Terms of Reference:

Travel and Research Awards are generally reserved for Indigenous Studies graduate and honours students to support travel to diseminate their research at conferences and community events related to Indigenous Studies, and in some cases, to support research travel.

Some special case undergraduate applications will also be considered.

Awards are adjudicated three times per year*: once in the fall semester, once in the winter, and once in the Spring/Summer for travel that falls within these time periods.  (Fall: travel from September 1-December 31; Winter: January 1-April 30; Spring/Summer: May 1-August 31)

Application Deadlines:

  • Fall Term: September 30
  • Winter Term: January 31
  • Spring/Summer Term: May 31


  1. Student must be enrolled in the Indigenous Studies Graduate Program; or must be an undergraduate student majoring in Indigenous Studies.
  2. Student must use the funds to travel to a conference to present research, attend a conference for professional development, or to conduct graduate research.
  3. Student must submit a completed application package before the deadline in the semester in which travel will take place.  This packages includes:
    1. The  Application for Travel and Research Award form;
    2. A current, unofficial transscript;
    3. The student's conference proposal and letter of acceptance from the conference organizer (if presenting research) or a letter from the student explaining the purpose and relevance of travel with details about research plans or professional development.
  4. Awards may be paid before or after travel takes place.  In each case, the student must be registered in their program in the term they receive payment.
  5. The student must inform the department of travel cancellations.  In the event that the award has been pre-paid the student will have to reimburse the Department for the total amount of the award.

*Applicants are limited to one award per academic year and all awards are subject to Department budgetary considerations.