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Intersex Identities
This podcast episode (with slides) discusses the intersex identity, what it means, Canadian intersex case law and its importance, and some recommendations on representation.
Hearing their Voices
A webpage highlighting research findings on teacher and student opinions on the Government of Saskatchewan's 2023 Bill 137 or "Parents Rights Bill"
Trans Sask Community Report Summary
A set of slides summarizing key findings and recommendations from Two-spirit, Trans, Non-binary and Gender Non-Conforming people in SK, intended for social media.
Pride and Gender Zine: Sask Trans Living
A Zine issue on navigating life as a trans person within the heart of the Prairies.
Indigi-Queer History Podcast
This podcast episode dives into Cree two-spirit history and pre-contact culture, as well as the three hosts' experiences growing up Cree and queer, with a positive note for the fut...
Representations of Gender in Advertising
A YouTube video culture jamming ridiculous media portrayals of gender roles and stereotypes in advertising, through presenting gender role reversals.