Research supervision

For a thesis-based M.Sc. and a Ph.D. degree, the student will conduct research normally supervised by a research supervisor. For information on research groups and research interests of our faculty members, see the"Research" item in the top menu.

Current Requirments

  • MSc - 15 cu of courses as approved by the Advisory Committee
  • PhD – at least 9 cu of courses as approved by the Advisory Committee

Core courses

Students are expected to take certain core courses. The department is committed to offering these core courses annually, or at least biannually, depending on demand.

MSc Requirements

  • MATH 862
  • MATH 863.3 (Noncommutative Algebra)
  • MATH 875.3 (Functional Analysis)
  • MATH 876 (Operator Theory)
  • MATH 882 (Algebraic Topology I)
  • MATH XXX (General Topology)

In consultation with the Advisory Committee, 12 cu from the list and 3 cu of elective courses 

PhD Requirements

  • MATH 862
  • MATH 863.3 (Noncommutative Algebra)
  • MATH 875.3 (Functional Analysis)
  • MATH 876 (Operator Theory)
  • MATH 882 (Algebraic Topology I)
  • MATH XXX (General Topology)

In consultation with the Advisory Committee, 9 cu from the list, plus any additional cu as required by the Advisory Committee.