MA Theses

KOLEN, Krishna Alexandria (M.A.) “Environmental Drivers And Health Impacts Of Drought-Induced Poor Air Quality in Saskatchewan, Canada” (September 2024) Co-Supervisors: Drs Krys Chutko and Corinne Schuster-Wallace.

LU, Michael (M.A.) “Understanding The Determinants of X-Minute City Policies And The Differences And Barriers To Achieving X-Minute City Policies” (March 2024) Supervisor:  Dr. Ehab Diab.

MSc Theses

ARMSTRONG, Lucas Jack (M.Sc.) “Assessing And Reconstructing Community-Scale Weather Variability At Okanese First Nation” (February 2024) Supervisor: Dr. Krys Chutko.

AROSEMENA DE GRACIA, Ariel Alexander (M.Sc.) “Understanding Perceived Barriers And Enablers To Using Public Transport For Different Groups Of Users” (August 2024) Co-Supervisors: Drs Ehab Diab and Jill Blakley.

ASANTE, Silas Obeng (M.Sc.) “Assessing Biomass Energy Resource Potential Near Pelican Narrows, Northern Saskatchewan” (June 2024) Supervisor: Dr. Bram Noble.

GHASEDI KATIKLAHIJANI, Meisam (M.Sc.) “Analysis Of The Relationship Between Reliability Factors And Transit Ridership At Route and Stop Levels” (August 2024) Supervisor: Dr. Ehab Diab.

GROFF, Terava E. (M.Sc.) “A Field Examination Of Snowmelt Infiltration Into Sloping Frozen Soils In The Canadian Rockies” (July 2024) Supervisor: Dr. John Pomeroy.

ISLAM, S M Didar-UI (M.Sc.) “Assessing Community Bioenergy Development Potential in Northern and Remote Indigenous Communities” (June 2024) Supervisor: Dr. Bram Noble.

PhD Theses

APATINGA, Gervin Ane (Ph.D.) “ “Untapped Connections”: The Impact of Water (In) Accessibility And Distant Water Collection On Women’s Health And Livelihoods In Rural Northern Ghana” (May 2024) Supervisors: Drs Corinne Schuster-Wallace and Sarah Dickson-Anderson.

BERTONCINI, Andre (Ph.D.) “Using Enhanced Observations To Improve Streamflow Prediction In Cold Mountain River Basins” (March 2024) Supervisor: Dr. John Pomeroy.

FIELD, Brennan Brian (Ph.D.) “The Mobility of Police-Citizen Interactions Open Data (June 2024)  Supervisor: Dr. Jill Blakley.

SOUBRY, Irini (Ph.D.) “Monitoring Shrub Encroachment And Its Influencing Factors In Canadian Grasslands With Remote Sensing” (May 2024) Supervisor: Dr. Xulin Guo.