About Environment and Society

Complex issues such as climate change, population growth, pollution, and management of natural resources faced by our modern society require innovative and interdisciplinary solutions. Solving these issues requires an understanding of the natural sciences aspects of the problem derived from, for example, physical geography, hydrology, geology and soil science, but also insight into the social sciences and humanities aspects related to, for example,  sociology, political studies, economics, history and philosophy.  Environment and Society is an innovative combination of natural and social sciences in a new program structure (Bachelor of Arts and Science) that focuses on the interplay between humans and their environment.

Students in this program are asked to take a suite of courses across several disciplines with an organizing environmental theme. By taking courses from the natural sciences, social sciences, and humanities, students will develop an understanding of environmental science, resource management, environmental philosophy, policy, and environmental studies.

Majoring in Environment and Society

Students majoring in Environment and Society can choose one of the following degrees:

  • B.A. & Sc. Four-year
  • B.A. & Sc. Honours

Students who begin their studies in other colleges, such as Agriculture, may also enter these programs by transferring to the College of Arts & Science.

Contact Information

Dr. Krys Chutko

General Inquiries and Appointments
College of Arts & Science

Career Opportunities

A degree in Environment and Society leads to a career in areas such as environmental management, natural resource management and policy development. Potential employers are the federal and provincial governments or private industries such as natural resource-based companies and environmental consulting firms. In addition, graduates of the program are well prepared for graduate studies in areas related to the environment.

USask students can always refer to the SECC website for postings.