
The Gordon Snelgrove Gallery is a teaching and research facility as well as a public exhibition and presentation space. It is one of four in the   University Art Galleries and Collection constellation and provides an anchor to the creative academic development and production of the university. It is a venue for new work by artists, curators and researchers both within the department of Art and Art History at the University of Saskatchewan and the larger creative ecology of the institution and the other communities we serve and participate within.

The 'Snelgrove' also stewards The Department of Art and Art History Collection, consisting of select works from graduating students and faculty. Art from the collection is displayed on a rotating basis throughout the Murray Building, the university library, a number of sites on campus and soon to be available for viewing online.

The gallery is located at 191 Murray Building on the University of Saskatchewan campus. In non COVID times, it is open Tuesday to Saturday, 9:30 am to 4:30pm and closed Sundays and holidays.