Certificate in Applied Gender Justice
Certificate Description
Students in Applied Gender Justice will learn to use mixed, qualitative, quantitative, community engaged, and creative methods. They will be trained to critically engage with the ways sexism, racism, colonialism, ableism, queerphobia, transphobia, and colonialism enable and facilitate micro and macroaggressions in a variety of environments. Students will acquire transferable skills that enhance their capacities to contribute to professional roles invested in equity, diversity, inclusion and decolonization, obtaining specialized credentialing that is vital to securing and upgrading for human services careers.
Program Requirements
- WGST 112.3 Introduction to Womens and Gender Studies
- WGST 375.3 Intersectional Gendered Analyses of Professional Life
Choose 9 credit units from the following:
- WGST 201.3 Images of Gender and Sexuality in Popular Culture
- WGST 210.3 Gendered Perspectives on Current Events
- WGST 265.3 Feminist Critical Disabilities Studies
- WGST 305.3 Geographies of Gender and Ecology
More Information
For more information about the certificate contact:
Undergraduate Program Chair
Dr. Rachel Loewen Walker
Email: rl.walker@usask.ca
To enroll in the certificate speak with an UGSO advisor:
Undergraduate Student Office
Located in the Arts Building, room 265
Email: student-advice@artsandscience.usask.ca
Tel: 306 966-4231