of the Homesteader: Challenging Saskatchewan Settler Narratives, 1880-1910


Matthew Kunkel MA
Defence Date: March 16, 2022
Supervisor: Dr. Ben Hoy
Thesis Title: Indigenous Geographic Knowledge and the Lewis and Clark Expedition.


Kristen Hartung MA
Defence Date: November 2021
Supervisor: Dr. Maurice Labelle
Thesis Title: Identifying the Humanitarian Trap: The American Friends Service Committee  and Palestinian Refugees in Gaza, 1948-51.

Evan Kratz MA
Defence Date: October 28, 2021
Supervisor: Dr. Matthew Neufeld
Thesis Title: British East India Company Chaplains and their Encounters with Hindus and Muslims in India, 1785-1813.

Harris Ford MA
Defence Date: August 11, 2021
Supervisor: Dr. Maurice Labelle
Thesis Title: Only Pleasing Themselves: The United Nations’ Internationalization of Jerusalem, 1947-54.

Ariel Brecht MA
Defence Date: April 19, 2021
Supervisor: Dr. Frank Klaassen and Dr. Yin Liu (English)
Thesis Title:MS EGE 4: A Preacher's Companion

Karissa Patton PhD
Defence Date: February 22, 2021
Supervisor: Dr. Erika Dyck
Thesis Title: Con(tra)cepts of Care: Southern Alberta Birth Control Centres and Reproductive Healthcare, 1969-1979

Colin Osmond PhD
Defence Date: January 19, 2021
Supervisor: Dr. Keith Carlson
Thesis Title: Paycheques & Paper Promises Coast Salish and Mi’kmaw Work And Family Life under Canadian Settler Colonialism


Chris Marsh PhD
Defence Date: December 4, 2020
Supervisor: Dr. Geoff Cunfer
Thesis Title: “Iyinnakikoan”: Community-oriented Policing in Niitsitapi Communities of Southern Alberta, 1874-1919

Ryan Dutchak MA
Defence Date: October 26, 2020
Supervisor: Dr. Ashleigh Androsoff
Thesis Title: “We’ve Lost Them Through Assimilation”: Ukrainian and Doukhobor Integration in Saskatchewan, 1946-1971

Casey Mastromatteo MA
Defence Date: November 12, 2020
Supervisor: Dr. Lesley Biggs

Thesis Title: "She is Without a Doubt, the Greater Sinner, and Merits the Greater Punishment…” The Regulation of Bawdy Houses and the Administration of Justice in Edmonton, Alberta, 1910-1930.

Laura Larsen PhD
Defence Date: August 31, 2020
Supervisor: Dr. Erika Dyck
Thesis Title: The Public Good and Private Business of the Crow Rate: Prairie Grain Handling and Transportation Policy

Kiera Mitchell MA
Defence Date: August 24, 2020
Supervisor: Dr. Valerie Korinek
Thesis Title: Fertile Clay: Beth Hone, Spiritual Feminism and Women’s Transnational Activism in Saskatchewan, 1970-2000.

Shannon McConnell MA
Defence Date: May 26, 2020
Supervisor: Dr. Erika Dyck
Thesis Title: The Woodlands School, 1950-1980.

Derek Cameron MA
Defence Date: April 9, 2020
Supervisor: Dr. Erika Dyck
Thesis Title: An Alternative to Vaccines?: Homeopathic Nosodes and Their Affect on Vaccine Debates in English Canada.

Karrie Gibbons MA
Defence Date: March 25, 2020
Supervisor: Dr. Valerie Korinek
Thesis Title: "Even the Youngest Can Help": The First World War, Girls and the Junior Red Cross in Western Canada.

David Kim-Cragg PhD
Defence Date: March 6, 2020
Supervisors: Dr. Mirela David and Dr. Keith Carlson
Thesis Title: Nationalist Missions, Migrating Christians: A Postcolonial History of a Canadian-Korean Church Relationship and the Transformation of the United Church of Canada, 1898-1988

Scott Berthelette PhD
Defence Date: January 17, 2020
Supervisor: Dr. Robert Englebert
Thesis Title: French-Indigenous Métissage and Rethinking the Chronology of Métis Peoplehood in the Hudson Bay Watershed, 1731-1774.

2010 - 2019


Steven Langlois MA
Defence Date: October 7, 2019
Supervisors: Dr. Martha Smith
Thesis Title: Feeding a Nuclear Giant: Fernald and Uranium Production System, 1943-1989.

Awinsong, Moses MA
Defence Date: August 30, 2019
Supervisors: Dr. Simonne Horwitz and Dr. Martha Smith
Thesis Title: The Local Factor in Democratization: Examining Democracy Promotion in the U.S.-Ghana Relations, 1992-2001.

Kelly, Mckelvey MA
Defence Date: August 29, 2019
Supervisor: Dr. Kathryn Labelle
Thesis Title: Seven Generations: Emotion Work, Women, and the Anderdon Wyandot Cemetery, 1790-1914.

Ruten, Daniel MA
Defence Date: August 15, 2019
Supervisor: Dr. Matthew Neufeld
Thesis Title: “I Cannot Sleep”: Patient Experiences and the Meanings of Madness in Bethel Hospital, 1713-1815.

Tuck-Goetz, Courtney MA
Defence Date: August 9, 2019
Supervisor: Dr. Angela Kalinowski
Thesis Title: Femina furiosa: Female Arena Performers and their Role in Ancient Spectacle.

Betke, Tyla MA
Defence Date: July 26, 2019
Supervisor: Dr. Benjamin Hoy
Thesis Title: Cree (Nêhiyawak
) Mobility, Diplomacy, and Resistance in the Canada-US Borderlands, 1885 - 1917.

Kaliel, Emily MA
Defence Date: July 24, 2019
Supervisor: Dr. Erika Dyck
Thesis Title: Educating Immigrant Mothers: The District Nursing Program and the Reworking of Scientific Motherhood in Alberta, 1919-1943.

Iceton, Glenn PhD
Defence Date: June 25, 2019
Supervisor: Dr. Bill Waiser
Thesis Title: Defining Space: How History Shaped and Informed Notions of Kaska Land Use and Occupancy.

Troupe, Cheryl PhD
Defence Date: May 30, 2019
Supervisor: Dr. Geoff Cunfer
Thesis Title: Mapping Métis Stories: Land Use, Gender and Kinship in the Qu’Appelle Valley, 1850-1950.

Tardivel, Angélique MA
Defence Date: April 8, 2019
Supervisor: Dr. Keith Carlson
Thesis Title: Navigating Indigenous Leadership in a Settler Colonial World: Ron and Patricia John ‘Come Home’ to Stó:lõ Politics.

DeWitt, Jessica PhD
Defence Date: February 5, 2019
Supervisor: Dr. Geoff Cunfer
Thesis Title: Middle Parks: Development of State and Provincial Parks in the United States and Canada, 1890-1990

Lepka, Lesya MA
Defence Date: January 18, 2019
Supervisor: Dr. Matthew Neufeld
Thesis Title: Care Work and Nursing in Greenwich Hospital, 1705-1713


Ens, Andrea MA
Defence Date: December 14, 2018
Supervisor: Dr. Erika Dyck
Thesis Title: 'Wish I Would Be Normal': LSD and Homosexuality at Hollywood Hospital, 1955-1973.

Bonham, Danika MA
Defence Date: November 28, 2018
Supervisor: Dr. Jim Clifford
Thesis Title: From the Mouths of Babes: Infant Mortality and Medicalised Motherhood in County Durham, England, 1892-1914.

Giraldo, Martin MA
Defence Date: November 23, 2018
Supervisor: Dr. Geoff Cunfer
Thesis Title: Owning Land, Appropriating Nature. The Configuration of an Agricultural Landscape in the Cauca River Valley, Southwestern Colombia, 1864-1901.

Razumenko, Fedir PhD
Defence Date: September 6, 2018
Supervisors: Dr. Erika Dyck and Dr. Larry Stewart
Thesis Title: Clinical Trials, Cancer, and the Emergence of Human Subject Research Ethics in Canada, 1921-1980.

Beninger, Carling PhD
Defence Date: July 11, 2018
Supervisor: Dr. J.R. Miller
Thesis Title: An Analysis of the Anglican, Presbyterian, and United Churches’ Indigenous Reconciliation Policies, 1946-1990.

Spinney, Erin PhD
Defence Date: April 23, 2018
Supervisor: Dr. Matthew Neufeld and Dr. Lisa Smith
Thesis Title: Naval and Military Nursing in the British Empire c. 1763-1830.

Gillis-Hogan, Samuel MA
Defence Date: March 23, 2018
Supervisor: Dr. Frank Klassen
Thesis Title: Stars in the Hand: The Manuscript and Intellectual Contexts of British Latin Medieval Chiromancy and its Scholastic and Astrologic Influences.

Lyons, Michael MA
Defence Date: March 8, 2018
Supervisor: Dr. Erika Dyck
Thesis Title: “Stairway to Heaven”: Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD) and Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) as a Therapy for Problem Drinking and Mid-Twentieth Century Saskatchewan 1953-1968

Mason, Susan MA
Defence Date: February 26, 2018
Supervisor: Dr. John Porter
Thesis Title: The Shifting Sycophant: Changing Implications of a Label in Athenian Democracy.

Cupid, Nathan MA
Defence Date: February 5, 2018
Supervisor: Dr. Robert Englebert
Thesis Title: "Runners of the Woods": New France and the Illicity Fur Trade, 1663-1740.


Seibel, David MA
Defence Date: December 18, 2017
Supervisor: Dr. Robert Englebert
Thesis Title: Resistance, Infiltration, and Rapprochment: French Inhabitants in Spanish Upper Louisiana, 1766-1780.

Clark, Chelsea MA
Defence Date: December 4, 2017
Supervisor: Dr. Matthew Neufeld and Dr. Lisa Smith
Thesis Title: Holding the Eel of Science by the Tail: Women’s Sociability in the Eighteenth-Century British Scientific World

Fehr, Mandy PhD
Defence Date: November 29, 2017
Supervisor: Dr. Keith Carlson
Thesis Title: It was our Lives, That was what We Believed: Indigenous Histories of Catholicism in Northwest Saskatchewan

Smith, Brandon MA
Defence Date: October 30, 2017
Supervisor: Dr. Sharon Wright
Thesis Title: The Diplomatic Role of the Teutonic Order in the Conflict between Emperor Frederick II, and the Papacy, 1220-1250

Chasse, Patrick PhD
Defence Date: October 20, 2017
Co-Supervisors: Dr. Geoff Cunfer/Dr. Jim Handy
Thesis Title: Produce More to Live Better: Cotton, Corn and Agrarian Modernization in Guatemala, 1944-1966

Reimer, Tyler MA
Defence Date: September 18, 2017
Supervisor: Dr. Frank Klaassen
Thesis Title: Cultural Traditions of Sixteenth-Century English Books of Secrets

Todd, Matt PhD
Defence Date: September 15, 2017
Supervisor: Dr. Geoff Cunfer
Thesis Title: The Paradise Syndrome: Environment, Boosters and Ranching along the Montana/Alberta Borderlands

Brandsma, Michelle MA
Defence Date: September 12, 2017
Supervisor: Dr. Valerie Korinek
Thesis Title: An Honoured Place: A Farm Women’s Experiences of the Western Canadian Home Front During the First World War

Bird, John MA
Defence Date: September 7, 2017
Supervisor: Dr. Keith Carlson
Thesis Title: Stranger in a Strange Land: Cultural Hybridity and Mimicry in George Copway’s Engagement with Christianity, Freemasonry, and Literacy

Voogal, Justin, MA
Defence Date: September 1, 2017
Supervisor: Dr. Matthew Neufeld
Thesis Title: Empirical Power, Imperial Science: Science, Empire, and the ‘Classification’ of the Late Eighteenth Century Pacific

Clarke, Ansel MA
Defence Date: August 11, 2017
Supervisor: Dr. Frank Klaassen
Thesis Title: Not the Simplest Christians: Vernacular Charming and the Limits of Orthodox Practice in Late Medieval England

Derksen, Sam MA
Defence Date: August 3, 2017
Supervisor: Dr. Robert Englebert
Thesis Title: Colonialism, Consumption, and Control: The Illinois Country Liquor Trade 1750-1803

MacDonald, Katya PhD
Defence Date: July 13, 2017
Supervisor: Dr. Keith Carlson
Thesis Title: Making Histories and Narrating Things: Histories of Handmade Objectives in Two Indigenous Communities

Raven, Krystl MA
Defence Date: July 6, 2017
Supervisor: Dr. Kathryn Labelle
Thesis Title: Beyond the Battlefield: Gabriel Dumont and Métis Leadership (1837-1885)

Little, Tarisa MA
Defence Date: June 27, 2017
Supervisor: Dr. Kathryn Labelle
Thesis Title: There are no shortcuts: The Long Road to Treaty 7 Education

Shingoose, Myles MA
Defence Date: April 28, 2017
Supervisor: Dr. Geoff Cunfer
Thesis Title: The Civil War Within the Civil War: The Cherokee Nation and the Third Indian Home Guard in the United States Civil War.

Palmer, Daniel MA
Defence Date: April 19, 2017
Supervisor: Dr. Kathryn Labelle
Thesis Title: Forgotten Voices: The McKee Treaty of 1790.

Campbell, Jessica MA
Defence Date: April 11, 2017
Supervisor: Dr. Valerie Korinek
Thesis Title: Gendered Environments in Canada: An Analysis of Women and Environments Magazine, from 1976-1997.

Davidson, Melissa MA
Defence Date: February 15, 2017
Supervisor: Dr. Jim Handy
Thesis Title: Guatemala’s Market-Led Agrarian Reform: A Failure in its Own Terms

Hansen, Jennifer PhD
Defence Date: January 13, 2017
Supervisor: Dr. Bill Waiser
Thesis Title: Ecological Thought at the International Congress of Arts and Science, 1904


Nicks, Robert MA
Defence Date: October 14, 2016
Supervisor: Dr. Bill Waiser
Thesis Title: Adventurers and Opportunists: The Social Credit Party in the Saskatchewan election of 1938.

Wahpasiw, Omeasoo PhD
Defence Date: November 4, 2016
Supervisor: Dr. Keith Carlson
Thesis Title: Tla’amin Housing Architecture and Home Territories in the Twentieth Century: Invisible Spaces Shaping Historical Indigenous Education.

Wickam, Blaine PhD
Defence Date: September 9, 2016
Supervisor: Dr. Ericka Dyck
Thesis Title: Into the Void: A Crossborder Comparison of the Mental Asylum on the American and Canadian Frontier.

Bronwyn, Craig MA
Defence Date: October 21, 2016
Supervisor: Dr. Robert Englebert
Thesis Title: French-Speakers, American Citizens: Government, Community, and Survival in the American Illinois Country, 1778-1787.

Gallagher-Cohoon, Erin MA
Defence Date: July 20, 2016
Supervisor: Dr. Erika Dyck
Thesis Title: Dirty Little Secrets: Prostitution and the United States Public Health Service’s Sexually Transmitted Disease Inoculation Study in Guatemala.

Hubert, Megan MA
Defence Date: July 28, 2016
Supervisor: Dr. Bill Waiser
Thesis Title: “We Shape Our Buildings; Thereafter They Shape Us:” The Bessborough Hotel and its Home Community, 1927-2015.

Osmond, Colin MA
Defence Date: July 8, 2016
Supervisor: Dr. Keith Carlson
Thesis Title: Giant Trees, Iron Men: Masculinity and Colonialism Coast Salish Loggers’ Identity.

McNichol, Dustin PhD
Defence Date: June 28, 2016
Supervisor: Dr. Bill Waiser
Thesis Title: ‘You Can’t Have it All French, All at Once’: French Language Rights, Bilingualism, and Political Community in Saskatchewan, 1870-1990.

Reilly, Frances PhD
Defence Date: June 27, 2016
Supervisor: Dr. Valerie Korinek
Thesis Title: Controlling Contagion: Policing and Prescribing Sexual and Political Normalcy in Cold War Canada.

Grieve, Adam MA
Defence Date: April 4, 2016
Supervisor: Dr. Keith Carlson
Thesis Title: Wild West Canada: Buffalo Bill and Transborder History.

Deighton, Alex MA
Defence Date: February 22, 2016
Supervisor: Dr. Erika Dyck
Thesis Title: The Last Asylum: Experiencing the Weyburn Mental Hospital, 1921-1939.

Lamb Drover, Vickie PhD
Defence Date: February 10, 2016
Supervisor: Dr. Valerie Korinek
Thesis Title: Participaction: A Legacy In Motion.

Posavad, Dallas MA
Defence Date: February 5, 2016
Supervisor: Dr. Jim Handy
Thesis Title: The Authenticity of Inauthenticity: Aboriginal Actors who Defied the Aboriginal Mould.


Montgomery, Adam, PhD
Defence Date: December 7, 2015
Supervisor: DR. ERIKA DYCK
Thesis Title: Shocked, Exhausted, and Injured: The Canadian Military and Veteran’s Experience with Trauma from 1914 to 2014

Elcock, Chris, PhD
Defence Date: October 26, 2015
Supervisor: DR. ERIKA DYCK
Thesis Title: High New York: The Birth of a Psychedelic Subculture in the American City

Gough, Meagan, PhD
Defence Date: October 9, 2015
Thesis Title: You Never Sit By the Same River Twice: The Life History of Stó:lō Elder Archie Charles (1922-2010) and Reflections on Collaborative Research

Hatcher, Rachel, PhD
Defence Date: August 17, 2015
Supervisor: DR. JIM HANDY
Thesis Title: Remembering on the Calle Del Olvido: Memory and Forgetting in Post-Peace Public Discourse in Guatemala and El Salvador

Stevenson, Allyson, PhD
Defence Date: April 9, 2015
Thesis Title: Intimate Integration: A Study of Aboriginal Transracial Adoption in Saskatchewan, 1944-1984

Peckham, Madeleine, MA
Defence Date: March 31, 2015
Thesis Title: A true British Spirit: Admiral Vernon, Porto Bello, and British National Identity, 1730-1745

MacDonald, Marc, PhD
Defence Date: March 6, 2015
Thesis Title: Crossroads Of Enlightenment 1685-1850: Exploring Education, Science, And Industry Across The Delessert Network

Haggarty, Liam, PhD
Defence Date: March 2, 2015
Thesis Title: Shared Identities: A History Of Sharing And Native-Newcomer Relations In Western Canada, 1800-1970

Baker, Leslie, PhD
Defence Date: January 27, 2015
Supervisor: DR. ERIKA DYCK
Thesis Title: Institutionalizing Eugenics: Custody, Class, Gender And Education In Nova Scotia’s Response To The 'Feeble-Minded', 1890-1931


Gravlin, Matt, MA
Defence Date: December 17, 2014
Supervisor: DR. JIM HANDY
Thesis Title: The Biopolitics of Liberal Colonialism in India

Dunlop, Andrew, PhD
Defence Date: December 17, 2014
Supervisor: DR. GEOFF CUNFER
Thesis Title: Progress, Crisis, and Stability: Making the Northwest Plains Agricultural Landscape 

Samson, Amy, PhD
Defence Date: December 1, 2014
Supervisor: DR. ERIKA DYCK
Thesis Title: Eugenics in the Community: the United Farm Women of Alberta, Public Health Nursing, Teaching, Social Work and Eugenic Sterilization in Alberta, 1928-1972

Thomson, Claire, MA
Defence Date: September 29, 2014
Supervisor: J. MILLER
Thesis Title: Lakotapteole: Wood Mountain Lakota Cultural Adaptation and Maintenance through Ranching and Rodeo, 1880-1930

Silver, Scott, MA
Defence Date: August 21, 2014
Supervisor: J. HANDY
Thesis Title: Can Electoral Democracy Generate Radical Change?: Experiences of Guatemala’s Radical Left in the 1960s 

Scott, Elizabeth A., PhD
Defence Date: July 17, 2014
Supervisor: C. KENT
Thesis Title: Building the 'Bridge of Hope:' The Discourse and Practice of Assisted Emigration of the Labouring Poor from East London to Canada, 1857-1913

Bolah, Ciprian, MA
Defence Date: March 7, 2014
Supervisor: J. HANDY, B. WAISER
Thesis Title: Excellent Workers But Wrong Colour Of Skin: Canada’s Reluctance To Admit Caribbean People As Domestic Workers And Farm Labourers 

Morley, Rob, PhD
Defence Date: January 14, 2014
Supervisor: J. MCCANNON
Thesis Title: The Screen's Threatening Skies: Aerial Warfare and British Cinema, 1927-1939 

Wiebe, Lesley, MA
Defence Date: January 7, 2014
Supervisor: K. CARLSON
Thesis Title: ‘That’s How I Saw It Anyways’: Foucauldian Geneology Toward Understanding An Historical Outbreak Of Amebiasis In Loon Lake. 2013


Stanley, Heather, PhD
Defence Date: November 13, 2013
Supervisor: V. KORINEK
Thesis Title: The Double Bed: Sex, Heterosexual Marriage and the Body in Postwar Canada, 1946-1966

Novakovic, Ana, MA
Defence Date: Nov 6, 2013
Supervisor: K. CARLSON
Thesis Title: 'History's Blinkers': Resituating 1950s Aboriginal Socio-Economic History Within Anomie Theory

Kirkpatrick, Michael, PhD
Defence Date: September 23, 2013
Supervisor: J. HANDY
Thesis Title: Optics and the Culture of Modernity in Guatemala

Dumonceaux, Scott, MA 
Defence Date: September 9, 2013 
Supervisor: B. WAISER
Thesis Title: The Conspiracy: The Canadian Response to the Order of the Midnight Sun and the Alaska Boundary Dispute 

York, Sarah Elizabeth, MA
Defence Date: August 15, 2013
Supervisor: B. WAISER
Babe Belanger, Knockout Duffy, Pussy Jake, and Their Johns: Histories of and Social Responses to Saskatchewan's Early Sex Trade, 1880 to 1920 

Camie, Augustus, PhD
Defence Date: August 2, 2013
Supervisor: J.HANDY, J. MILLER
Thesis Title: Mixed Race, Legal Space: Official Discourse, Indigeneity, and Racial Mixing in Canada, the US, and Australia, 1850-1950

Crosson, Selena, PhD
Defence Date: June 25, 2013
Supervisor: V. KORINEK
Thesis Title: Searching for May Maxwell: Bahá’i Millennial Feminism, Transformative Identity & Globalism in the new World Order. Shaping Women's Role in Early Bahá'i Culture, 1898-1940


Bellissimo, Stephanie, MA
Defence Date: December 7, 2012
Supervisor: B. WAISER
Thesis Title: They were Trionfante: The Italian Homesteading Experience in Saskatchewan, 1896-1930 

Clapperton, Jon, PhD
Defence Date: October 24, 2012
Supervisor: K.CARLSON
Thesis Title: Stewards of the Earth? Aboriginal Peoples, Environmentalists, and Historical Representation 

Kostuchenko, Amber, MA
Defence Date: August 31, 2012
Supervisor: K. CARLSON
Thesis Title: “I am an Indian and live on the Indian Reserve”: History, Culture, Politics, Colonialism and the (Re)Making of Chief Billie Hall 

Smith, Brenan, MA
Defence Date: August 30, 2012
Supervisor: M. SMITH-NORRIS
Thesis Title: Cold Warrior Abroad: The Foreign Missions of Vice President Richard Nixon 

Danyluk, Stephanie, MA
Defence Date: August 29, 2012
Supervisor: K.CARLSON
Thesis Title: We Let Them Be Our Extended Family: Disentangling Stó:lo Families from the Colonial Past 

Grier, Jason, MA
Defence Date: August 27, 2012
Supervisor: L. STEWART
Thesis Title: Hypothesis Non Fingo: The Development of Isaac Newton’s Literary Technology 

Morris, Brandon, MA
Defence Date: August 22, 2012
Supervisor: R. ENGLEBERT
Thesis Title: “those two insignificant Islands”: Saint-Pierre and Miquelon, and Social and Cultural Continuity in Northeastern North America, 1763-1793

Larsen, Laura, MA
Defence Date: August 13, 2012
Supervisor: B. WAISER
Thesis Title: Repurposing the Great Grain Robbery in Canada

Gibbons, Sheila, MA
Defence Date: August 8, 2012
Supervisor: E. DYCK
Thesis Title: The True [Political] Mothers of Today: Farm Women and the Organization of Eugenic Feminism in Alberta

Melenchuk, Maria, MA
Defence Date: August 2, 2012
Thesis Title: Ukrainian Ostarbeiters in Canada: Individual and Collective Remembering 

McCulloch, Mark, PhD
Defence Date: July 25, 2012
Supervisor: B. FAIRBAIRN
Thesis Title: Consumption Junction, What’s its Function? Consumer Co-operatives, State-Citizen Relations, and Consumer Culture in the German Democratic Republic 

Elliott, Ian, MA
Defence Date: July 9, 2012
Supervisor: B WAISER
Thesis Title: Stupid Not to Include the Arts: The Creation and Evolution of the Saskatchewan Arts Board, 1948-1970 

Dobson, Jamie, MA
Defence Date: June 29, 2012
Supervisor: F. KLAASSEN
Thesis Title: Pilgram Marpeck, St. Bernard, and the Church as the Bride of Christ 

Diener, Deanna, MA
Defence Date: April 19, 2012
Supervisor: M.MEYERS
Thesis Title: Beautiful Ideas Worth Dying For and Scorn For Woman: An Analysis of Gender in Male and Female Authored Futurist Texts


Mathew Mossey, MA
Convocation (Defence Date): Fall 2011 (August 30, 2011)
Supervisor: E.DYCK
Thesis Title: The Saskatchewan Cancer Program: A Historical Examination of Government in Health Care

Tony Kaye, MA
Convocation (Defence Date): Fall 2011 (August 26, 2011)
Supervisors: J. HANDY / S. HORWITZ
Thesis Title: Civilizing (the) Chiefs: Islam and Indirect Rule in the Northern Territories of The Gold Coast Colony, 1897-1933

John Gow, PhD
Convocation (Defence Date): Fall 2011 (August 25, 2011)
Supervisor: G. CUNFER
Thesis Title: Persistent Mirage: How the ‘Great American Desert’ Buries Great Plains Indian Environmental History

Mark Geldof, MA
Convocation (Defence Date): Fall 2011 (August 22, 2011)
Supervisor: S. WRIGHT
Thesis Title: Þe herte þe fote þe eye to accorde:" Procedural Knowledge and Three Middle-English Manuscripts of Martial Instruction

Paul Paproski, MA
Convocation (Defence Date): Fall 2011 (August 18, 2011)
Supervisor: B. WAISER
Thesis Title: The German Catholics of St. Peter’s Colony: 1903-1930

Jennifer Creighton, MA
Convocation (Defence Date): Fall 2011 (August 15, 2011)
Supervisor: B. WAISER
Thesis Title: Depression and The Depression: An Analysis of the Patient Ledgers of the Saskatchewan Hospital North Battleford, 1929-1939

Katherine Allen, MA
Convocation (Defence Date): Fall 2011 (August 9, 2011)
Supervisor: L. SMITH
Thesis Title: England’s Domestic Chemists: science and consumerism in eighteenth-century recipe collections

Karin Tate, MA
Convocation (Defence Date): Fall 2011 (July 8, 2011)
Supervisor: A. KALINOWSKI
Thesis Title: The Deification of Imperial Women: second century contexts

Tim Nyborg, MA
Convocation (Defence Date): Fall 2011 (June 15, 2011)
Supervisor: L. STEWART
Thesis Title: Radical Chemist: The Politics and Natural Philosophy of Thomas Beddoes

Tenyia Miller, MA
Convocation (Defence Date): Fall 2011 (April 20, 2011)
Supervisor: L. SMITH
Thesis Title: Persistent Widows: Religious Scripts in the Illness Narratives of Anne Halkett, Ann Fanshawe, and Alice Thornton

Crystal Nataraj, MA
Convocation (Defence Date): Spring 2011 (April 7, 2011)
Supervisor: P. JORDAN
Thesis Title: Historical Interpretations of the Gorbachev Era and the End of the Soviet Union: Secondary School History Education in Russia, 1991-2010

Sara Roberts, MA
Convocation (Defence Date): Spring 2011 (January 10, 2011)
Supervisor(s): J. HANDY/ S. HORWITZ
Thesis Title: Debt, Sex, and AIDS: Dismantling the AIDS in African Discourse 


Student's Name: Merle Massie, PhD
Convocation (Defence Date): Spring 2011 (December 13, 2010)
Supervisor(s): B. WAISER
Thesis Title: At the Edge: The North Prince Albert Region of the Saskatchewan Forest Fringe to 1940 

Student's Name: Cheryl Loadman, MA
Convocation (Defence Date): Spring 2011 (December 15, 2010)
Supervisor(s): J. MACKINNON
Thesis Title: Saskatchewan Health Stakeholders and the 1991-96 Wellness Program: The Politics of Implementing Health Reform

Student's Name: Jasmine MacDonald, MA
Convocation (Defence Date): Spring 2011 (November 2, 2010)
Supervisor(s): G. DESBRISAY
Thesis Title: The Baillies of Mellerstain: The Household Economy in an Eighteenth-Century Elite Household

Student's Name: Kurt Krueger, MA
Convocation (Defence Date): Spring 2011 (October 22, 2010)
Supervisor(s): G. DESBRISAY
Thesis Title: 'I think myself as good as anybody': Nationalism, manliness, space and identity in Boswell's London Journal

Student's Name: Paul Aikenhead, MA
Convocation (Defence Date): Fall 2010 (July 16, 2010)
Supervisor(s): V. KORINEK
Thesis Title: Man-Sized Inside: A History of the Construction of Masculinity in The Tragically Hip's album Fully Completely

Student's Name: MacKinley Darlington, MA
Convocation (Defence Date): Fall 2010 (May 25, 2010)
Supervisor(s): K. CARLSON
Thesis Title: Captain Death Strikes Again: Tuberculosis and the Stö:lo 1871-1907

Student's Name: Marc Usunier
Convocation (Defence Date): MA, Fall 2010 (April 28, 2010)
Supervisor(s): C. KENT
Thesis Title: The Aspiring Men of 'Punch': Patrolling the Boundaries of the Victorian Gentleman

Student's Name: Jared Pashovitz
Convocation (Defence Date): MA, Spring 2010 (January 28, 2010)
Supervisor(s): L. STEWART
Thesis Title: Market Knowledge: The Philosophic Instrument Trade in 18th Century England

Student's Name: Frank Kusch
Convocation (Defence Date): PhD, Spring 2010 (December 3, 2009)
Supervisor(s): M. SMITH-NORRIS
Thesis Title: Nixon's Loyalists: Inside the War for the White House, 1972

Student's Name: Christopher Clarke
Convocation (Defence Date): MA Spring 2010 (November 27, 2009)
Supervisor(s): J. HANDY
Thesis Title: They Were as We Were: The Tupinamba, Travel Writing and the Missing Individual in New World Historiography

Student's Name: Katya MacDonald
Convocation (Defence Date): MA, Spring 2010 (November 5, 2009)
Supervisor(s): K. CARLSON
Thesis Title: Looking for Snob Hill and Sq’weqel: Histories of Aboriginality and Community in Two Aboriginal Communities

Student's Name: Kevin Gambell
Convocation (Defence Date): MA, Spring 2010 (October 7, 2009)
Supervisor(s): K. CARLSON
Thesis Title: Cemetery Spaces of Stõ:lõ Shxwõwhámél and the Île-à-la-Crosse Métis

Student's Name: Matthew Todd
Convocation (Defence Date): MA, Spring 2010 (September 30, 2009)
Supervisor(s): G. CUNFER
Thesis Title: Now May Be Heard a Discouraging Word: The Impact of Climate Fluctuation on Texas Ranching in the 1880s

Student's Name: John Greenshields
Convocation (Defence Date): MA, Spring 2010 (September 23, 2009)
Supervisor(s): M. MEYERS
Thesis Title: Republican Universalism and Racial Inferiority: Paul Bonnetain and the French Mission to Civilize in Tonkin

Student's Name: Victoria Lamb Drover
Convocation (Defence Date): MA, Spring 2010 (September 17, 2009)
Supervisor(s): V. KORINEK
Thesis Title: A Place for Everyone, But Everyone in Their Place: The inclusivity of female students, staff and faculty at the University of Saskatchewan, 1909-1922

2000 - 2009


Student's Name: Carla Fehr
Convocation (Defence Date): MA, Fall 2009 (September 11, 2009)
Supervisor(s): J. HANDY
Thesis Title: The Apostle of Capitalism: The Economist from 1843-1863

Student's Name: Taiki Kato
Convocation (Defence Date): MA, Fall 2009 (August 26, 2009)
Supervisor(s): B. WAISER
Thesis Title: To Endure and Become Humble: Myth and Reality of the Climate of the Prairies

Student's Name: Jason Zorbas
Convocation (Defence Date): PhD Fall 2009 (July 22, 2009)
Supervisor(s): J. HANDY/J. MACKINNON
Thesis Title: Diefenbaker, Latin America and the Caribbean: The Pursuit of Canadian Autonomy

Student's Name: Alice Glaze
Convocation (Defence Date): MA Fall 2009 (June 5, 2009)
Supervisor(s): G. DESBRISAY
Thesis Title: Women Before the Kirk: Godly Discipline in Canongate, 1640-1650

Student's Name: Amanda Harrigan
Convocation (Defence Date): MA Fall 2009 (May 6, 2009)
Supervisor(s): M. MEYERS
Thesis Title: Patriotism and Treason in the Life and Thought of Jean Paulhan

Student's Name: Jennifer Hamel
Convocation (Defence Date): MA Fall 2009 (April 7, 2009)
Supervisor(s): J. MILLER
Thesis Title: The Rise and Fall of Canadian National History

Student's Name: Jonathan Anuik
Convocation (Defence Date): PhD Spring 2009 (March 19, 2009)
Supervisor(s): J. MILLER
Thesis Title: Métis Families and Communities and Christian and Public Schools: The Affirmation and Reclamation of Métis Identities in Saskatchewan, 1885-1979

Student's Name: Christopher Paige
Convocation (Defence Date): MA Spring 2009 (February 10, 2009)
Supervisor(s): B. WAISER
Thesis Title: Canada and Chemical Warfare, 1939-1945

Student's Name: Sarah Nickel
Convocation (Defence Date): MA Spring 2009 (January 12, 2009)
Supervisor(s): J. MILLER
Thesis Title: 'The Right to be Heard': Saskatchewan First Nations Political Activism, 1922-1946

Student's Name: Byron Plant
Convocation (Defence Date): PhD Spring 2009 (January 9, 2009)
Supervisor(s): K. CARLSON
Thesis Title: The Politics of Indian Administration: A History of "Indian Affairs" in British Columbia, 1945-1969


Student's Name: Charles Robertson
Convocation (Defence Date): MA Spring 2009 (October 3, 2008)
Supervisor(s): A. REESE
Thesis Title: Augustinian Themes in Lumen Gentium, 8

Student's Name: Amanda Fehr
Convocation (Defence Date): MA Fall 2008 (September 22, 2008)
Supervisor(s): K. CARLSON
Thesis Title: The Relationships of place: a Study of Change and Continuity in Stó:lõ Understandings of I:Yem

Student's Name: Brendan Edwards
Convocation (Defence Date): PhD Spring 2008 (June 16, 2008)
Supervisor(s): J. MILLER
Thesis Title: A War of Wor(l)ds: Aboriginal Canadian writing during the “dark days” of the early twentieth century

Student's Name: Mara Marginean
Convocation (Defence Date): MA Spring 2008 (April 22, 2008)
Supervisor(s): J. McCANNON
Thesis Title: Aesthetic Mechanisms of Stalinization in Romanian Architecture: The Case of Hunedoara, 1947-1954

Student's Name: Teresa Redlick
Convocation (Defence Date): MA Spring 2008 (April 18, 2008)
Supervisor(s): J. McCANNON
Thesis Title: The Education of True Believers? Soviet Youth in the 1920s

Student's Name: Brendan Kelly
Convocation (Defence Date): MA Spring 2008 (April 2, 2008)
Supervisor(s): B. WAISER
Thesis Title: Patriotism in Saskatoon during the Second World War

Student's Name: Kim Duong
Convocation (Defence Date): MA Spring 2008 (March 28, 2008)
Supervisor(s): K. KENT
Thesis Title: Illustrated Soap Advertisements in Myra's Journal 1875-1912: Hygiene, Beauty and Class in Victorian England


Student's Name: Lindsay Manz
Convocation (Defence Date): MA Fall 2007 (Dec 11/07)
Supervisor(s): J. McCANNON
Thesis Title: Lessons from the Kremlin: Folklore and Children's Literature in the Socialization of Soviet Children, 1932-1945

Student's Name: Paget Code
Convocation (Defence Date): MA Fall 2007 (Dec 3/07)
Supervisor(s): J. MILLER
Thesis Title: Les Autres Metis: The English Metis of the Prince Albert Settlement 1862-1886

Student's Name: Jillian Staniec
Convocation (Defence Date): MA Fall 2007 (Aug 14/07)
Supervisor(s): V. KORINEK
Thesis Title: Cossacks and Wallflowers: Ukrainian Stage Dance, Identity and Politics in Saskatchewan from the 1920s to the Present

Student's Name: Kimberly Coma
Convocation (Defence Date): MA Fall 2007 (July 9/07)
Supervisor(s): G. DESBRISAY
Thesis Title: The Ties that Bind: Seventeenth Century Scottish Families in Life-writings

Student's Name: Tom Novosel
Convocation (Defence Date): MA Fall 2007 (May 15/07)
Supervisor(s): B. FAIRBAIRN
Thesis Title: Pulp Fictions: The CCF Government and the Promise of a Pulp Industry in Saskatchewan, 1944-1964

Student's Name: Mark Polachic
Convocation (Defence Date): MA Fall 2007 (May 14/07)
Supervisor(s): L. STEWART
Thesis Title: Two Views on Revolution: Porter and Burke

Student's Name: Sarah Person
Convocation (Defence Date): MA Fall 2007 (April 9/07)
Supervisor(s): J. HANDY
Thesis Title: The Classical Populist Returns: The Political Style and Public Image of Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez

Student's Name: Robert Morley
Convocation (Defence Date): MA Spring 2007 (Dec 13/06)
Supervisor(s): J. McCANNON
Thesis Title: Earning Their Wings: British Pilot Training, 1912-1918

Student's Name: Adam Crocker
Convocation (Defence Date): MA Spring 2007 (Sept 25/06)
Supervisor(s): J. HANDY
Thesis Title: Images of Indigenous Rights and Environmental Stewardship: The Zapatistas’ Response to Conservation International and the Mexican Government in Montes Azules


Student's Name: Jordan Olver
Convocation (Defence Date): MA Fall 2006 (Aug 30/06)
Supervisor(s): P. BURNELL
Thesis Title: Love and the Sexual Sphere: A Study of the Relationship Between Love and Sexuality in Karol Wojtyla's Love and Responsibility

Student's Name: Jean Ruiz
Convocation (Defence Date): MA Fall 2006 (May 10/06)
Supervisor(s): J. HANDY
Thesis Title: Civilized People in Uncivilized Places, Nature, Race, and Rubber in Northwestern Amazonia

Student's Name: Lynda Airriess
Convocation (Defence Date): MA Fall 2006 (Apr 28/06)
Supervisor(s): A. REESE
Thesis Title: “Apuleuis” The Golden Ass: Anti Chirstian Opinion Concealed as an Ass-Tale

Student's Name: Karen Sander
Convocation (Defence Date): MA Fall 2006 (Apr 17/06)
Supervisor(s): G. DESBRISAY
Thesis Title: Women and Debt Litigation in Seventeenth Century Scotland: Credit and Credibility

Student's Name: Darren Friesen
Convocation (Defence Date): MA Spring 2006 (Feb 3/06)
Supervisor(s): K. CARLSON
Thesis Title: The Other Newcomers: Aboriginal Interactions with People from the Pacific

Student's Name: Jennifer Jozic
Convocation (Defence Date): MA Spring 2006 (Nov 16/05)
Supervisor(s): L. STEWART
Thesis Title: Here We Can Behold the Great Machine in Motion: The Belfast Monthly Magazine,1808 - 1814

Student's Name: Elizabeth A. Scott
Convocation (Defence Date): MA Spring 2006 (Oct 26/05)
Supervisor(s): C. KENT
Thesis Title: Cockney Plots: Working Class Politics and Garden Allotments in London’s East End, 1890-1918

Student's Name: Jeffrey Wigelsworth
Convocation (Defence Date): PhD Spring 2006 (Sept 26/05)
Supervisor(s): L. STEWART
Thesis Title: Their Grosser Degrees of Infidelity: Deists, Politics, Natural Philosophy, and the Power of God in Eighteenth-Century England


Student's Name: Robert Angove
Convocation (Defence Date): MA Fall 2005 (Aug 30/05)
Supervisor(s): C. KENT
Thesis Title: Holocaust Denial and Professional History-Writing

Student's Name: Rachel Hatcher
Convocation (Defence Date): MA Fall 2005 (Aug 22/05)
Supervisor(s): J.HANDY
Thesis Title: Truth and Forgetting in Guatemala: An Examination of Memoria del Silencio and Nunca Mas

Student's Name: Clay Poupart
Convocation (Defence Date): MA Fall 2005 (Aug 5/05)
Supervisor(s): M. SMITH-NORRIS
Thesis Title: “When will my turn come?” The Civil Service Purges and the Construction of a Gay Security Risk in the Cold War United States, 1945-1955

Student's Name: Christine Smillie
Convocation (Defence Date): MA Fall 2005 (June 13/05)
Supervisor(s): J.R. MILLER
Thesis Title: The People Left Out of Treaty 8

Student's Name: Michael Thome
Convocation (Defence Date): MA Fall 2005 (May 30/05)
Supervisor(s): B. WAISER
Thesis Title: How the West was Lost: Frederick Haultain and the Foundation of Saskatchewan

Student's Name: Robert Paul
Convocation (Defence Date): MA Fall 2005 (May 13/05)
Supervisor(s): M. SMITH-NORRIS
Thesis Title: The Domestic President: The School Desegregation, Welfare Reform, and Environmental Policies of Richard M. Nixon

Student's Name: Dan Macfarlane
Convocation: MA Spring 2005
Supervisor(s): B. FAIRBAIRN
Thesis Title: Projecting Hitler: Representations of Adolf Hitler in English-language Film, 1968-1990

Student's Name: Bonnie Wagner
Convocation: MA Spring 2005
Supervisor(s): B. WAISER
Thesis Title: We Proudly Begin Our Broadcast Day: Saskatchewan and the Arrival of Television, 1954-1969

Student's Name: Curtis McManus
Convocation: MA Spring 2005
Supervisor(s): B. WAISER
Thesis Title: Happyland: The Agricultural Crisis in Saskatchewan’s Drybelt, 1917-1927


Student's Name: Julie Gibbings
Convocation: MA Fall 2004
Supervisor(s): J. HANDY
Thesis Title: Becoming Green Citizens and Other Subjects: Community Forests in the Mayan Biosphere Reserve, Guatemala

Student's Name: Erin Millions
Convocation: MA Fall 2004
Supervisor(s): V. KORINEK
Thesis Title: Ties Undone: A Gendered and Racial Analysis of the Impact of the 1885 Northwest Rebellion on the Saskatchewan Territory

Student's Name: Jay Albrecht
Convocation: MA Fall 2004
Supervisor(s): C. KENT
Thesis Title: Dying for Ireland – Hunger Striking for Political Status by Republican Prisoners, 1913-1923

Student's Name: Paul Jenkins
Convocation: MA Fall 2004
Supervisor(s): G. DESBRISAY
Thesis Title: Witchcraft on Trial: Sir George MacKenzie, Rebellion, and the Politicization of Witch Hunting in 17th Century Scotland

Student's Name: Allyson Stevenson
Convocation: MA Fall 2004
Supervisor(s): J. MILLER
Thesis Title: The Metis Cultural Brokers and the Western Numbered Treaties, 1869-1877

Student's Name: Earl Jones
Convocation: MA Spring 2004
Supervisor(s): L. KITZAN
Thesis Title: Winston Churchill, The Dardanelles Campaign of 1915, Marlborough, Romance and the Defense of Family Honour

Student's Name: Robert Scott
Convocation: MA Spring 2004
Supervisor(s): J. HANDY
Thesis Title: Power and Progress: Community Politics in Santiago Atitlán, Guatemala 1944-54

Student's Name: Jennifer Milne
Convocation: MA Spring 2004
Supervisor(s): B. FAIRBAIRN
Thesis Title: Cultivating Domesticity: The Homemakers' Clubs of Saskatchewan, 1911-1961

Student's Name: Nathan Elliott
Convocation: MA Spring 2004
Supervisor(s): B. WAISER
Thesis Title: ‘We Have Asked for Bread and You Gave Us a Stone’: Western Farmers and the Siege of Ottawa

Student's Name: John Tomayer
Convocation: MA Spring 2004
Supervisor(s): A. REESE
Thesis Title: Ingvar Widefarer

Student's Name: Michael Santer
Convocation: MA Spring 2004
Supervisor(s): P. BIETENHOLZ
Thesis Title: Descriptive Catalogue of Rare Books in the Library on Notre Dame College, Wilcox, Saskatchewan


Student's Name: Allan Bevan
Convocation: MA Fall 2003
Supervisor(s): C. KENT
Thesis Title: Back to the House of Pain: The Popularisation of Darwinism in H.G. Well’s The Island of Dr. Moreau

Student's Name: Stephen Eastwood Bobroff
Convocation: MA Fall 2003
Supervisor(s): T. DEUTSCHER
Thesis Title: The Earthly Structures of Divine Ideas: Influences on the Political Economy of Giovanni Botero

Student's Name: Theresa Gaschler
Convocation: MA Fall 2003
Supervisor(s): M. SMITH-NORRIS
Thesis Title: Eisenhower’s Open Skies Proposal: Arms Control or Propaganda?

Student Name: Kimberly Anne Marschall
Convocation: MA Fall 2003
Supervisor(s): D. DE BROU
Thesis Title: Raising Juvenile Delinquents: The Development of Saskatchewan's Child Welfare Laws, 1905-1930

Student's Name: Jeff D. Korte
Convocation: MA Spring 2003
Supervisor(s): B. FAIRBAIRN
Thesis Title: Allied Intelligence and the German National Redoubt in 1945

Student's Name: Laura McNaughton
Convocation: MA Spring 2003
Supervisor(s): B. WAISER
Thesis Title: There is No Land Suitable for Agriculture: Progress and Agriculture in Post-world War II Saskatchewan

Student's Name: Daniela Roschinski
Convocation: MA Spring 2003
Supervisor(s): B. WAISER
Thesis Title: 'Wild' vs 'Mild' West: A Binary or Symbiotic Unit the Complexity of the Mythic West Re-imagined from a Canadian Perspective 1870-1914


Student's Name: Daniel M. Balkwill
Convocation: MA SPRING 2002
Supervisor(s): WAISER
Thesis Title: The Prairie Farm Rehabilitation Administration and the Community Pasture Program, 1937-1947

Student's Name: Rebecca Lee Barbara Brain
Convocation: MA Fall 2002
Supervisor(s): MILLER
Thesis Title: Invisible Demons: Epidemic Disease and the Plains Cree, 1670-1880

Student's name: Christopher John Garrish
Convocation: 2002
Supervisor: FAIRBAIRN
Thesis Title: Okanagan Fruit Growers and the Abandonment of Orderly Marketing: Land use Change, Single Desk Selling and the Coming of the Agricultural Land Reserve

Student's Name: Paula Grosso
Convocation: MA WINTER 2002
Supervisor(s): HANDY
Thesis Title: Defining a Movement: Zapatismo in Modern Mexico

Student's Name: Tracene Frances Harvey
Convocation: 2002
Supervisor: P. SWAN
Thesis Title: The Numismatic Commemoration of Divus Agustus

Student's Name: Alison Diane Jeppesen
Convocation: 2002
Supervisor: P. BURNELL
Thesis Title: Regulating the Sexes: Men and Women in the Asceticism of St. Basil of Caesarea (C. 330-379)

Student's Name: Noelle M. Lucas
Convocation: MA SPRING 2002
Supervisor(s): KORINEK
Thesis Title: Womonspace: Building a Lesbian Community in Edmonton, Alberta 1970-1990

Student's Name: Christa Leanne Nicholat
Convocation: 2002
Supervisor: J.R. MILLER
Thesis Title: Exploring a Shared History: Indian-White Relations Between Fishing Lake First Nations and Wadena, 1882-2002

Student's Name: David M. Quiring
Convocation: Spring, 2002
Supervisor: W.A. WAISER
Thesis Title: Battling Parish Priests, Bootleggers, and Fur Sharks: CCF Colonialism in Northern Saskatchewan

Student's Name: Bradley Dale Skopyk
Convocation: 2002
Supervisor: J. HANDY
Thesis Title: Moctezuma's Menagerie: Managing The Beast in Pre-cortesian Tenochtitlan

Student's Name: Dorinda Mae Stahl
Convocation: MA SPRING 2002
Supervisor(s): KORINEK
Thesis Title: Marvellous Times: The Indian Homemaking Program and Its Effects on Extension Instructors at the Extension Division, University of Saskatchewan, 1967-1972

Student's Name: Jake Watters
Convocation: MA WINTER 2002
Supervisor(s): WAISER
Thesis Title: Gimmie Shelter: Tree Planting in Rural Saskatchewan, 1870-1914


Student's Name: Norma L. Buydens
Convocation: MA SPRING 2001
Supervisor(s): KENT
Thesis Title: The Runaway Daughters of William Godwin: A New Interpretation of the Life of Mary Shelley

Student's Name: Bruce W. Dawson
Convocation: MA 2001
Supervisor(s): MILLER
Thesis Title: Better Than a Few Squirrels: The Greater Production Campaign on the First Nations Reserves of The Canadian Prairies

Student's Name: Tracy Deline
Convocation: MA FALL 2001, Defense: July 2001
Supervisor: SWAN, P.M.
Thesis Title: The Creation of Princeps Iuventutis: Gaius Caesar

Student's Name: Cara Pryor
Convocation: MA FALL 2001
Supervisor: KORINEK
Thesis Title: The Wintego of Our Discontent: Environment and Environmentalism on the Churchill River

Student's Name: David Harold Olivier
Convocation: Ph.D. FALL 2001
Supervisor(s): FAIRBAIRN
Thesis Title: Staatskaperei: The German Navy and Commerce Warfare, 1856-1888

Student's Name: Tracey Lynn Tremaine
Convocation: MA FALL 2001
Supervisor: KENT
Thesis Title: Was Kleopatra Black: Notes on Evaluating Competing Historical Descriptions


Student's Name: Brendon Cook
Convocation: MA FALL 2000
Supervisor(s): BIETENHOLZ
Thesis Title: The Religion of Erasmus: Original Sin in the Work of Alexander Pope, Johnathon Swift and Henry Fielding

Student's Name: Erika Dyck
Convocation: MA FALL 2000
Supervisor(s): KORINEK
Thesis Title: From the Ivory Tower to the Supermarket: Financing Canadian Universities in the 1960s

Student's Name: John Friesen
Convocation: MA SPRING 2000
Supervisor(s): STEWART
Thesis Title: Anti-Newtonianism in Early Eighteenth-Century England

Student's Name: Alison Goldenberg
Convocation: MA SPRING 2000
Supervisor(s): BIETENHOLZ
Thesis Title: Feliciano Ninguarda and the Observance of Monastic Celibacy in Late Sixteenth Century Styria, Carinthia and Carniola

Student's Name: James M. Gulak
Convocation: MA FALL 2000
Supervisor(s): DEBROU, GROGIN
Thesis Title: Ambitions and Insecurities: The Department of External Affairs and Canadian-Soviet Relations, 1942-1948

Student's Name: Sylvia Helene Johansen
Convocation: Ph.D. MARCH 2000
Supervisor(s): KENT
Thesis Title: Manufacturing Industry: Taste and Science in Mid-Nineteenth Century Britain

Student's Name: Eric J. Strikwerda
Convocation: MA SPRING 2000
Supervisor(s): WAISER
Thesis Title: From Short-Term Emergency to Long-term Crisis: Public Works Projects in Saskatoon, 1929-1932

1980 - 1999


Student's Name: Thomas Anderson
Convocation: MA 1999
Supervisor(s): LEUNG
Thesis Title: The American Pow Experience in Korea: Washington's Reaction to Chinese Communist Propaganda

Student's Name: Clay E. Burlingham
Convocation: Ph.D. SPRING 1999
Supervisor(s): HAYDEN
Thesis Title: The King and the Cardinal: The Emergence of Majesty

Student's Name: Craig M. Charabin
Convocation: MA SPRING 1999
Supervisor(s): KITZAN
Thesis Title: Voyages to the Gates of Dawn: Official Exploring Expeditions to the South Pacific, 1767-1857

Student's Name: Candace Dahl
Convocation: MA SPRING 1999
Supervisor(s): DESBRISAY
Thesis Title: Achieving Legitimacy: The Rhetoric of Man-Midwifery in England, 1670-1800

Student's Name: Ken Dahl
Convocation: MA SPRING 1999
Supervisor(s): REGEHR
Thesis Title: Public Attitudes Toward the Liquor Question in Saskatchewan, 1880-1925

Student's Name: Paul A. Duke
Convocation: MA FALL 1999
Supervisor(s): KITZAN
Thesis Title: Robbery with dialogue: Highway in Eighteenth Century England and its Consequences

Student's Name: Larry G. Green
Convocation: MA FALL 1999
Thesis Title: An Analysis of the Autobiographical Notes of John McDonald of Garth

Student's Name: Joel Vincent Grineau
Convocation: MA SPRING 1999
Supervisor(s): BIETENHOLZ
Thesis Title: Thomas Fuller: First English Historian of the Crusades, 1608-1661

Student's Name: Britton Wade MacDonald
Convocation: MA FALL 1999
Supervisor(s): SMITH-NORRIS
Thesis Title: Blazing a New Trail: Senator Arthur Vandenberg's Shift from Isolationism to Internationalism

Student's Name: Hans Rainer Schira
Convocation: MA FALL 1999 (2000 on cover)
Supervisor(s): REESE
Thesis Title: St. Willibrord (658-739) The Celtic-Roman Debate Revisited

Student's Name: Tracy Lee Strom
Convocation: MA FALL 1999 (2000 on cover)
Supervisor(s): MILLER
Thesis Title: When the Mounties Came. Mounted Police and Cree Relations on Two Saskatchewan Reserves


Student's Name: Gordon L. Barnhart
Convocation: PHD AUG 1998
Supervisor(s): REGEHR
Thesis Title: Peace, Progress and Prosperity: A Biography of the Hon. Walter Scott

Student's Name: Nanci P. Delayen
Convocation: MA AUG 1998
Supervisor(s): KENT
Thesis Title: A Chapter in Eugenics: The Fabian Society, 1884-1914

Student's Name: Ruby Ann Ensz
Convocation: MA MAR 1998
Supervisor(s): HAYDEN
Thesis Title: The Authority of Status, Dreams, and Spiritual Direction: Female Teaching Communities of the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries

Student's Name: Colleen Krushelinski
Convocation: MA JUNE 1998
Supervisor(s): HANDY
Thesis Title: In the Name of Motherhood and the Family: The Participation of Cuban Women in the Struggle for Social and Political Justice

Student's Name: James Darren Miklos
Convocation: MA MAR 1998
Supervisor(s): REESE
Thesis Title: Morning Shows the Day The Evolution of Self-Identity in James VI and I

Student's Name: Trent A. Mitchell
Convocation: MA SEPT 1998
Supervisor(s): STEWART
Thesis Title: Communicating Electricity in Eighteenth-Century Britain

Student's Name: Catherine M. West
Convocation: MA SEPT 1998
Supervisor(s): STEWART
Thesis Title: Meanings and Manifestations of Mesmerism in Britain 1784-1844


Student's Name: Massie, Merle
Convocation: MA SEPT 1997
Supervisor(s): De BROU
Thesis Title: Scribes of Stories, Tellers of Tales: The Phenomenon of Community History in Saskatchewan

Student's Name: Gulig, Anthony
Convocation: PHD SEPT 1997
Supervisor(s): WAISER
Thesis Title: In Whose Interest: Government-Indian Relations in Northern Saskatchewan and Wisconsin, 1900-1940

Student's Name: Quiring, David
Convocation: MA AUG 1997
Supervisor(s): REGEHR
Thesis Title: Mennonite Old Colony Life: Under Siege in Mexico

Student's Name: Moody, Mark
Convocation: MA AUG 1997
Supervisor(s): DesBRISAY
Thesis Title: Literacy in Mid-Tudor England

Student's Name: Grimes, Shawn
Convocation: MA JULY 1997
Supervisor(s): LAMBI
Thesis Title: Admiral Sir John A. Fisher. Dissension, and War Planning in the Royal Navy, 1904-1914

Student's Name: Baldwin, Marc
Convocation: MA JULY 1997
Supervisor(s): KENT
Thesis Title: The Human Menagerie

Student's Name: Steven Hewitt
Convocation: PHD JUNE 1997
Supervisor(s): WAISER Thesis
Title: 'Old Myths Die Hard': The Transformation of the Mounted Police in Alberta and Saskatchewan 1914-1939

Student's Name: Norman, Ali
Convocation: MA APR 1997
Supervisor(s): WAISER
Thesis Title: The Women's Web: Networking in Saskatchewan and the Royal Commission on the Status of Women in Canada


Student's Name: McGrath, Dion Gerald
Convocation: MA DEC 1996
Supervisor(s): FAIRBAIRN
Thesis Title: A Challenge to Tradition: Co-Operative Farming in Saskatchewan, 1944-1960

Student's Name: Glowa, Trevor A.
Convocation: MA DEC 1996
Supervisor(s): REGEHR
Thesis Title: Twisted Tracks: The Change in Route of the CPR Mainline

Student's Name: Bablitz, Leanne
Convocation: MA DEC 1996
Supervisor(s): SWAN
Thesis Title: The Last Will and Testament of Augustus

Student's Name: Zagorin, Steven Marc
Convocation: MA AUG 1996
Supervisor(s): KITZAN
Thesis Title: Quiet Rebellion: Mahatma Gandhi and the Individual Satyagraha Movement 1940-1941

Student's Name: Scowby, Christa L.
Convocation: MA AUG 1996
Supervisor(s): WAISER
Thesis Title: "Divine Discontent": Women, Identity and the Western Producer

Student's Name: Andre, Jacki
Convocation: MA AUG 1996
Supervisor(s): MIQUELON
Thesis Title: Contagious Disease and Huron Women, 1630-1650

Student's Name: Fitzgerald, Colleen
Convocation: PHD AUG 1996
Supervisor(s): CORRIGAN (STM)
Thesis Title: Authority in Ancien Regime France: The Understanding of Jacques du Bosc

Student's Name: Saint-Georges Smith, Denyse
Convocation: MA AUG 1996
Supervisor(s): HAYDEN
Thesis Title: The Pastoral Visits in Bauptois 1634-1723

Student's Name: Morier, Chris D.
Convocation: MA AUG 1996
Supervisor(s): DE BROU
Thesis Title: Families in the Souris Coalfields, 1925-1935

Student's Name: Spafford, Paul
Convocation: MA JUNE 1996
Supervisor(s): SWAN
Thesis Title: The Realiability of Tacitus' Account of the Piso Affair (A.D. 17-20)

Student's Name: Sundeen, Glenn
Convocation: MA APR 1996
Supervisor(s): GROGIN
Thesis Title: The Adventure of Independence: General Sikorski's Polish Government in Exile During the Second World War

Student's Name: Kitzan, Christopher
Convocation: MA APR 1996
Supervisor(s): WAISER Thesis Title: The Fighting Bishop: George Exton Lloyd and the Immigration Debate

Student's Name: Sutherland, Duncan
Convocation: MA APR 1996
Supervisor(s): KENT
Thesis Title: The Parliamentary Participation of the Peerage, 1833-1886


Student's Name: Stack, Robert
Convocation: MA MAR 1995
Supervisor(s): LAMBI
Thesis Title: Anti-Semites in the German Parliament: 1887-1898

Student's Name: Taylor del Cid, Alex
Convocation: MA AUG 1995
Supervisor(s): HANDY
Thesis Title: 'Morning Comes for the Heart of the Sky, Heart of the Earth.' The Re-Emergence of Maya Nationalism in Guatemala 1982-1992

Student's Name: Clarke, Angela J.
Convocation: MA JULY 1995
Supervisor(s): HAYDEN
Thesis Title: Bede's Attitude Towards the Three Churches in the British Isles Between the 5th and 7th Centuries A.D.

Student's Name: Reynolds, Trace J.A.
Convocation: MA JUNE 1995
Supervisor(s): GROGIN
Thesis Title: The Parti Communiste Francais: The Failure of Communism in Postwar France

Student's Name: Christ, Louis A.
Convocation: MA APR 1995
Supervisor(s): SWAN
Thesis Title: Command in the Augustan Principate

Student's Name: Diakow, Methodius R.
Convocation: MA MAR 1995
Supervisor(s): WAISER
Thesis Title: John G. Diefenbaker: The Political Apprenticeship of a Saskatchewan Politician, 1925-1940

Student's Name: Fletcher, Donald G.
Convocation: MA OCT 1995
Supervisor(s): LAMBI
Thesis Title: The Personal Rule of Wilhelm II in German Foreign Policy, 1897-1909

Student's Name: Johnston, Warren James
Convocation: MA MAR 1995
Supervisor(s): DesBRISAY
Thesis Title: Government, We See, Hath a Good Foundation: Political Thought in the Writings of the Cambridge Platonists


Student's Name: Good, Reg
Convocation: PHD APR 1994
Supervisor(s): REGEHR
Thesis Title: Crown-Directed Colonization of Six Nations and Metis Land Reserves in Canada

Student's Name: Mohamed, Mohamed Hassan
Convocation: MA MAR 1994
Supervisor(s): KITZAN/WAISER
Thesis Title: A Middle Power Foreign Policy: Canada's Attitude towards Sudan, 1956-1963

Student's Name: Montbriand, James I.
Convocation: MA DEC 1994
Supervisor(s): HAYDEN
Thesis Title: The Decline of Heraldry's Social Importance in Tudor and Stuart England

Student's Name: Hill, Thomas Gary
Convocation: MA JUNE 1994
Supervisor(s): HANDY
Thesis Title: At Least I Will Leave the Seed Planted: The Ideology of Augusto C. Sandino and the United States State Department

Student's Name: Haughn, Darren
Convocation: MA JUNE 1994
Supervisor(s): HAYDEN
Thesis Title: Social Mobility Among the Patrons of the Croisiers of Paris during the Early Seventeenth Century

Student's Name: Mitcham, Chad J.
Convocation: MA AUG 1994
Supervisor(s): REGEHR
Thesis Title: Right Honourable Alvin Hamilton's Peace Through Trade: The 1961 Sino-Canadian Grain Agreement

Student's Name: Schoorl, Derrick Morgan
Convocation: MA DEC 1994
Supervisor(s): LAMBI
Thesis Title: Bismarck's Pax Teutonica and Russia: A Study of Otto von Bismarck's Attitudes toward Russia from 1875 to 1890, with Reference to Russian Nationalism and Pan-Slavism


Student's Name: Bennett, David Robert
Convocation: MA FEB 1993
Supervisor(s): KITZAN
Thesis Title: Trollope and Greater Britain: The Development of Anthony Trollope's Ideas on Imperialism

Student's Name: Berringer, Stewart James Orman
Convocation: MA MAR 1993
Supervisor(s): JOHNSON
Thesis Title: The Impact of the Cardwell Reforms, 1878 to 1885

Student's Name: Johansen, Sylvi Helene
Convocation: MA SEPT 1993
Supervisor(s): KENT
Thesis Title: The Victorian Notion of the Industrial Revolution, 1830-1885

Student's Name: Leszczynski, Elizabeth Anne
Convocation: MA SEPT 1993
Supervisor(s): HANSON
Thesis Title: Maria A. Spiridonova: Russian Revolutionary

Student's Name: Liu, Jun
Convocation: MA AUG 1993
Supervisor(s): KENT
Thesis Title: E.P. Thompson's Contributions to Marxist Historiography

Student's Name: Marceau-Kozicki, Sylvie
Convocation: MA APR 1993
Supervisor(s): MILLER
Thesis Title: Onion Lake Indian Residential Schools, 1892-1943

Student's Name: Martin, William McLintock
Convocation: MA FEB 1993
Supervisor(s): REGEHR
Thesis Title: Pygmy Among the Giants: The Weyburn Security Bank

Student's Name: Mills, Glenn Norman
Convocation: MA DEC 1993
Supervisor(s): KENT
Thesis Title: Pugilism in British Society, 1785-1824

Student's Name: Ostryzniuk, Evan M.
Convocation: MA NOV 1993
Supervisor(s): HANSON
Thesis Title: Radical Visions: Alexander Herzen and Nicholas Chernyshevsky and the Serf Emancipation of 1861

Student's Name: Stilwell, Sean Arnold
Convocation: MA MAR 1993
Supervisor(s): KITZAN
Thesis Title: The Merry Dance of Death and Trade: Joseph Conrad and Imperialism, 1895-1905


Student's Name: Buckner Jr., Marland Everett
Convocation: MA FEB 1992
Supervisor(s): REGEHR
Thesis Title: Banking on Freedom: A Social History of the Beaufort Freedmen's Savings and Trust Company

Student's Name: Dueck, Colin Wayne
Convocation: MA OCT 1992
Supervisor(s): LAMBI
Thesis Title: Salisbury and the Defence of Constantinople: Conservative Policy and the Bulgarian Crisis, 1885-1887

Student's Name: Hewitt, Steven Roy
Convocation: MA JULY 1992
Supervisor(s): WAISER
Thesis Title: Beyond Regina: The On To Ottawa Trek in Manitoba and Ontario

Student's Name: Spurr, Geoffrey David
Convocation: MA SEPT 1992
Supervisor(s): LAMBI
Thesis Title: A Weary Titan in Isolation: British Foreign Policy during the Boer War, 1899-1902

Student's Name: Stotz, Robin
Convocation: MA APR 1992
Supervisor(s): REGEHR
Thesis Title: Camp 132: A German Prisoner of War Camp in a Canadian Prairie Community during World War Two

Student's Name: Sutherland-Huard
Convocation: MA AUG 1992
Supervisor(s): KENT
Thesis Title: The Matter of Survival: Women and the Alternative Economy in Victorian England

Student's Name: Weber, Gary Alan
Convocation: MA JUNE 1992
Supervisor(s): KENT
Thesis Title: Truth, 1877-1887: A Study of its Formative Years and its Relationship to the New Journalism of Late-Victorian Britain


Student's Name: Jantzen, Kyle T.
Convocation: MA SEPT 1991
Supervisor(s): BIETENHOLZ
Thesis Title: Guilds and Reformation: Basel in the 1520s

Student's Name: Labach, Jennifer L.
Convocation: MA AUG 1991
Supervisor(s): KITZAN
Thesis Title: Responding to Adversity: British Women in India, 1813-1914

Student's Name: Reese, Alan
Convocation: PHD OCT 1991
Supervisor(s): BIETENHOLZ
Thesis Title: Erasmus and the Ascetic Tradition

Student's Name: Shevchuk, James
Convocation: MA OCT 1991
Supervisor(s): HANSON
Thesis Title: A Tale of Two Communists: Mykola Skrypnyk and Oleksandr Shumskyi

Student's Name: Towstiak, Beverly M.
Convocation: MA FEB 1991
Supervisor(s): SWAN
Thesis Title: The Legislation of the Roman Senate under the Principate of Augustus (31-6 B.C.)

Student's Name: Weatherington, Yvonne
Convocation: MA JUNE 1991
Supervisor(s): HAYDEN
Thesis Title: Developments in Biblical Criticism and the Perception of the Jews in Late Seventeenth-Century France


Student's Name: Champ, Joan E.
Convocation: MA SEPT 1990
Supervisor(s): WAISER
Thesis Title: Laying the Foundations: Arthur Silver Morton and the Early Saskatchewan Heritage Movement

Student's Name: Burlingham, Clay
Convocation: MA SEPT 1990
Supervisor(s): LAMBI
Thesis Title: Bismarck and the Bourgeoisie: A Question of Power, 1847-1873

Student's Name: Curliss, Miranda S.A.
Convocation: MA NOV 1990
Supervisor(s): FARMER
Thesis Title: The Conversion of Northumbria and its Consequences

Student's Name: Gorrie, Richard B.
Convocation: MA 1990
Supervisor(s): KENT
Thesis Title: Popular Politics and the Old Price Row at Covent Garden Theatre in 1809

Student's Name: Haynes, Fiona M .
Convocation: MA APR 1990
Supervisor(s): HAYDEN
Thesis Title: Talented Women in traditional Times: A Comparison of the Writings of Madame de Sevigne and Jane Austen

Student's Name: Iwasyk, Marilyn
Convocation: MA NOV 1990
Supervisor(s): POTTER
Thesis Title: Women on the Urban Frontier: Flin Flon Manitoba, 1926-1946

Student's Name: Moffatt, Aileen C.
Convocation: MA AUG 1990
Supervisor(s): POTTER
Thesis Title: Where the Emphasis on Sex was Less: The Women's Section of the Canadian Council of Agriculture

Student's Name: Wardhaugh, Robert A.
Convocation: MA JULY 1990
Supervisor(s): WAISER
Thesis Title: James G. Gardiner, Land Policy and Dominion- Provincial Relations


Student's Name: Fitzgerald, Colleen Patricia
Convocation: MA 1989
Supervisor(s): HAYDEN
Thesis Title: Education and Instruction: Du Bosc and Fenelon on Women

Student's Name: Hayes, Patrick W.
Convocation: MA 1989
Supervisor(s): REGEHR
Thesis Title: St. Lawrence Deep Waterway: Negotiations, Treaty and Rejection, 1919-1934

Student's Name: Healy, Mary T.
Convocation: MA DEC 1989
Supervisor(s): HALLETT
Thesis Title: Prayers, Pamphlets and Protest: Women and Relief in Saskatoon, 1929-1939

Student's Name: Huard, Victor G.
Convocation: MA 1989
Supervisor(s): POTTER
Thesis Title: Article of Faith: The Canadian Article and the Selling of NATO

Student's Name: Kit, Wade A.
Convocation: MA 1989
Supervisor(s): HANDY
Thesis Title: Precursor of Change: Failed Reform and the Guatemalan Coffee Elite, 1918-1944

Student's Name: Lokken, Paul T.
Convocation: MA 1989
Supervisor(s): HANDY
Thesis Title: The Challenge of Reform: Pluralism and Repression in Guatemala, 1920-1944

Student's Name: Lux, Maureen K.
Convocation: MA 1989
Supervisor(s): HAYDEN
Thesis Title: The Impact of the Spanish Influenza Pandemic in Saskatchewan, 1918-1919

Student's Name: Mumm, Susan E.D.
Convocation: MA 1989
Supervisor(s): KENT
Thesis Title: Writing for their Lives: Women Applicants to the Royal Literary Fund, 1840-80

Student's Name: Park, Dawna L.
Convocation: MA OCT 1989
Supervisor(s): HAYDEN
Thesis Title: Conceptions of Insanity and Their Impact on the Saskatchewan Hospital, North Battleford

Student's Name: Peters, Cheryl Y.
Convocation: MA OCT 1989
Supervisor(s): FARMER
Thesis Title: Church Sites and Land Holdings of the Knights Templar

Student's Name: Porter, Clifford F.
Convocation: MA 1989
Supervisor(s): LAMBI
Thesis Title: Clausewitz's Philosophy of War and the Development of the Strategic Thought of the Chiefs of the Prussian General Staff

Student's Name: Sanche, Margaret F.
Convocation: MA 1989
Supervisor(s): HAYDEN
Thesis Title: Tree of Eden, Tower of Babel: The Controversy Over the Establishment of St. Thomas More College at the University of Saskatchewan 1913-1936

Student's Name: St. Leger, Alicia
Convocation: PHD 1989
Supervisor(s): REGEHR
Thesis Title: Canadian Immigration Promotion and Ireland, 1852- 1880

Student's Name: Wylie, Catherine O.T.
Convocation: MA OCT 1989
Supervisor(s): MILLER
Thesis Title: God's Own Daughters: The Saskatoon Young Women's Christian Association, 1910-1939


Student's Name: Cole, Robert P.
Convocation: MA 1988
Supervisor(s): HAYDEN
Thesis Title: The French Catholic League, 1585-94: Radical Political Ideology and Its Relationship to Collective Political Consciousness During the Wars of Religion

Student's Name: Cottrell, Caroline S.
Convocation: MA 1988
Supervisor(s): BIETENHOLZ
Thesis Title: Thomas More, Desiderius Erasmus, Juan Vives on Women: Tradition or Innovation?

Student's Name: Cottrell, Michael J.
Convocation: PHD 1988
Supervisor(s): REGEHR
Thesis Title: Irish Catholic Political Leadership in Toronto, 1855-1882: A Study of Ethnic Politics

Student's Name: Fleming, Rae B.
Convocation: PHD 1988
Supervisor(s): REGEHR
Thesis Title: I Am Become a Name Sir William MacKenzie, 1849- 1923

Student's Name: Hande, D'Arcy K.
Convocation: MA 1988
Supervisor(s): REGEHR
Thesis Title: The Small Businessman in Saskatchewan, 1919-1939

Student's Name: Irwin, Robert S.
Convocation: MA 1988
Supervisor(s): WAISER
Thesis Title: Farmers' Expectations and the Saskatchewan Co- operative Elevator Company, 1908-1917

Student's Name: Kaiser, Kenneth R.
Convocation: MA 1988
Supervisor(s): HALLETT
Thesis Title: Protestant Home Missionaries in Saskatchewan and the Concept of Applied Christianity, 1919-1930

Student's Name: Schaeffer, Roy C.
Convocation: MA 1988
Supervisor(s): REGEHR
Thesis Title: The Saskatchewan Oil Industry in the 1930's and 1940's

Student's Name: Small, Nadine M .
Convocation: MA 1988
Supervisor(s): WAISER
Thesis Title: Stand by the Union Jack: The Imperial Order Daughters of the Empire in the Prairie Provinces During the Great War 1914-1918

Student's Name: Thornton, Douglas M.
Convocation: MA 1988
Supervisor(s): REGEHR
Thesis Title: The Evolution of Municipal Government in the North-West Territories and Saskatchewan: The Case Study of Regina, 1883-1920


Student's Name: Conrad, Peter C.
Convocation: MA 1987
Supervisor(s): WAISER
Thesis Title: Saskatchewan in War: The Social Impact of the British Commonwealth Air Training Plan on Saskatchewan

Student's Name: France, Jonathan C.
Convocation: MA 1987
Supervisor(s): JOHNSON
Thesis Title: The Influence of the First World War Experience on British Second World War Commanders

Student's Name: Hamm, Elaine A.O.
Convocation: MA 1987
Supervisor(s): POTTER
Thesis Title: The Ideas of Sophia Dixon

Student's Name: Janzen, Linda M.
Convocation: MA 1987
Supervisor(s): SWAN
Thesis Title: Augustus as He Aged (2BC - AD14)

Student's Name: Lindsay, Robert A.
Convocation: MA 1987
Supervisor(s): REGEHR Thesis Title: Cooperation and Conflict: The CCF and the Canadian Congress of Labour in Saskatchewan, 1944-1956


Student's Name: Hubner, Brian E.
Convocation: MA 1986
Supervisor(s): JOHNSON
Thesis Title: The Formation of the British Light Infantry Companies of their Employment in the Saratoga Campaign of 1777

Student's Name: Peters, Ron
Convocation: MA 1986
Supervisor(s): BIETENHOLZ
Thesis Title: The Paradox of History: An Inquiry into Sebastian Franck's Historical Consciousness

Student's Name: Smeets, Larry W.O.
Convocation: MA 1986
Supervisor(s): LEUNG
Thesis Title: Guardians and Bureaucrats: A Study of Chinese Internal Politics and Debate over International Strategy 1959- 1965


Student's Name: German, Daniel M.
Convocation: MA 1985
Supervisor(s): JOHNSON
Thesis Title: The Anglo-French Alliance of 1657: A Cornerstone of Cromwellian Expansionism

Student's Name: MacLeod, Donald P.M.
Convocation: MA 1985
Supervisor(s): MIQUELON
Thesis Title: The French Campaign of 1756 in the Lake Ontario Theatre and the Siege and Capture of Chouaguen


Student's Name: Hossain, Altaf
Convocation: MA 1984
Supervisor(s): GREEN
Thesis Title: From Anti-Colonialism to Anti-Communism: The Evolution of U.S. Policy towards the Indian Subcontinent,1941- 1955

Student's Name: Taylor, Georgian M.
Convocation: MA 1984
Supervisor(s): REGEHR
Thesis Title: Equals and Partners? An Examination of How Saskatchewan Women Reconciled Their Political Activities for the Cooperative Commonwealth Federation with the Traditional Roles for Women


Student's Name: Mason, Richard
Convocation: MA 1983
Supervisor(s): GREEN
Thesis Title: Shaping the Post Colonial World: A Study of U.S. Responses to Colonialism in Indonesia and Vietnam,1941-1950

Student's Name: Neufeld, Timothy R.
Convocation: MA 1983
Supervisor(s): REGEHR
Thesis Title: A Study of Jewish Philanthropic Company Colonialization in Canada's Northwest Territories during the Late Nineteenth Century

Student's Name: Waiser, William A.
Convocation: PHD 1983
Supervisor(s): REGEHR
Thesis Title: Rambler: Professor John Macoun's Career with the Geological Survey of Canada, 1882-1912

Student's Name: Fedorowich, Edward K.
Convocation: MA 1983
Supervisor(s): KITZAN
Thesis Title: H. Rider Haggard: The Spirit of Empire

Student's Name: Friesen, Paul T.
Convocation: MA 1983
Supervisor(s): BIETENHOLZ
Thesis Title: Balthasar Hubmaier: An Examination of his Political Ethic


Student's Name: Dyck, Clifford I.
Convocation: MA 1982
Supervisor(s): KENT
Thesis Title: Historical Implication of Dickens' Social Novels: A Study with Reference to the Novels of the 1850s

Student's Name: Fleming, Rae B.
Convocation: MA 1982
Supervisor(s): REGEHR
Thesis Title: The Early Life of Sir William MacKenzie. 1849-1891

Student's Name: Kenter, Joel P.
Convocation: MA 1982
Supervisor(s): HANSON
Thesis Title: Violence and Diplomacy: The Life of Boris Savinkov

Student's Name: Peterson, Pauline M.G.
Convocation: MA 1982
Supervisor(s): LAMBI
Thesis Title: Raymond Poincare, French Foreign Policy and the Road to World War One


Student's Name: Bradbury, Murray D.
Convocation: MA 1981
Supervisor(s): KITZAN
Thesis Title: The Times, the Pall Mall Gazette, and the Administration of Joseph Chamberlain, 1895-99

Student's Name: Carter, Sarah A.
Convocation: MA 1981
Supervisor(s): REGEHR
Thesis Title: Man's Mission of Subjugation: The Publications of John MacLean, John McDougall and Egerton R. Young, 19th-Century Methodist Missionaries in Western Canada

Student's Name: Cherry, David A.
Convocation: MA 1981
Supervisor(s): SWAN
Thesis Title: Studies in the Marriage Legislation of Augustus

Student's Name: Whelan, Marshall P.
Convocation: MA 1981
Supervisor(s): LAMBI
Thesis Title: The Enigma of Personal Rule Kaiser Wilhelm II and His Influence in German Foreign Policy, 1888-1897

Student's Name: Wincherauk, Donald R.
Convocation: MA 1981
Supervisor(s): LAMBI
Thesis Title: British Middle Eastern Policy: Mesopotamia and Palestine, 1914-1919


Student's Name: Clarke, Carolyn A.
Convocation: MA 1980
Thesis Title: Patterns of Colonization, Contraction and Crop Rotation on the Demesne Arable on Some Bishopric of Winchester Manors in the 13th and 14th Centuries

Student's Name: Cram, Robert G.
Convocation: MA 1980
Supervisor(s): LAMBI
Thesis Title: Hatzfeldt: A Bismarckian Diplomat?

Student's Name: Dixon, Gordon G.F.
Convocation: MA 1980
Supervisor(s): MIQUELON
Thesis Title: The Episcopate of Mgr. de Saint-Vallier, 1688-1727

Student's Name: Ferguson, Derek, W.
Convocation: MA 1980
Supervisor(s): KITZAN
Thesis Title: Robert Louis Stevenson and Samoa: A Reinterpretation

1950 - 1979


Student's Name: Greenshields, Malcolm R.
Convocation: MA 1978
Supervisor(s): HAYDEN
Thesis Title: The Relations of Sentiment between the Peasants and the Rural Nobility in the Cahiers to the French Estates General of 1614

Student's Name: Greenwood, Brent W.
Convocation: MA 1978
Supervisor(s): GROGIN
Thesis Title: Emile Faguet and the Decline of French Liberalism, 1899-1916

Student's Name: Gunderson, Catherine F.
Convocation: MA 1978
Supervisor(s): SWAN
Thesis Title: The Conspiracy of Varro Murena and the Augustan Settlement of 23 B.C.

Student's Name: Hildebrandt, Walter H.
Convocation: MA 1978
Supervisor(s): REGEHR
Thesis Title: The Aspirations of a Western Enthusiast

Student's Name: Tischler, Kurt G.
Convocation: MA 1978
Supervisor(s): HALLETT/REGEHR
Thesis Title: The German Canadians and the Language Problem


Student's Name: Cook, Robert P.
Convocation: MA 1977
Supervisor(s): KENT
Thesis Title: Marriage, the Family and Women in the Owenite Socialist Movement

Student's Name: Neill, Patrick D.G.
Convocation: MA 1977
Supervisor(s): KENT
Thesis Title: Parliament, the Press and the Poor Law: An Examination of the Debate Surrounding the Implementation of the 1834 Poor Law Amendment Act in England and Wales, c. 1837-1842

Student's Name: Szalasznyj, Kathlyn R.M.
Convocation: MA 1977
Supervisor(s): REGEHR
Thesis Title: The Doukhobor Homestead Crisis 1898-1907


Student's Name: Bowler, Gerald Q.
Convocation: MA 1976
Supervisor(s): HAYDEN
Thesis Title: Bossuet and His Politique Tiree des Propres Paroles de L'Ecriture Sainte

Student's Name: De Pont, George
Convocation: MA 1976
Supervisor(s): HALLETT
Thesis Title: W.M. Martin and the Farmers' Movement in Saskatchewan, 1916-1922

Student's Name: Dyck, Ruth E.
Convocation: MA 1976
Supervisor(s): HAYDEN
Thesis Title: The French Peerage in the Reign of Louis XIV

Student's Name: Jackson, William F.M.E.
Convocation: MA 1976
Supervisor(s): FRY Thesis Title: The Retreat from Godly Rule to Godly Living: A Study of the Decline of Radical Puritanism into Nonconformity, 1660-1688

Student's Name: Makahonuk, Glen R.
Convocation: MA 1976
Supervisor(s): REGEHR
Thesis Title: Labour Relations in the Saskatchewan Coal Fields During the 1930's

Student's Name: Ronaghan, Neil E.
Convocation: MA 1976
Supervisor(s): HALLETT
Thesis Title: The Pioneer Telegraph in Western Canada

Student's Name: Robertson, Duncan F.
Convocation: MA 1976
Supervisor(s): REGEHR
Thesis Title: The Saskatchewan Provincial Police 1917-1928

Student's Name: Shepard, Robert B.
Convocation: MA 1976
Supervisor(s): REGEHR/HALLETT
Thesis Title: Black Migration as a Response to Repression: The Background Factors and Emigration of Oklahoma Negroes to Western Canada, 1905-1918

Student's Name: Waiser, William A.
Convocation: MA 1976
Supervisor(s): REGEHR
Thesis Title: Macoun and the Great North-West


Student's Name: Cooke, Danny C.
Convocation: MA 1975
Supervisor(s): KITZAN
Thesis Title: Mahatma Gandhi and the Salt Civil Disobedience Movement, 1930-31

Student's Name: Gaston, John W.T .
Convocation: PHD 1975
Supervisor(s): LAMBI
Thesis Title: Policy Making and Free-Trade Diplomacy: Britain's Commercial Relations with Western Europe, 1869-1886

Student's Name: Krueckl, Walter J.
Convocation: MA 1975
Supervisor(s): LAMBI
Thesis Title: Germany's Relations with Austria-Hungary 1906- 1914: Germany's Estimates of the Value of Her Austrian Ally

Student's Name: Olson, Rosswell F.
Convocation: MA 1975
Supervisor(s): MIQUELON
Thesis Title: Transportation Problems: The St. Lawrence and Great Lakes, 1760-1791

Student's Name: Vanderhaeghe, Guy C.
Convocation: MA 1975
Supervisor(s): KITZAN/KENT
Thesis Title: John Buchan: Conservatism, Imperialism, and Social Reconstruction

Student's Name: Wood, Edward H.
Convocation: MA 1975
Supervisor(s): REGEHR
Thesis Title: Ralph Connor and the Canadian West


Student's Name: Coggins, Patrick J.M.
Convocation: MA 1974
Supervisor(s): GROGIN
Thesis Title: Pierre Drieu La Rochelle and the French Right 1919-1940

Student's Name: Begin, Dennis G.
Convocation: MA 1974
Supervisor(s): JENKINS
Thesis Title: St. Albans Raid: Reflections of British Neutrality and Anglo-American Relations, 1861-1865

Student's Name: Clubb, Warren A.
Convocation: MA 1974
Supervisor(s): REGEHR
Thesis Title: Henri Bourassa and the First World War

Student's Name: Kloppenburg, Cheryl L.R.
Convocation: MA 1974
Supervisor(s): GROGIN
Thesis Title: Henri Barbusse and the Clarte Movement in France

Student's Name: Matheson, Don G.
Convocation: MA 1974
Supervisor(s): HALLETT/REGEHR
Thesis Title: The Saskatchewan Relief Commission 1931-34: A Study of the Administration of Rural Relief in Saskatchewan during the Early Years of the Depression


Student's Name: Wetherell, Donald G.
Convocation: MA 1973
Supervisor(s): KITZAN
Thesis Title: The Friends of India in the British House of Commons, 1906-1910


Student's Name: Cameron, Terrance L.
Convocation: MA 1972
Supervisor(s): KITZAN
Thesis Title: John Ruskin and the Imperial Creed

Student's Name: Korchinski, Bonace O.
Convocation: MA 1972
Supervisor(s): MIQUELON
Thesis Title: Evidence of the Enlightenment in Quebec Newspapers 1785-1795

Student's Name: Turko, Gregory A.P.
Convocation: MA 1972
Supervisor(s): GROGIN
Thesis Title: The Growth of Revolutionary Syndicalism, 1902-1908


Student's Name: Bartrip, Peter W.
Convocation: MA 1971
Supervisor(s): LAMBI
Thesis Title: Franco-Russian Relations and the Hapsburg Problem in the Balkans, 1908-1914

Student's Name: Deutscher, Thomas B.
Convocation: MA 1971
Supervisor(s): BIETENHOLZ
Thesis Title: Saint Augustine and the Toleration Controversy of the 16th Century

Student's Name: Samuelraj, Pakkianathan
Convocation: PHD 1971
Supervisor(s): KITZAN
Thesis Title: The Mutiny at Vellore and Related Agitations, 1806-1807


Student's Name: Chan, Francis F.W.
Convocation: MA 1970
Supervisor(s): HAYDEN
Thesis Title: Jesuit Theories of Episcopal Jurisdiction in the Second Half of the Sixteenth Century

Student's Name: Dyck, Noel E.
Convocation: MA 1970
Supervisor(s): REGEHR
Thesis Title: The Administration of Federal Indian Aid in the Northwest Territories, 1879-1885

Student's Name: Fisher, Rodney M.
Convocation: MA 1970
Supervisor(s): FRY
Thesis Title: William Perkins and the Christian Commonwealth: An Elizabethan View of Church, State and Society

Student's Name: Gaston, John W.T.
Convocation: MSC 1970
Supervisor(s): STEWART
Thesis Title: Public Health and English Politics 1947-48

Student's Name: Manning, M.A.
Convocation: MA 1970
Supervisor(s): LAMBI
Thesis Title: British Attitudes and Policies Towards France, 1909-1914

Student's Name: O'Brian, Michael J.
Convocation: MA 1970
Supervisor(s): BILSON
Thesis Title: The Canadian-American Trade Agreement of 1935 and its Role in the United States Presidential Election of 1936

Student's Name: Pulfer, Ruth E.
Convocation: MA 1970
Supervisor(s): NEATBY
Thesis Title: The Administration of British Policy to the Indians in the Northern District of North America, 1760-1783

Student's Name: Russell, Peter A.
Convocation: MA 1970
Supervisor(s): HALLETT
Thesis Title: The Co-operative Government in Saskatchewan, 1929- 1934: Response to the Depression

Student's Name: Weber, Armin R.
Convocation: MA 1970
Supervisor(s): LAMBI
Thesis Title: Attitudes of German Political Parties in the Reichstag Towards the Military Budgets from 1890-1913


Student's Name: Edwards, Leonard J.
Convocation: MA 1969
Supervisor(s): HALLETT
Thesis Title: W.R. Motherwell and the Crisis of Federal Liberalism in Saskatchewan 1917-1926

Student's Name: Lawton, Alma
Convocation: MA 1969
Supervisor(s): GRAHAM
Thesis Title: Urban Relief in Saskatchewan during the Years of Depression, 1930-39


Student's Name: Carroll, Helen A.R.
Convocation: MA 1968
Supervisor(s): NEATBY
Thesis Title: Religious Instruction in the Elementary Schools in the Wake of the Act of 1870

Student's Name: Samuelraj, Pakkianathan
Convocation: MA 1968
Supervisor(s): KITZAN
Thesis Title: Modern Indian Opinion of the Value of British Rule to India

Student's Name: White, Clinton O.
Convocation: PHD 1968
Supervisor(s): GRAHAM
Thesis Title: Saskatchewan Builds an Electrical System


Student's Name: Calder, Kenneth J.
Convocation: MA 1967
Supervisor(s): LAMBI
Thesis Title: German Official Attitudes and Policies Towards Russia, 1905 to 1914

Student's Name: Doktor, Elizabeth
Convocation: MA 1967
Supervisor(s): BIETENHOLZ
Thesis Title: Thomas More's Views on Kingship

Student's Name: Fritsch, Edward J.
Convocation: MA 1967
Supervisor(s): LAMBI
Thesis Title: British Policies and Attitudes Towards Russia, 1902-1914

Student's Name: Miller, Thomas W.
Convocation: MA 1967
Supervisor(s): SWAN
Thesis Title: The Arrival and Expansion of Christianity at Ostia and Portus

Student's Name: Riddell, Norman H.
Convocation: MA 1967
Supervisor(s): GRAHAM
Thesis Title: The Bennett New Deal: An Essay

Student's Name: Scratch, Margaret E.
Convocation: MA 1967
Supervisor(s): BIETENHOLZ
Thesis Title: Aspects of Popular Religious Expression in 14th Century France

Student's Name: Stack, Michael F.
Convocation: MA 1967
Supervisor(s): LAMBI
Thesis Title: The German Communist Party in the Reichstag, 1930 to 1933

Student's Name: Stone, Gladys M.
Convocation: MA 1967
Supervisor(s): GRAHAM
Thesis Title: The Regina Riot

Student's Name: Unger, Gordon J.
Convocation: MA 1967
Supervisor(s): GRAHAM
Thesis Title: James G. Gardiner: The Premier as a Pragmatic Politician, 1926 to 1929


Student's Name: Brown, Lorne A.
Convocation: MA 1966
Supervisor(s): GRAHAM
Thesis Title: Progressivism and the Press in Saskatchewan 1916- 1926

Student's Name: Cherwinski, Walter J.C.
Convocation: MA 1966
Supervisor(s): GRAHAM
Thesis Title: The Formative Years of the Trade Union Movement in Saskatchewan, 1905-1920

Student's Name: Loucks, Robert A.
Convocation: MA 1966
Thesis Title: The Rural Clergy and Charity in Early 19th Century England

Student's Name: McKenzie, Terilyn J.
Convocation: MA 1966
Supervisor(s): LAMBI
Thesis Title: The Foreign Policy of Sir Edward Grey: Germany and the Ententes with France and Russia

Student's Name: McPherson, Arlean E.
Convocation: MA 1966
Thesis Title: A History of the Battlefords to 1914


Student's Name: Abrams, Gary W.D.
Convocation: MA 1965
Supervisor(s): MURRAY
Thesis Title: A History of Prince Albert, Saskatchewan to 1914

Student's Name: Young, Robert J.
Convocation: MA 1965
Supervisor(s): FRY/LAMBI
Thesis Title: Britain, France, and the German Problem with Special Reference to the Rhineland Crisis, 1936


Student's Name: Koester, Charles B .
Convocation: MA 1964
Supervisor(s): THOMAS (Regina)
Thesis Title: The Parliamentary Career of Nicholas Flood Davin, 1887-1900


Student's Name: Allen, Alexander R.
Convocation: MA 1961
Supervisor(s): GRAHAM
Thesis Title: Salem Bland and the Social Gospel in Canada

Student's Name: Amr, Tawfiq Y.
Convocation: MA 1961
Supervisor(s): LIGHTBODY
Thesis Title: A General Survey of Napoleon's Near Eastern Policies under the Consulate and the Empire


Student's Name: Bocking, Douglas H.
Convocation: MA 1959
Thesis Title: Premier Walter Scott: A Study of His Rise to Political Power

Student's Name: Kleiner, John W.
Convocation: MA 1959
Thesis Title: Certain Historical Views of the German Policy of Napoleon I


Student's Name: Turner, Allan R.
Convocation: MA 1958
Thesis Title: W.R. Motherwell and Agricultural Development in Saskatchewan, 1905-1918


Student's Name: Clark, Robert W.
Convocation: MA 1956
Supervisor(s): SIMPSON
Thesis Title: The Emergence of Communist Techniques on Control, 1918-1923


Student's Name: Drake, Earl G.
Convocation: MA 1951
Supervisor(s): ROLPH
Thesis Title: The Territorial Press in the Region of Present-Day Saskatchewan, 1878-1905


Student's Name: Nutting, Sinclair H.
Convocation: MA 1950
Thesis Title: Napoleonic Historiography

Student's Name: Smeltzer, Morrison F.
Convocation: MA 1950
Supervisor(s): SIMPSON
Thesis Title: Saskatchewan Opinion on Immigration, 1920-1939

1912 -1949


Student's Name: Broadbridge, Arthur F.
Convocation: MA 1949
Thesis Title: The History of Rosetown, 1904-1939

Student's Name: Menzies, Merrill W.
Convocation: MA 1949
Thesis Title: The Canadian Wheat Board: A Study in the Development of Canadian Agricultural Policy


Student's Name: Archer, John H.
Convocation: MA 1948
Supervisor(s): SIMPSON
Thesis Title: The History of Saskatoon to 1914

Student's Name: McLeod, Donald M.
Convocation: MA 1948
Thesis Title: The History of Liquor Legislation in Saskatchewan, 1870-1947

Student's Name: Weber, Jerome F.
Convocation: MA 1948
Supervisor(s): NEATBY
Thesis Title: Toynbee: His Place in English Historiography

Student's Name: Yuzyk, Paul
Convocation: MA 1948
Supervisor(s): SIMPSON
Thesis Title: The History of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic (United) Church in Canada


Student's Name: McOrmond, Gordon G.
Convocation: MA 1947
Thesis Title: Milton's Ideas on Education


Student's Name: Peel, Bruce B.
Convocation: MA 1946
Thesis Title: RM45: The Social History of a Rural Municipality (Mankota)


Student's Name: Collins, Cecil P.
Convocation: MA 1943
Thesis Title: Colonization in the British Empire, 1837-1852


Student's Name: Tallant, William E.C.
Convocation: MA 1942
Thesis Title: The Relation of Imperial and Canadian Policies of Defence, 1846-1862


Student's Name: Howell, Herschel L.
Convocation: MA 1941
Thesis Title: The Gosford Mission

Student's Name: Thomas, Lewis H.
Convocation: MA 1941
Supervisor(s): WHITELAW
Thesis Title: The Constitutional Development of the Northwest Territories, 1870-1888


Student's Name: Benson, Kenneth M.
Convocation: MA 1940
Thesis Title: The Influence of Exploration, Trade and Settlement on the Final Determination of the Oregon Boundary


Student's Name: Bridge, Beatrice M.
Convocation: MA 1938
Supervisor(s): MURRAY
Thesis Title: The Influence of the Iroquois on the Development of New France, 1603-1663


Student's Name: Hagerman, Marion W.
Convocation: MA 1937
Thesis Title: John Neilson: His Political Activities in Lower Canada, 1818-1834


Student's Name: Williams, Thomas W.H.
Convocation: MA 1934
Thesis Title: The Upper Canadian Science in the Days of Simcoe


Student's Name: Cook, John T.
Convocation: MA 1933
Supervisor(s): MURRAY
Thesis Title: The Origin of the Canadian Party System

Student's Name: Mundell, Mildred A.
Convocation: MA 1933
Thesis Title: The Clergy Reserves in Upper Canada, 1791-1837


Student's Name: Toombs, Morley P.
Convocation: MA 1932
Thesis Title: The Elgin Regime with a Survey of British Colonial Policy to 1854


Student's Name: Clark, Samuel D.
Convocation: MA 1931
Thesis Title: Settlement in Saskatchewan with Special Reference to the Influence of Dry Farming

Student's Name: Mair, Charles H.A.
Convocation: MA 1931
Thesis Title: The Development of Canadian Parties to 1864


Student's Name: Lee, Mary M.
Convocation: MA 1930
Thesis Title: Views of Annexation of the Northwest Territories and Rupert's Land to Canada


Student's Name: Gilmour, Susan D.
Convocation: MA 1929
Thesis Title: Sources d'Histoire: Premier partie les Genres d'Histoire et Leurs Contributions Deuxieme Partie; L'Age de Louis Quatorze Selon les Sources d'Histoire


Student's Name: Neatby, Hilda
Convocation: MA 1927
Thesis Title: Imperial Sentiment in Canada, 1867-1896


Student's Name: Hughes, Ernest L.
Convocation: MA 1923
Thesis Title: The Influence of Graeco-Roman Civilization upon the Life and Thought of the Early Christian Church

Student's Name: Murray, Jean E.
Convocation: MSC 1923
Thesis Title: Types of Sources for the History of the Early Years of the Personal Rule of Louis XIV


Student's Name: Andrews, Philip J.
Convocation: MA 1920
Thesis Title: Comprehensive Exam Written


Student's Name: Clokie, Hugh M.
Convocation: MA 1919
Thesis Title: Comprehensive Exam Written


Student's Name: Luckraft, Reginald M.
Convocation: MA 1916
Thesis Title: Comprehensive Exam Written


Student's Name: Weir, George M.
Convocation: MA 1914
Thesis Title: Responsible Government and the Metcalfe Crisis


Student's Name: Morice, Adrian G.
Convocation: MA 1912
Thesis Title: Comprehensive Exam Written