Lab Booking Policies


All bookings of the Arts & Science computer lab facilities are restricted to the faculty and staff of the College of Arts & Science for active academic teaching, course work and labs only. Due to the high demand on our labs, we are no longer able to book for groups, faculty or staff outside the College of Arts & Science.

The Arts & Science Computer Labs have three labs available for bookings: Arts 140, Arts 41, and Physics 6. Please take the time to go over the following guidelines. These guidelines have been put in place in order to ensure the labs are available for our students as much as possible.

All requests are processed on a first come, first serve basis. During high demand periods, time limitations may need to be imposed.

Labs should be booked for no more than 3 hours in a row. All booked labs must have an instructor or teaching assistant in attendance. Absolutely no food or drink is allowed in the labs.

Please inform us of your lab request well in advance of your intended date, minimum at least one week in advance. If you require special requests such as having software installed, a minimum of two week's notice is required to allow time for the software to be correctly installed and tested. It is the responsibility of the person making the booking (or his/her delegate) to provide proof that any required software being installed is licensed for use in the labs. Software can not be installed unless proof of license is given. Instructors are also requested to test their software in the lab well ahead of time to ensure that it performs as expected. We cannot be responsible for the performance of software brought in at the last minute and/or not tested in the lab.

Please use the following online form to make your request:

Book an Arts & Science Computer Lab

Your request will be reviewed by Arts & Science IT staff, to ensure that no conflict exists. If there are no conflicts, email confirmation will be sent to the requestor.

Please note: The Arts & Science computer lab facilities are used for a large number of classes and are also critical to students for "drop in" use in support of their academic pursuit so Arts & Science IT staff may need to limit the amount of bookings for any one group or class if it starts interfering with access for others.

Booking changes and cancellations should be emailed to as soon as possible. A change or cancellation may free up resources needed by someone else. The sooner a change is requested, the sooner Arts & Science IT can determine if it can be accommodated.

Please also check the Booking Technical Details page to help us ensure that all technical details of your booking are taken care of.

IT Support

Current Computer Availability

Free / Total
Arts 140
booked until 11:00pm
Arts 41
43 / 43
Geology 141
13 / 13
Graduate Students Lab (139 Arts)
8 / 8
Physics 6
27 / 27