Women’s and Gender Studies (WGST) is an innovative, interdisciplinary program that explores human behaviour, institutions, culture, politics, and social issues. Students will examine current and historical events, theories, and movements related to gender and sexuality, race and Indigeneity, class relations, disability, and other areas, building skills in critical thinking, gender-based analysis, anti-oppressive research, and equity, diversity, and inclusion.

CBC Saskatchewan

New program at U of Sask. focusing on queer theory, gender diversity and sexualities 

"As a queer person, I felt it was very important for me to offer to the students something that would allow them to understand themselves, understand the world around them," said Dr. Alessio Ponzio (PhD)

USask graduate student examines how journalists talk about female politicians

"I am very proud to be receiving my MA in women’s, gender, and sexualities studies," says USask alumna Erin Pillipow

Global Saskatoon: Women's and gender studies professor discusses International Women's Day 

Marie Lovrod answers questions about women's issues and the #MeToo movement