
Faculty, students and staff in the Department of Geological Sciences are involved in research that covers a wide range of fields in geology, geophysics, and environmental science. Please explore these pages for more details on faculty research areas, and the research facilities available in the Department.

Research Facilities in Geoscience

Modern analytical and computing infrastructure to support research and teaching in the geosciences are available in the department, and many of the larger facilities have been funded by the Canadian Foundation for Innovation (CFI), the Natural Science and Engineering Research Council (NSERC), and industry. Please click on the following links for a complete description of the facilities.

Research Areas

Earthquake Monitoring


Global Geodynamics and Modelling

Mantle Convection

Near-Surface Geophysics

Nuclear Test Monitoring

Potential Fields



Aqueous/Environmental Geochemistry


Climate Change


Isotope Geochemistry

Metals in Natural Systems

Mine Waste Geochemistry