Dr. Romain Chareyron

Edited book
2022: Trans Identities in the French Media: Representation, Visibility, Recognition. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books. 196pp.
Book Chapter
2022: "Scratching the Surface: For a reappraisal of Violence in Contemporary French Cinema", The Palgrave Handbook of Violence in Film and the Media. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave MacMillan, pp.229-257.
2022: “Introduction. Trans Identities in the French Media”, Trans Identities in the French Media: Representation, Visibility, Recognition. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, pp.1-21.
2021: “Créer pour mieux voir: Image(s) du sida et enjeux de la representation dans 120 battements par minute.” Hybrida – Special issue: SIDA/S-40 ans, n°3: pp.35-60.
2021: “Le Handicap dans le cinéma français contemporain: Quelles images? Quels discours?” Nouvelles études francophones, 36(1-2): pp.9-28.
2022: “Au revoir là-haut: Spectacularisation de la différence et regard critique sur le handicap dans la France d’après-guerre”, NeMLA 2022, Baltimore, MD, March 10-13, 2022.
2021: “Isabelle Huppert à l’écran: le trouble comme mode d’existence”, Women in French – “Femmes dérangées, femmes dérangeantes”, Maynooth University, May 6-9, 2021.
2021: “Adolescence and Disability: The (Slowly) Changing Face of French Television”, NeMLA 2021, March 10-14, 2021.
Dr. Tania Duclos

2022: "Balzac et les théories du luxe et de l’élégance à l’épreuve de l’androgyne féminin", Femmes et Luxe, perspectives littéraires, edited by Soundouss El Kettani, Isabelle Tremblay, Presses Universitaires de Rennes. pp. 151-164.
2022: "Genèse et effets de l’intertexte balzacien", Colloque Balzac et les disciplines du savoir, Cerisy, August 25, 2022.
2021: "Les voix de Lélia : le corps dans la parole", Colloque de l’Association canadienne d’études francophones du XIXe siècle, May 21, 2021.
Public talk
2021: Contribution to the podcast Victorian Samplings, Season 1, episode 9, “Fashion Plates”, July 3, 2021.
2020: "Balzac’s Gaudissart II: Waterloo fought inside a boutique", Crafting Communities roundtable on “Material Connections Between French and British 19th-Century Literature”, November 13, 2020.
Dr. Stella Spriet

2023: "Le Spectaculaire et la Contemplation: Regard, parole et silence au 17e siècle", Colloque international organisé par l’Université de Saskatchewan, l’Université Sorbonne-nouvelle et le CIR 17 (Centre International de Rencontres sur le 17e siècle), May 18-20, 2023.
Dr. Julio Torres-Recinos

Teaching Award
On March 26, 2022, Pr Julio Torres-Recinos was awarded the Teaching Excellence Award. Selected by students, the Teaching Excellence Award recognizes those who have demonstrated enthusiasm, organization and fairness in evaluation, providing exceptional commitment and support to their classrooms.
More information on the USSU Teaching Excellence Awards
Books of poetry
2019: La Voz del Viento. San Salvador: Chifurnia Libros. 75 pp.
2019: Nebunul, tristul / El loco, el triste (Poezii Alese / poesía selecta). Translated by Carolina Ilica. Bucharest: Editura Academiei Internationale Orient-Occiden. 93 pp. (Bilingual book with poems in Spanish and Romanian)
2019: Cuando los hombres fuertes lloran de Carmen Delia de Suárez, relectura de una novela salvadoreña olvidada”. Revista Canadiense de Estudios Hispánicos, Vol. 44, n°1, Otoño 2019, pp.67-85.
2022 (forthcoming): “Cuando anoche”, “Yo no te voy a olvidar”. In Honeycombs: Universal Poetry Anthology, Bucarest: Editura Academiei Internationale Orient-Occident. (2 poems)
2022 (forthcoming): “Las montañas de mi país”, “Explicando, entendiendo”. In Poesys 25, Bucarest: Editura Academiei Internationale Orient-Occident. (2 poems)
2022: “Las montañas de mi país” / “Les montagnes de mon pays”; “Nubes negras” / “Nuages noirs”; “No habrá muerte” / “Il n’y aura mort”; “Los días que vendrán” / “Les jours à venir”. In Attaques n°4, March 2022. Translated by Marie-Christine Seguin. pp. 312-15. (4 poems)
2022: “Botín y pillaje”. In La paz no se logra solo con el deseo. Ed. by Otoniel Guevara. Proyecto Editorial la Chifurnia: San Salvador. pp. 26-7.
2020: J. Torres-Recinos. “Confinamiento”. The Appostles Review, n°24, Spring/Summer 2020, p.28.