
We are located at Room G46 inside the Thorvaldson Building loading dock area. We offer curbside pick-up outside our main entrance door between the hours of 9:00 am - 12:00 pm, and 1:00 pm - 4:30 pm Monday to Friday (closed weekends, statutory holidays, and over the Christmas break). If you are arriving to the building from outside the loading dock, please press the doorbell for service.
To order from Chemistry Stores, you must be a fund holder or an authorized delegate of the fund holder, and an Annual Account Authorization form must be on file before your order can be fulfilled. See the "Ordering" section for the AAA and order form templates.
Our goal is to provide fast and efficient service. To that end, we no longer accept in-person orders or queries. All orders and queries are to be sent via email to chemistry.stores@usask.ca. Your order or query is placed into the queue upon receipt.
Please note that we do not sell to the general public.

- We carry laboratory chemicals, consumable laboratory supplies, and liquid nitrogen for purchase with a valid CFOAPAL.
- Click here for a listing of non-chemical stock that we carry.
- Click here to view our full list of chemical and non-chemical stock (NOTE: Viewing of this list is restricted to active campus members via NSID login). This listing is updated infrequently as our stocked items rarely change. Quantities of stock on-hand vary daily. If you need information on available quantities and/or current pricing, please email us.
- We can order dry ice and are able to place other special orders--please contact us for details.
- We provide storage space for hazardous waste materials to be picked up by the Waste Management Facility. Please go to the Hazardous Waste Disposal page for futher details and instructions.
- We provide shipping and receiving of goods, such as samples, chemicals, research materials, and equipment. For outgoing shipments, please see the following guidelines.
- Download the Annual Account Authorization form ( single delegate or multiple delegates) and send it to chemistry.stores@usask.ca. By completing this form, fund managers provide the required advance written notification for the use of their CFOAPAL.
- To place an order, complete our fillable order form. Items that we do not stock can be ordered in for you. Please complete our special requisition form.
- Please email your orders to chemistry.stores@usask.ca. You will be contacted when your order is ready for pick-up.

- The Annual Account Authorization form must be renewed annually as it automatically expires on March 31.
- Chemistry Stores is no longer accepting cash sales for the purchase of lab coats, safety goggles, and padlocks. Please visit the USask Bookstore if you require such items by cash sale. To view course and lab supplies available at the USask Bookstore, click here.
- Peroxide test strips are available for purchase. See the following instructions of proper use and storage.
Chemistry Stores
Department of Chemistry
Room G46
110 Science Place
Saskatoon, SK S7N 5C9