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- Klimina, Anna (2023) Reorienting the Institutionalist Analysis of State Capitalism in a Post-Socialist Context: The Vexed Case of Russia. Journal of Economic Issues, LVII (2): 613 - 620
- Klimina, Anna (2024) Silencing the Sirens: The Odyssey of Post-Keynesian Institutionalism in Revitalizing Capital Formation in Ukraine’s Post-War Economy. Journal of Economic Issues, LVIII (2): 495 – 502
- Liebenehm, S., Jaretzky, H., & Waibel, H. (2023). Extreme weather and agricultural management decisions among smallholder farmers in rural Thailand and Vietnam. Agricultural Economics, 1–30. Published online August 31, 2023. https://doi.org/10.1111/agec.12793
- Joshaghani, H., Morovati, M., Moshiri, S. and Rafizadeh, N. (2024), Fuel Subsidies, Smuggling, and Income Inequality. Journal of Regional Economics, forthcoming.
- Moshiri, S., Kheirandish, E. (2024), Global Impacts of Oil Price Shocks: The Trade Effect. Journal of Economic Studies, 51(1), PP 126, 144. https://doi.org/10.1108/JES-08-2022-0455.
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- S. Liebenehm, I. Schumacher and E. Strobl: Rainfall Shocks and Risk Aversion: Evidence from Southeast Asia. Published 20 June 2023 in American Journal of Agricultural Economics.
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- Klimina, Anna (2022) “Constructing an Economically Democratic Society in the Former Soviet Union: Post-Keynesian Institutionalist Insights in Historical Perspective” in A Modern Guide to Post-Keynesian Institutional Economics, edited by Charles Whalen, pp. 194 – 215: Cheltenham: Edward Elgar
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- Entezarkheir, M. and Moshiri, S. (2020). Innovation Spillover and Merger Decisions. Empirical Economics. Vol. 61(5), 2419-2448, November.
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- Klimina, Anna (2020) "When the cultural argument goes too far: the need to limit particularism and rephrase civilizational alternatives:, in How Social Forces Impact the Economy, edited by Steven Pressman, pp. 118 - 134, New York: Routledeg
- Klimina, Anna (2020) "Defining and Defending a Progressive Market Square: Bringing Institutionalist Development Discourse in Line with the Reality of Post-Soviet Transition Experiences", Journal of Economic Issues. LIV: 2: pp. 380 - 387
- Entezarkheir, M. and Moshiri, S. (2020). Innovation Spillover and Merger Decisions. Empirical Economics. Vol. 61(5), 2419-2448, November.
- Abdolshah, F., Moshiri, S., and Worthington, A. (2020), Macroeconomic Shocks and Credit risk Stress Testing the Iranian Banking Sector, Journal of Economic Studies, forthcoming.
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- Moshiri, S., and Daneshmand, A. (2020), "How Effective is Government Spending on Environmental Protection in a Developing Country?" Journal of Economic Studies, February, https://doi.org/10.1108/JES-12-2018-0458.
- Moshiri, S., Morrovat, H., Fallahi, F., Oskooie, M.R., and Doustizadeh, M. (2020). The Effects of Electricity Market Reform on the Electricity Price and the Market Structure, An Agent-Based Modelling Approach. Journal of Economic Research, 24, 81, 1-42.
- Shao, Enchuan and Kwabena Bediako (2020). The Impact of Return on Collateral in a Channel System, Economic Inquiry 58(3): 1314-1341.
- Janet Jiang and Shao, Enchuan, (2020). The Cash Paradox, Review of Economic Dynamics 36: 177-197.
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- Foley, Kelly, 2019. “The Gender Gap in University Enrollment: Do parents play a role beyond investing in skills?” Canadian Journal of Economics 52(2): 441-489.
- Klimina, Anna (2019) “Opening up Possibilities: Limiting Particularism and Welcoming Convergence on Socially Progressive Goals”, Journal of Economic Issues, 53 (2): 448 -455
- Klimina, Anna (2019) “Contextualizing women’s economic thought in late Imperial Russia and in the early years of Revolution: 1870-1920” In The Routledge Handbook of the History of Women’s Economic Thought, edited by Kirsten Madden and Robert Dimand, pp. 113 - 128, New York: Routledge
- Klimina, Anna (2019) “Placing Women’s Economics within Soviet Economic Discourse: 1920s – 1991” In The Routledge Handbook of the History of Women’s Economic Thought, edited by Kirsten Madden and Robert Dimand, pp. 325 - 340, New York: Routledge
- Weyori, A., Liebenehm, S. , and H. Waibel (2019): Returns to Livstock Disease Control - A Panel Data Analysis in Togo. European Review of Agricultural Economics 47(2): 654 - 683.
- Moshiri, S. and Martinez Santillan, Miguel (2018). Welfare Effects of Energy Price Changes due to Energy Market Reform in Mexico. Energy Policy. 113, 663-672.
- Entezarkheir, M. and Moshiri, S. (2018). Mergers and Innovation, Evidence from a Panel of U.S. Firms. Economics of Innovation and New Technology. 27 (2), 132-153.
- Pollak, Andreas (2019). Employment Insurance: Interregional Redistribution versus Pretection against Changing Labour Market Conditions, Canadian Public Policy, September 2019.
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- Jonathan Chiu, Mei Dong and Shao, Enchuan , (2018). On the Welfare Effects of Credit Arrangements, International Economic Review 59(3): 1621 - 1651.
- Klimina, Anna (2018) "An Unfortunate Alignment of Heterodoxy, Nationalism, and Authoritarianism in Putin’s Russia," Journal of Economic Issues, 52:2, 517-526
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- Moshiri, Saeed (2018) Trade and Labour Migration Effects on Oil-Macroeconomy Relationship, Energy Forum, International Association for Energy Economics, 3rd quarter.
- Moshiri, Saeed and Bakhshi Moghaddam (2018),The Effects of Oil Price Shocks in a Federation, the Case of Interregional Trade and Labour Migration, Energy Economics, forthcoming.
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- Liebenehm, S. and H. Waibel* (2014). Simultaneous Estimation of Risk and Time Preferences among Small-Scale Cattle Farmers in West Africa. American Journal of Agricultural Economics 96(5): 1420-1438.
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- Bruneau, Joel F. and Steven Renzetti (accepted). "A panel study of water recirculation in manufacturing plants", Canadian Water Resources Journal, Special Issue on Water Economics and Policy in Canada.
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- Klimina, Anna (2014) “Finding a positive vision for state capitalism” Journal of Economic Issues, Vol. XLVIII, No.2, pp. 421-429.
- Moshiri, S., H. Taie, and H. Pashazadeh (2014), "Determinants of Labour Force Participation in Iran,"Economic Research (Pajouhesh-ha-e Eghteshadi), forthcoming.
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- Kinsman, L., T. Rotter, K. Stevenson, B. Bath, D. Goodridge, L. Harrison, R. Dobson, Sari, N., C. Jeffery, C. Bourassa, G. Westhorp. “The largest Lean transformation in the world: the implementation and evaluation of Lean in Saskatchewan” Health Care Quarterly (in press)
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- Shao, Enchuan and Pedro Silos, (2013). Entry Costs and Labor Market Dynamics, European Economic Review, 63: 243 - 255.
- Bruneau, Joel , Diane Dupont, and Steven Renzetti . “Economic Instruments, Innovation, and Efficient Water Use” Canadian Public Policy, Volume 39, Supplement/numéro spécial, August/août 2013, pp. S11-S22
- Klimina, Anna (2013) “Placing the analysis of contemporary state capitalism within evolutionary discourse”Journal of Economic Issues, Vol. XLVII, No.2, pp. 545-553
- Moshiri, Saeed (2013), Energy Price Reform and Energy Efficiency in Iran, Energy Forum, International Association for Energy Economics (IAEE), spring.
- Moshiri, Saeed (2013), "The Effects of Energy Price Reform on Households Consumption in Iran," SSRN-USAEE Working Paper No. 13-142, Available at SSRN: http://ssrn.com/abstract=2333999 orhttp://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.2333999.
- Pollak, Andreas (2013): "Unemployment, Human Capital Depreciation, and Unemployment Insurance Policy," Journal of Applied Econometrics, Volume 28, Issue 5, August 2013, 840-863.
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- Foley, Kelly (2012) “Can neighbourhoods change the decisions of youth on the margins of university participation?” Canadian Journal of Economics, 45(1), 167-188.
- Klimina, Anna (2012) “The Significance of the Evolutionary-Institutionalist (Social Power) Approach to the Construction of the Market: The Case of Historically Backward Transition” Journal of Economic Issues, Vol. XLVI, No.2, pp. 383-392.
- Liebenehm, S., H. Affognon, and H. Waibel* (2011). Impact Assessment of Livestock Research and Development in West Africa: A Propensity Score Matching Approach. Quarterly Journal of International Agriculture 50(3): 253-266.
- Liebenehm, S., Affognon, H. and H. Waibel* (2011). Collective Livestock Research for Sustainable Disease Management in Mali and Burkina Faso. International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability 9(1): 212-221.
- Moshiri, S., F. Atabi, M. H. Panjeshahi, and S. Lechtenbohmer (2012), “Long Run Demand for Energy in Iran; A Scenario Analysis”, International Journal of Energy Sector Management, 6, 1. 120-144.
- Abdella, Abdou, and Moshiri, Saeed (2012), Economic and Social Profile of Emerging Economies, in “Private Equity in Emerging Markets: The New Frontiers of International Finance”, edited by Darek Klonowski, Palgrave McMillan.
- Moshiri, S., Sh. Bagheri, and H. Mousavi-Nik (2012), "An Estimation of Fiscal Policy Dominance in Iran Using a DSGE Model," Journal of Economic Growth and Development, 2, 5, 69-70, winter.
- Pollak, Andreas (2012): "Growth and Convergence when Technology and Human Capital are Complements," Economic Inquiry, Volume 51, Issue 1, January 2013, 31-45.
- Pollak, Andreas (2012): "Efficient Unemployment Insurance and the Cost of Borrowing," Economics Letters, Volume 116, Issue 2, August 2012, 136-138.
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- Hutian Ge, Cristina Echevarria, James Nolan and Richard Grey (2011). "Impact of U.S. cotton subsidies: a CGEM (computable general equilibrium model).” ICSSS (International Conference on Social Sciences and Society) Papers and Proceedings
- Howe, Eric (2011), Mishchet aen kishkayhtamikihk nawut ki wiichiihtonaan: Bridging the Aboriginal Education Gap in Saskatchewan. Saskatoon: Gabriel Dumont Institute. ISBN: 978-1-926795-06-5
- Klimina, Anna (2011) “The Futility of the Neoliberal Policy of Deliberate Market Construction and the Promise of an Institutionalist Alternative: The Case of Russia’s Authoritarian Transition” Journal of Economic Issues Vol. XLV, No.2, pp.411-420
- Klimina, Anna (2011) “Ideas of Constructed Market in Late Imperial Russia: Constructivist Liberalism of Peter Struve (1870 – 1944)”, Economics Bulletin, Vol. 31 no.3 pp. 2041-2052
- Moshiri, Saeed, and Wayne Simpson (2011), “Information Technology and the Changing Workplace in Canada; Firm Level Evidence,” Industry and Corporate Change, 20, 6, 1601-1636.
- Moshiri, Saeed and Farhad Maleki (2011), Testing for Efficiency Wage in Iran, Iranian Economic Review, 15, 28, 53-71.
- Sari, N., 2011. Exercise, physical activity and healthcare utilization: A review of literature for older adults.Maturitas 70(3): 285-289.
- Sari, N., 2011. Does physical exercise affect demand for hospital services? Evidence from Canadian panel data. In: PR. Guerrero, S. Kesenne, and BR. Humphreys (Eds) The Economics of Sport, Health and Happiness: The Promotion of Well-being through Sporting Activities, Northampton: Edward Elgar, pp. 81-100.
- Bruneau,Joel F., Steven Renzetti, and Michel Villeneuve (2010): “Self-selection bias and manufacturing firms’ demand for water recirculation”, Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics (forthcoming).
- Bruneau, Joel F. and Steven Renzetti (2010), “Water Use Intensity and the Composition of Production in Canada”, Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management 136(1): 72-79.
- Chaban, Maxym (2010): “Cointegration Analysis with Structural Breaks and Deterministic Trends: An Application to the Canadian Dollar,” Applied Economics 42, 3023-3037.
- Klimina, Anna (2010): On the Risks of Introducing Liberal Plan in a Traditionally Autocratic Society: the Case of Russia”, Journal of Economic IssuesVol. XLIV, No.2, pp.513-521 (2010).
- Klimina, Anna (2010): Book review of: Vincent Barnett and Joachim Zweynert, editors, “Economics in Russia: Studies in Intellectual History”. Burlington, VT: Ashgate, 2008, ISBN: 978-0-7546-6149-8, Journal of the History of Economic Thought, Volume 32, No. 1 (March 2010): pp.139-142.
- Moshiri, Saeed, and Abdella Abdou (2010): Privatization, Regulation, and Economic Growth in Developing Countries, the International Journal Interdisciplinary Social Sciences, Vol. 5, issue 3, PP 70-106.
- Moshiri, Saeed, and Somaie Nikpour (2010): International ICT Spillover, in "ICTs and Sustainable Solutions for the Digital Divide: Theory and Perspectives," edited b J. Steyn and G. Johanson, Information Science Reference, U.S.
- Moshiri, S., K. Pakizeh, M. Dabirian, and A. Jafari (2010): "Stock Returns and Inflation: A Wavelet Analysis in Tehran Stock Exchange (TSE)," Quarterly Iranian Economic Research, Vol. 43, issue 2, summer.
- Sari, N. 2010. A short walk a day shortens the hospital stay: Physical activity and the demand for hospital services for older adults. Canadian Journal of Public Health 101(5): 385-389
- Enchuan Shao, (2010). Credit Rationing and Endogenous Monetary Policy, Applied Economics Letters, 17(5): 437 - 443.
- Zhao, Jingang (2010): Why Are Firms Sometimes Unwilling to Reduce Costs? (with H. Wang), Journal of Economics 101 , 103-24.
- Bruneau, Joel F. , Darrell R. Corkal, Brenda Toth, Elise Pietroniro, and Garth Van der Kamp (2009), “Human Activities and Water Use in the South Saskatchewan River Basin,” Prairie Forum 34(1) :129-152.
- Bruneau, Joel F. and Echevarria, Cristina (2009): “Too poor to be green?” Journal of International Cooperation Studies, 16:1-22.
- Bruneau,Joel F. and Steven Renzetti (2009): “Greenhouse Gas Intensity in Canada: A Look at Historical Trends,” Canadian Public Policy 35(1):1-22.
- Bruneau, Joel F. and Andrew Schmitz (2009): “Identifying and Applying a Comparative Advantage Framework in Canadian Supply-Managed Agriculture: Response,” Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics 57, 165-168.
- Chaban, Maxym(2009): “Commodity Currencies and Equity Flows,” Journal of International Money and Finance 28, 836-852.
- Antonia Díaz and Cristina Echevarria (2009). “Why a fixed workweek?” The Journal of Socioeconomics39: 790-798.
- Foley, Kelly, 2009. Understanding Barriers to Educational Attainment Among Canadian Youth (Dissertation; University of British Columbia) 170 pages.
- Klimina, Anna (2009): Toward an Evolutionary-Institutionalist Concept of State Capture: The Relevance of Kaleckian Analysis of Non-Equilibrium Dynamics Journal of Economic Issues Vol. XLIII, No.2, pp. 371-380
- Abdou, A., Moshiri, S. (2009): "Privatization and Capital Formation in Developing Countries," International Review of Applied Economics, Nov. 2009.
- Sari, Nazmi (2009): “Physical Inactivity and its Impact on Healthcare Utilization,” Health Economics 18(8), 885-901.
- Shao, Enchuan (2009). Money and Barter Under Private Information, The BE Journal of
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- Zhao, JIngang (2009): Necessary and Sufficient Conditions for the Optimal Number of Firms, Journal of Economics 98, 235–46.
- Zhao, Jingang (2009): "Estimating Costs by Merger Preconditions", Theory and Decision, 66, 373-399.
- Zhao, Jingang (2009): "On the Efficiency of Indirect Taxes in Differentiated Oligopolies with Asymmetric Costs" (with H. Wang), Journal of Economics 96, 223-239.
- Michael Katz, Bruneau, Joel F. and Andrew Schmitz (2008): “Identifying and Applying a Comparative Advantage Framework in Canadian Supply-Managed Agriculture,” Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics, 56, 129-143.
- Chartrand, Harry : “Compleat Multilateral Intellectual Property Rights Series Agreements, Conventions & Treaties 1883 – 2008.” The three volumes include: 1. “The Compleat Multilateral Copyright & Related Agreements, Conventions, Covenants & Treaties 1886-2007”, March 2007, ISBN 978-0-9689523-5-1; 2. “The Compleat Multilateral Patent & Related Agreements, Conventions & Treaties 1883-2008”, July 2008, ISBN 978-0-9689523-7-5; and, 3. “The Compleat Multilateral Trademark & Industrial Design Agreements, Conventions & Treaties 1883-2008”, August 2008, ISBN 978-0-9689523-6-8.
- Echevarria, Cristina (2008): “International Trade and the Sectoral Composition of Production,” Review of Economic Dynamics 11, 192-206
- Klimina, Anna (2008): On Misuse of the term “Institutionalist” in the analysis of Russian academic economics of the late 19th and early 20th centuries: the case of Michail Tugan-Baranovsky (1865-1919) Economic Bulletin, Vol.2, No. 2, pp. 1-9
- Klimina, Anna (2008): "Veblenian Concept of Habit and Its Relevance to the Analysis of Captured Transition", Journal of Economic Issues, Vol. XLII, No.2, pp. 545-552.
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- Moshiri, S. and Forough Seifi (2008), Nonlinear Dynamics in Exchange Rate, Iranian Economic Review, 21
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- Pollak, Andreas (2008): “Optimal Unemployment Insurance with Variable Skill Levels,” Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics, 164, 696–726.
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- Bruneau, Joel F. and Steven Renzetti (2007): “Micro-economic analysis of the factors influencing water recirculation decisions by Canadian manufacturing firms”, Report to Environment Canada.
- Lawrence Martz, Bruneau, Joel F. and Terry Rolfe (2007): Climate Change and Water Resources in the South Saskatchewan River Basin,
- Lawrence Martz, Bruneau, Joel F. and Terry Rolfe “Chapter 4: Methodology”, pp. 23-30.
- Bruneau, Joel F. “Chapter 9, Economic Value of Water in the South Saskatchewan River Basin”, pp. 111-192.
- Bruneau, Joel F. and Terry Rolfe, “Chapter 10 The Rationale for a Scenario-Driven Approach within a Socio-Economic Framework”, pp. 193-206.
- Bruneau, Joel F. and Brenda Toth “Chapter 11 Dove-Tailed Physical and Socioeconomic Results in the SSRB”, pp., 207-236.
- Bruneau, Joel F. and Brenda Toth “Chapter 12 Impact of Economic Development on Water Resources in the SSRB under Climate Change: A Tale of Three Cities”, pp. 237-244.
- Lawrence Martz, Joel Bruneau and Terry Rolfe, “Chapter 13 Conclusions and Recommendations”, pp. 245 -254.
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- Rokon Bhuiyan and Robert F. Lucas (2007): “Real and Nominal Effects of Monetary Policy Shocks,” Canadian Journal of Economics, Volume 40, No. 2, pp. 679-702.
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- Moshiri, Saeed, H. Morovat (2007), Forecasting TEPIX using non linear models, Business Research, 41
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- Pollak, Andreas (2007): “Optimal Unemployment Insurance with Heterogeneous Agents,” European Economic Review, Volume 51, Issue 8, 2029-2053.
- Pollak, Andreas (2007): Optimal Unemployment Insurance (Disseration; Mohr-Siebeck, Tübingen, 2007) 178 pages.
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- Sari, Nazmi (2007): “A Discussion on Alternative Reimbursement Schemes and Health care Utilization in Turkey (in Turish),” Iktisat, Isletme ve Finans (Journal of Economy, Business and Finance), April 2007: 5-17.
- X. Henry Wang and Zhao, Jingang (2007): “Welfare reductions from small cost reductions in differentiated oligopoly,” International Journal of Industrial Organization, vol. 25(1), pp. 173-185.
- Altman, Morris (2006): Labour Market Theory and Policy for the New Millenium: The Economics of High Wage Competitive Labor Markets. M.E. Sharpe Publishers, Armonk, New York.
- Altman, Morris and Lonnie Goldman (2006): “The Economics of Flexible Work Scheduling: Theoretical Advances and Contemporary Paradoxes,” Beth Rubin, ed., Research in the Sociology of Work; Workplace Temporalities, Vol. 17, 40 pp.
- Altman, Morris (2006): “Involuntary Unemployment, Macroeconomic Policy, and a Behavioral Model of the Firm: Why High Real Wages Need Not Cause High Unemployment,” Research in Economics, Vol. 60, 97-111.
- Chaban, Maxym (2006) “Real variables and the real exchange rate: The importance of traded goods in the transmission mechanism.” Economics Bulletin, Vol. 6, No. 1, pp. 1-7.
- Chaban, Maxym 2006. Real Exchange Rate, Productivity, and the Terms of Trade. Ph.D. dissertation, Victoria: Univeristy of Victoria, 139 pp.
- Howe, Eric C. (2006): "Saskatchewan with an Aboriginal Majority: Education and Entrepreneurship," Public Policy Paper #44, Saskatchewan Institute of Public Policy, September 2006, ISBN 0-7731-0582-4.
- Moshiri, Saeed, and F. Foroutan (2006), Forecasting Nonlinear Crude Oil Futures Prices, the Energy Journal, Vol. 27, No. 4, 83-98
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- Altman, Morris (2005): “Reconciling Altruistic, Moralistic, and Ethical Behavior with the Rational Economic Agent and Competitive Markets,” Journal of Economic Psychology, Vol. 26: 732-757
- Altman, Morris (2005): “Behavioral Economics, Rational Inefficiencies, Fuzzy Sets, and Public Policy,” Journal of Economic Issues 34 (3), pp.1-24.
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- Bruneau,Joel F. “A Note on Permits, Standards, and Technological Innovation” Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, doi:10.1016/j.jeem.2004.01.002.
- Alberto Alonso, Echevarria, Cristina and Kien Tran (2004). "Long-Run Economic Performance and the Labour Market." Southern Economic Journal 79 (4): 905-919.
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- Sepehri, A. and Moshiri, S. (2004), Inflation-Growth Profiles across Countries: Evidence from Developing and Developed Countries, International Review of Applied Economics, Vol. 18, No. 2, April, 191-207
- Moshiri, S., and L. Brown (2004), Unemployment Variation over the Business Cycles: A Comparison of Forecasting Models, Journal of Forecasting, 23, 497-511
- de Castro, S., F. Newman, G. Mills, Sari, N., 2004. “Economic Evaluation of Suicide Prevention Programs for Young Adults in Florida”, The Business Review, Cambridge, December 2004, 3(1): 14-20.
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