Lab Booking Technical


Please use the Arts & Science Lab Booking Form to request a lab booking. Please include the name and contact information for the person in charge of technical details for your event/class, or the primary event contact person if no technical co-ordinator exists. Our staff can then contact the technical co-ordinator to handle the details described below. This will help ensure that the event/class runs as smoothly as possible.


All attendants will need to have accounts for logging into the Arts & Science Computer Labs. If ALL people who will need access are UofS faculty, staff, and/or students, they will already have access to log into the computers in the Arts & Science computer labs. Otherwise, alternative "demo" accounts may be required. Please note, "demo" accounts do not have the ability to print, and no printing credits can be added to these accounts.

Software/Data Files:

We will need to know exactly what software will be used in the presentation/demonstration. We may or may not have all of this software installed currently. A minimum of two week's notice is required to guarantee that we have time to get any needed software installed and tested. All software being used on the Arts & Science computers MUST be licensed, as per University of Saskatchewan policies. This means that software (or at least temporary licenses) may need to be purchased. We must also be made aware of any data files which are going to be needed by attendants. Any files that needed to be used by all attendants, should either be available on the Internet, or can be placed on a shared network drive by IT staff given enough notice.

IT Support

Current Computer Availability

Free / Total
Arts 140
booked until 11:00pm
Arts 41
43 / 43
Geology 141
13 / 13
Graduate Students Lab (139 Arts)
8 / 8
Physics 6
27 / 27