Clinical Psychology Program Executive Committee (CEC)

The CEC is very active in all aspects of clinical psychology program administration and is the final arbiter in program decisions.

Some of these activities include serving a curriculum evaluation and planning function, active participation in the comprehensive examination process, reviewing program applications and making admissions recommendations, conducting annual student evaluations, and monitoring student progress.

Please see Clinical Executive Committee Terms of Reference for more information.

Student Input in Clinical Program Governance and Role of Student Representatives

Benefits of being active in program governance.

Students who participate and contribute actively in the program gain valuable administrative experience. Their contributions can be recognized in letters of reference for internships and post-graduation employment. They may gain a sense of empowerment as they see that their efforts contribute to continuous maintenance and improvement of quality in clinical psychology training.  They may learn about issues in training that will be helpful in their own later role as instructor, supervisor, or administrator in training programs. They may gain satisfaction from serving as advocates for their fellow students.

Student representatives and their role.

One of the ways for students to participate is to serve as a student representative.  One student represents Years 1-2 and another student represents Years 3 and up in the program.  The main functions of the student representatives are as follows:

  1. Act as a liaison between the graduate students they represent and the Program administration. This liaison role includes summarizing and presenting student views to the Clinical Program Executive Committee (CPEC), and also includes communicating information received through Executive meetings back to the students. Representatives can make use of various communication methods to accomplish this liaison work (e.g., the clinical graduate students' listserv, the clinical program listserv, meetings, surveys, phoning trees, etc.).
  2. Participate as voting members of the CPEC.
  3. When communicating student views (including suggestions, concerns, etc.) to the DCT and/or the CPEC, student representatives will keep the sources of such views anonymous so that all students will feel free to express any concerns to the program administration through their representatives.
  4. Participate in review of draft policies, announcements, agendas, and other communications within the clinical program.

Selection or election of representatives.

The method of selecting a student representative (whether by volunteering, appointment by a student organization, or direct election) is normally left to the respective classes of students. The term of office is one academic year (September to August), renewable for one additional year.

Other ways of introducing input from students.

This list is intended to offer options for enhancing student participation and input; not all of these will be implemented at any one time.
  1. Individual meetings between DCT and each student in the program, to assess progress and obtain feedback on program issues
  2. 'Town hall' or community meetings of the entire program to discuss issues openly - once a year or once a term.
  3. Discussion of issues on e-mail listservs.
  4. Evaluation forms for classes, practica, and research supervision.
  5. Student committees to address issues of concern to students and make recommendations to faculty.
  6. Program evaluation surveys with responses compiled anonymously.

Responsibilities of Director of Clinical Psychology Training (DCT)

Some of these responsibilities are normally delegated to other clinical psychology faculty members or to department staff, with the DCT remaining accountable to the Department Head for supervision of these functions. 

Program administration

  1. Chair meetings of Clinical Psychology Executive Committee and maintain minutes
  2. Draft, revise, finalize and advertise policies and procedures, obtaining external approval where needed
  3. Participate as a member of the departmental Graduate Committee
  4. Liaison with student representatives
  5. Accreditation:  applications and annual reports to CPA, APA, including reports on 'monitoring items'
  6. On-campus relationships: Psychology Dept, Arts & Science, Grad Studies, VPA, Health Sciences Deans
  7. External relationships: Saskatoon Health Region, U of R, Sask College of Psychologists, CCPPP, APPIC, CUDCP
  8. Program development & long-term planning
  9. Problem resolution


  1. Recruitment & search subcommittee
  2. Support of faculty in promotion, tenure, renewal of probation, merit
  3. Professional affiliate & adjunct faculty: nomination & communication
  4. Informal support of faculty


  1. Recruitment
  2. Admissions §
  3. Registration & advising
  4. Annual review of students: provide input to Graduate Committee
  5. Application for internship: advising, feedback on draft AAPI, preparation of Verification of Readiness
  6. Financial support: coordination with Graduate Chair
  7. Completion of CGSR Forms for Transfer to PhD, Program of Studies
  8. Informal support of students


  1. Clinical course teaching assignments
  2. Coordination with complementary faculty re: non-clinical courses required for our students: 
    PSY 805, 806, 807, 811, 880, 881
  3. Practicum: identification of placements; matching of students; receipt of evaluations
  4. Internship: contact with external internship directors at mid-term and end of internship
  5. Comprehensive examinations: approval of case presentation synopses, arranging oral exams, communicating results to Dept and College, planning for remediation where needed
  6. Clinical Psychology Case Seminar Series