
Learn about the impact of changes in climate and land use on flooding and droughts. Use satellite images to study grassland productivity. Learn how urban design affects neighbourhood development in Saskatoon. Travel to the Czech Republic and discover the country's architecture and history. Use Geographic Information Systems to make maps. Learn about northern ecosystems and communities. Become accredited by the Canadian Institute of Planners or the Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of Saskatchewan.

If you are interested in these and other related areas, you have come to the right place.

The Department of Geography and Planning welcomes you and looks forward to working with you in the classroom, lab and field.


The Department of Geography & Planning provides a stimulating environment for exploring the nature and diversity of the Earth and its peoples. The undergraduate program includes training in water science, natural resources management, health and planning.


A Certificate in Geomatics can be taken in conjunction with any Three-year, Four-year or Honours degree in the College of Arts and Science, except the B.Sc. in Geography. This minor program will provide students with a strong and structured understanding of modern technologies employed in spatial data acquisition and analysis.

The certificate in Water Science can be taken in conjunction with any Three-year, Four-year or Honours degree in the College of Arts and Science, except the B.Sc. in Geography. The program is designed to provide students with a strong and structured physical understanding of hydrolical processes that affect the quantity and movement of surface and near-surface waters and the impacts of human activities on water supply and characteristics. Opportunities exist within the minor for students to explore atmosphere-land surface interactions through the application of Geographic Information Science technology in hydrolical modelling, to explore ecosystem interactions of water, and to better understand the linkages between water, landscape and climate. Students are trained in the fundamental background and key practical skills required to address the emerging water problems in Canada.

The new Urban Design Certificate offers a micro-credential to supplement your degree. It will appear on your transcript. Regional and Urban Planning (RUP) majors and Art and Art History majors, and students across campus, can take a suite of courses from Interdisciplinary Studies, Art, Geography, and Planning to complete this certificate (18-21 credit units). RUP majors can double-count the courses toward their Planning Major and toward the Urban Design Certificate.

Geography and Planning Courses

100 Level Courses 200 Level Courses 300 Level Courses
400 Level Courses 800 Level Courses 900 Level Courses

Get permission for a class

Permission/override/prerequisite waiver forms can be found online here.

To complete the regional geography requirement of your degree, a regional geography course will be offered in person in 2023 fall term.

  • GEOG 204.3 - Geography of Prairie Region

Students declaring their Major in Environmental Earth Sciences are encouraged to complete the following suite of courses within the first 60 credit units of their programs:

  • CHEM 112
  • EVSC 220
  • GEOG 120, 222, 225, 235, 290
  • GEOL 121
  • MATH 110, 116
  • PHYS 115
  • STAT 245 or PLSC 214

      (36 credit units)

ECON 348 and AREC 432 will be replaced by PLAN 481.3 (Fall Term) or PLAN 350 (Winter Term).

PLAN 491 Honour course - if your calendar year is prior to 2023-24 you are not required to take this course but can take it as an additional elective, with permission from the RUP Chair.