Graduate Opportunities
The Historical GIS Lab

The Historical GIS Lab unites history and geography to explore change through time and variation across space. The Historical GIS lab provides spacious work stations, technical support, training, and access to hardware and software to graduate students interested in digital history and historical geography.

The History Department at the University of Saskatchewan maintains a partnership with Folklore magazine, created by the Saskatchewan History and Folklore Society. Our Graduate students have the opportunity to gain firsthand experience in the academic publishing industry through the Folklore Graduate Fellowship in History.
Community-Engaged Research

The Community-Engaged History Collaboratorium brings students and faculty into partnerships with community groups so that local histories that might otherwise be eclipsed can be heard. The Collaboratorium provides graduate students with paid summer internships researching and overseeing projects designed to meet both community and academic goals. Opportunities for community-engaged research are also available through the Canada Research Chair in the History of Medicine.
Graduate Resources
Graduate Handbooks
Resources for Graduate Students
Resources for History T.A.s
The following links lead to a number of sites that History T.A.s may find useful:Information on Academic Honesty & Plagiarism.
Note too that the History Department has adopted Mary Lynn Rampolla’s A Pocket Guide to Writing in History (Bedford/St. Martin's Press) for use in all classes. History T.A.s should familiarize themselves with this text so that they know what is expected of students.
Our colleagues at the Gwenna Moss Centre for Teaching and Learning offer a wealth of real-world and online resources for instructors. All TAs should familiarize themselves with the Centre's website.
An excellent site for advice on essay marking is provided by the Writing Program at Dartmouth College. The section "Diagnosing and Responding to Student Writing" is especially valuable.
Graduate Community Repository
The Graduate Community Repository is a peer-learning initiative designed by the Department of History and the HGSA to allow graduate students to store short pages of tips/advice about graduate school and to catalogue materials created by graduate students within the department related to teaching, research, and professionalization. The result is a curated collection of the collective wisdom and experiences of the Department of History’s graduate students in a repository that allows knowledge to be shared with their peers and with future students.
The repository consists of two main sections. The first section allows students to upload text and pdf files with attached metadata through a series of user-friendly drop-down menus. The second section consists of a catalogue that allows students to sort the posts by category, author, field, and creation date and to view or download files other students have posted.
Any problems should be reported to either Dr. Benjamin Hoy or the graduate repository coordinator.