
             Dr. Yin Liu, Head, Department of English

9:35 - 10:45    PANEL 1: 
                        Chair: TBD


11:10-12:10    PANEL 2: 
                        Chair: TBD




Maheen Abbas

Maheen is a graduating English Honours student with a minor in Psychology. Her literary interests include postcolonial and diaspora literatures. She is also the communications leader of the English Undergraduate Student Society.

Becca Andelyn

Becca Andelyn (she/they) is in her fourth year of a BA Honours Degree in English, with a focus in proto-feminist narratives of medieval mythologies. Becca currently serves as the President of the English Undergraduate Society, works as a Legal Assistant, and intends to continue her literary studies next year in grad school. 

Elisabeth Bauman

English major, Classical Medieval, and Renaissance Studies minor. She plans to pursue further studies in English literature, teaching, or conflict resolution studies. She enjoys reading, baking, and playing piano.

Arin Bear

Arin is from Treaty 6 territory and nearing the end of Bachelor of Arts Honours degree in English with a minor in Psychology, and is planning to continue studying through a Master’s degree. They have taken an interest in Indigenous, women’s, and queer issues in literature.

Ben Jorgenson

Ben will complete his B.A. Honours in English this spring. His literary interests are diverse, but primarily consist of modern and postmodern literature.

Ollie Risling

Ollie is completing a Bachelor of Arts Honours degree in English with a minor in Women's and Gender studies. They are interested in horror fiction and creative writing, and hope to write a book someday.

Jessie Warkentine

Jessie is in her final year of her BA Honours in English. She has a special interest in Queer and Sexualities studies, as well as Gothic fiction, and is intending to further study these topics with her Master's research this following fall.